Aurora's Blood

Seeing the ground crumble and cave in on itself, Leon's eyes opened up in shock.

'What would've happened if I had stayed there?'

He shivered at the thought. Wanting to thank whoever had pulled him out, Leon looked behind him to see Little Lightning and Raging Bull who both helped pull him out.

Some people from the Coalition would have recoiled in fear and disgust as seeing the barbarians, but Leon was not from the Coalition. He had always heard about how barbarians were savages that killed anyone even their own clansmen, but he didn't take that to heart and gave a nod.

"Thank you for saving us."

Raging Bull and Little Lightning both nodded and said the same thing.

"No problem. Unlike how most you foreigners think, we are actually quite civil and reasonable."

Raging Bull looked around and scratched his head.

"You said us?"

Leon looked to his arm and found that Aurora had already wriggled out of his arm and ran behind him. She peaked her head out and looked at the barbarian group. Scratching his head, Leon smiled as he introduced.

"Ah yes, Aurora here also came with me. Aurora, come out and thank them."

Still looking a little shy, Aurora slowly came from behind Leon before she walked slightly closer to Little Lightning and Raging Bull to perform a little curtsy.

"Thank you for helping us."

When Aurora came close to Little Lightning and Raging Bull, the two of them suddenly felt a weird feeling that felt so familiar, but so unknown in the back of their minds. The two of them really stared at Aurora who felt awkward to be looked at so intensely.

Aurora was much more tan compared to your average person in the Coalition, plus her features at a glance seemed slightly off compared to other people in the Coalition. As Raging Bull continued to scrunch his eyebrows in thought, Little Lightning was much brighter and quickly asked Aurora.

"Do you mind if I ask, but was one of your parents from one of the tribes or clans?"

Aurora looked up in thought.

"I don't know about a clan or tribe, but mom was from around here."

Little Lightning continued to stare at Aurora in fascination as he pointed blindly behind him.

"Raging Bull try to get the shamaness over here."

The huge hulking man disappeared and came back supporting the small pretty girl Leon has seen with the staff, although she looked a lot more pale compared to the last time he had seen her.

Her skin had become paler, as sweat was visibly all over her body. Even her hands looked clammy from afar.

Before Leon could ask, Little Lightning preemptively answered Leon's question.

"Don't worry about her, she's just extremely fatigued from overexertion."

Leon continued to look skeptical, but he didn't say anything. Little Lighting looked over to the shamaness and whispered something. As he whispered, the remaining barbarian warrior walked over and Leon got a better look.

If he compared the shamaness to a small fairy, then he would compare this girl with a bow to a warrior maiden as she was a lot taller than shamaness and only stood a few inches below himself. However, she packed more muscle than the shamaness, and even her chest and other proportions were bigger.

When Little Lightning finished whispering to the tired shamaness who looked like she was out of it, the tired shamaness's eyes suddenly went open and she spoke with surprise.

"Are you sure?"

Little Lighting responded back.

"Can't you feel something? That's why I want you to conduct a test."

Leon could only look in confusion and inquired.

"Uhh, excuse me, but could you let us in on what's going on here."

Little Lightning looked back at Leon and tried to appear as friendly as possible.

"Ah, I guess we should explain. We are just curious about your little friend here. We have a hunch about something, but can't confirm anything unless you would allow the shamaness over here to conduct a small test."

Looking over at the shamaness who all of sudden stood up from complete exhaustion, Leon looked slightly skeptical.

"What sort of test?"

Little Lightning pointed towards the tired shamaness who spoke.

"I'd just prick her finger with a needle and collect a drop of her blood."

Leon didn't know what to make of this and looked at Aurora.

"Don't do anything that you don' want to Rory. It's your decision."

Aurora looked lost and confused, as she didn't know what to say. She looked slightly shy and leaned back towards Leon.

"Will it hurt?"

The shamaness shook her head and Aurora reluctantly agreed. Next, the shamaness took a small needle and poked Aurora's finger and let a drop of blood drop into a small container that looked like a vial, and then got another drop into a bowl.

Afterward, she immediately pricked her own finger and let the drop of her blood drip into the bowl and as the two drops of blood made contact with each other. Something incredible happened.

Normally two drops of blood would just mix together, but when the two touched it was like a battle had set off between the two droplets of blood in the bowl. The shamaness's blood had a dim green aura that seemed to be trying to attack Aurora's droplet with its green color.

However, before the green hue could surround Aurora's droplet, a bright whitish-yellow aura radiated from Aurora's blood that clashed with the green hue, before it completely overwhelmed the green aura that was promptly extinguished.

Leon and Aurora were only curious about why the blood had reacted like that, but the other barbarians all looked shocked as their eyes widened and jaws dropped.

Raging Bull looked like he had seen the sun fall from the sky and land on the bowl as he rubbed his eyes as he kept re-examining the bowl over and over again before he spoke out loud.

"Does that mean she's from one of the twelv-"

Before he could finish, Little Lightning who looked the most composed interrupted.

"It seems it would seem that way..."

The shamaness looked the most surprised as she looked at the bowl.

"It has to be. In fact, it is already guaranteed, but the purity and strength of her blood. It completely overwhelmed mine..."

Although Leon had no clue, among the four clan warriors, the shamaness's blood was perhaps the unlikeliest candidate for such a thing to happen. Little Lightning looked over at Leon and offered a hand.

"How would you like to come with us back to our tribes?"