Blast to the past V

Jenna's pov

I really cannot believe this.

The alpha king is my mate.

But his scent isn't as deep as it was before.

How odd.

Maybe it was his perfume

My body says his mine but my wolf says he isn't.

We break from our wonderful kiss and he tells the pack that they have found their luna.

Tears of joy run down the cheeks of my mother and sister.

What an amazing time to be alive.

He takes me to his bedroom.

Wow this is really beautiful.

He stares at my lips and we get entangled in a deep kiss.

He uses his wonderful arms to caress my body slowly.

I stare into his eyes, his eyes are delicately crafted and beautiful.

"Can we stop for a second?" I ask while I gulp.

"What?" He asks me hastily

"Your sent is different from the one earlier on!" I finally say to him and a sense of realization dawns on him.

I am a particular breed of omega who can sense the slightest difference in scent.

"Does your wolf accept me?" He inquires of me

"No" I reply after a few seconds.

He pulls me closer to him and rubs his bulge across my clit.


did I just drip?

"How about now?" He asks me

"Yes she does!" I reply sheepishly

"Let's have sex!" He says to me

"Let's get to know each other first! let's do this later!" I suggest instead.

"No I want you now!" He says angrily

He pounces on her and tears my garments with his wolf strength!

I have no strength since I am an omega.

My mind, wolf and soul screams no but my stupid flesh bends to his will.

I raped me.

After this horrible night my new mantra became:

"I'm afraid the story isn't finished happening. Sometimes I think there is no entirely true story I could tell. Because there are some things I just don't know, and other things I just can't say. Which is not a failure of memory but of language"

I run far away from the pack and I leave to my human dad's place

"You said yourself it isn't far

Little girl small and scared

Started to run as her mind dared

Before she knew she blacked out

Her mind still conscious, trying to shout

She's lying bleeding on the ground

Afraid to move and make a sound

Next day she's in the hospital bed

The doctor tell her mama she isn't dead

After those days when she needs help

She learns its best to help herself

Little girl not bitter but sweet

Turned out to have been raped and beat

Note, before I called my dad I called my mom but she didn't believe me.

She believes he was too agressive and I'm blowing it out of proportion.

Miss Becca once said:

the light was there but I was blind

the image never leaves my mind

you sat there and laughed while I laid there and cried

you smiled and laughed while I frowned and died

your force was too strong for my innocent no

you were all hyped up and ready for a show

why did I have to be the doll in your stupid little game

you're the reason why I hide myself in shame

when I got home I cried for days

stupid enough to trust your ways

I'm up all night crying myself to sleep

my innocence was no longer mine to keep

I dream of you at night ya know

knowing how much you enjoyed the show

your friends were there and they didn't hear

your friends are people I also fear

I said no and stop but nobody saved me

I cried and pleaded but my voice was missing

but don't worry not all the joy wasn't just by you

more pain came by another two

I wish I would've been more smart

and listened to my dying heart

I've added up the pain

the life I had is drained

there's nothing left for me to gain

3 of y'all have permanently damaged my brain

you all wanted to play and you all wanted to touch

but saying no just wasn't a fucking enough

you're the only one who beat the game

the one who left me with the most shame

the one who caused my depression

the one who stole my possessions

all I do now is hide in my room and cry

they ask what's wrong I say a headache such an easy lie

but the truth is I'd honestly rather die.

My mom didn't believe me and I was told to stop telling lies.


no long note today.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I love every single one of you!

thank you all so much

will she go back to jace?