Chapter Five - Surrounded but strong!

The loud sound of crunching leaves was heard in the forest every second as a shadow passed nearby. A minute later, the sounds of screeching and howling approached as small green figures charged in the same direction of the previous passerby.

These figures clutched stone spears, hatchets or daggers chattered like little monkies, dodging the trees, some were on the ground, some in the trees.

"Screech!" One of the green creatures spoke some guttural jumble of sounds as it spotted a footprint in the mud. Letting the other's gain knowledge on the direction their prey had taken.

The others slammed the butts of their weapons against the ground or trees, gradually spreading through the whole forest as a roar erupted, causing birds to fly away and animals to run to shelter.

"Dum! Dum! Dum!" The sound had reached the figure who was resting against a birch tree, breathing heavily.

"God!" He muttered.

"Goddamnit, System! What are these goddamn creatures!" Jamaal said in his head. Clutching his bleeding leg as he broke off the top of the arrow that had pierced into him, before putting it away into his inventory so that the monsters that were following him didn't know where he was.

[Species Data Sheet:

[Species Name: Goblins

Species-Level: 1

Species Diet: Carnivorous

Species Unique Traits: Night Vision, Claws, Sharp Teeth, Excellent Sense of smell.

Species Possible Classes: Fighter, Guard, Chieftain, Mage, Archer, Healer etc.

Typical Health: 10/10

Species Stats:

Strength: 4

Agility: 10

Endurance: 3

Intelligence: 2

Species Details: The Goblin race is a race primarily found in forests, jungles, and habitats typically scarce from intelligence life. They are extremely weak when alone. However, due to their nature of sticking together, they are usually found in massive hordes with a leader to keep them safe.

Although known for their destructive nature, Goblins protect the forest due to it being their place of residence, keeping it clear from any creature that dares to interrupt the food chain. Although they protect the forest, Goblins leave trails of mass destruction when hunting. They do this because they have to feed a vast populous which typically numbers into the thousands.]

"Wait. GOBLINS? Like the tiny green things that kill everything?" Jamaal asked, eyes widening in shock as he began running again, trying quite hard to ignore the sounds of creatures in the distance; The drums sounding, the horns blown around the forest, weapons slamming into nature as a way of post-war communication.

"What the hell are they doing that for?" He asked the System. Just barely dodging a fallen tree that appeared from the darkness.

[It is their way of telling the horde that an intruder has arrived into the forest and has enough strength to endanger the food chain.]

"But I'm only level 1! And only one person, how will I be able to change the goddamn food chain?!" Jamaal asked, jumping over the rotting branches of an elm tree that had probably fallen a long time ago. Dread filling him as the sounds of goblins inched closer by the second.

[This is due to you having the System, they can detect the System. Well. One of them can. The Chieftain.] The System seemed to say this proudly, to which Jamaal rolled his eyes.

"Alright then, why the hell can the chieftain detect the system?" He asked, not looking back at all.

[Because the host is too weak to mask the System's presence.]

"Oh... Ok." The teen had already come to accept him being weak and didn't think much of it.

"Well, how am I supposed to escape then, or am I supposed to die again?? I won't let that happen so System? You have to help me. I mean it." It was at this point when the System reminded him.

[The System would like to remind the host to view your achievement rewards.]

"Achievement rewards? What, when?" Jamaal paused, glancing at the top right of his peripheral vision to see a box containing a what seemed like an envelope with a red 'one' on the top-right corner.

"You couldn't have told me??" He retorted, frustrated. In the past few days, whenever Jamaal was sleeping, he would always hunt animals to gain Exp, helping him grow more powerful.

[Name: Jamaal

Level: 2

Class: None

Title: None

Experience: 70/100

Health: 140/140

Mana: 5/5


Strength: 10

Agility: 7

Endurance: 7

Intelligence: 5

Stat points: 0 ]

"I will grow stronger. I will live and survive. I will fight against those who fought against me and win." Seeing the growth in strength in his stats, Jamaal clenched his fists tightly, though too busy staring at the sheets, Jamaal tripped.

"Oh god," Jamaal fell onto the ground, cursing as he looked back, only to see the cause of the sounds which had spread. The Goblins.

"Daan akorthaar man rhaac dhuuc!" The Goblins roared, cheering extremely aggressively as they raised and pointed their weapons towards Jamaal.

"Bum! Bum!" The drums were hit as the rowdy Goblins parted to let a bigger goblin, about three metres tall and extremely fat, through. Its body jiggled each time it took a resounding step. The creature had viciously sharp teeth that glinted from the light. The goblin clutched a halberd, probably stolen as was seen from the crest of a double-headed bird imprinted quite deeply into the blade of the weapon.

Around the head of this vile and disgusting figure were feathers, showing off a high ranking or place in the primitive Goblin society.

[Level 5 boss has entered your vicinity.]

Name: The Mal'daac Chieftain].

"Well shoot," Jamaal exclaimed, looking at the new entrance in a mix of fear and anger.

"You have caused me to be on the run for so many days. I won't let you off, even if I die, I will inflict substantial harm upon you." He smiled, a calm smile it was. He knew he wasn't going to get out at all. So he could only fight, and he would fight, after all, he wouldn't go down without murdering some of these b*stards!

"Come and get me," Jamaal said, getting up and summoning the sword from his inventory.

"Come and die!" He got into a defensive stance and waited.

"If I can kill enough of these Goblins, I should be able to level up. My health automatically becomes full each time I do so if I can perhaps reach level 4 or 5. I might be able to kill that Chieftain," Jamaal thought, glancing at the most dangerous enemy in the horde that had surrounded him.

The Goblin Chieftain let out a chuckle, its whole body trembling as it glared at the intruder in front of him.

"O... Dech draal!" It growled, pointing its halberd at Jamaal in an aggressive manner.

Jamaal smirked, even though he couldn't understand what the Chieftain was saying, he could still get the gist of it.

"I will die, probably. But you're going down with me," Jamaal glared, clenching the sword as he took one deep breath and a shaky step forward.