Days went by and Amariyah was still hanging out with the other 3 girls. She came to the conclusion she wasn't going to leave them for no reason. They had shown her true compassion and what real friends were supposed to be. Nearly everyday Amariyah and Nicki we're out going to the shops, sometimes to the park, or even just hanging out by their house. Ria watched them day in day out, longing for her and Amariyah and her to be that close again. One day, Amariyah decided that she was going to be the bigger person and talk to Ria again. She never confronted her about what she said but she forgave her anyway.
Amariyah was finally happy going in to school knowing that she had figured out her friendship. Some ppl were very envious that she was liked by most of the teachers. Especially the ones that's specialised in performing arts. Amariyah was outstanding in drama. Thats where she was well behaved and her talent popped out the most.
Amariyah wasn't a very naughty girl but for some reason she didn't take her second year of secondary school serious. She was constantly getting detention. Being rude to teachers. Walking out of her lesson. And just simply disobeying school rules. But when it came to drama she was on her best behaviour. She had discovered her passion for drama when she would be very confident to perform in front of the rest of her class. Easily her anxiety could kick in and take over. But she was determined to push herself to fulfill her dreams.
Everything was going good until a huge argument broke out with the big group of girls. It was so bad it left Amariyah in a questionable position and she didn't want to choose. Ria was jealous that her other two friends has been more distant and started to hang out with another. Because everyone was friends and Amariyah's never had an issue with anyone so she decided that she should do the right thing and stay civil with everyone. Ria felt a way that she was still hanging out with her enemies and gave Amariyah an ultimatum. "U stay with the opps, or u can be friends with me? But just remember who took u in when u was and had nobody!"
Amariyah still felt she owed Ria something so she stuck by Ria's side the whole way through. Even if it meant losing her other friends. It immediately turned to both groups hating each other. They turned their back on Amariyah and started to call her names for unnecessary reasons.
This was all in the beginning of year 8 so Amariyah was hoping everything will pass. One day she was sitting in her drama lesson when noticed that there were two new girls in her class. One named Niah and named Anne. At first Amariyah thought that they were sisters until her friend, Tiah, told her that they were cousins. When the lesson had started they seemed very loud and very outgoing, it made Amariyah feel insecure as she could never show her true personality on her first day of a new school.
In Amariyah's Spanish lesson Niah and Anne was also there. They were chatting and joking around with Tiah and as she was already insecure, her anger kicked in. She was annoyed but for no apparent reason and that annoyed her too.
Few weeks went by and Niah and Amariyah had found out that they had a few similarities. Day by day, they got closer and closer. And by October they were best friends.