Jailbreak in Silce (2)

As the cells opened, a few curious people started to peek out the door and take a look around. One of the prisoners took a look and saw a group of huge and bulky warriors and started screaming.

"Barbarians! Run!"

Meanwhile, Aurora sighed and muttered under her breath.

"I thought this would happen. Coalition propaganda portrays the tribes as savage barbarians who kill anything."

Leon thought back on what he had heard about the tribes and his experiences with people like Radiant Light and Crushing Fang before he frowned.

"Well it's quite effective, even I believed it…"

When the man screamed barbarians, all the people in the cells started panicking and ran out while picking up the weapons thrown on the ground by the guards.

Leon had no clue how strong the regular guards were but most likely they were either the same strength as himself or slightly weaker.

Meanwhile, the soldiers who had a similar armor to knight Benedict would probably be around his level or stronger at C-Tier since they were most likely squires.

Therefore he didn't really worry about anything since he doubted the citizens were stronger than the guards, plus if things got really out of hand with Crushing Fang on the warrior's side. They didn't have to worry about anything.

By now all the citizens had flooded out of the cells and formed a blob while they pressed themselves against the back wall while holding weapons towards Crushing Fang and the warriors.

Aurora stepped out from the crowd of warriors and shouted for everyone to hear.

"Calm yourselves, citizens! These men and women are here to help us defeat the traitor King Judas!"

The citizens looked at Aurora with confusion until one of them shouted back.

"Why should we believe you!?!"

With a little puff of pride, Aurora responded.

"Because, I, daughter of Grand Duke Ferdinand, vow upon it."

Suddenly all the citizens started to murmur amongst each other as if such a thing was true, then they wouldn't have to doubt anymore as Grand Duke Ferdinand was loved by the people. Perhaps even more than the actual king.

Another voice spoke up a concern that some in the crowd had.

"If what you are saying is true then we would not doubt your words, however, how do we know that you are actually his daughter? None of us have ever seen his daughter before. You must understand that we would be skeptical without some other form of proof."

Hearing the words, Aurora frowned as what the person said was a very valid concern. She tried to think of a solution, but couldn't as everything she had that might've been used to prove her identity was either lost during the ambush or not her.

Sophia walked out from the squad of warriors and stood slightly behind Aurora.

"What the girl says is true!"

All the citizens looked at who had spoken and suddenly their expressions changed from doubt and suspicion to shock and hope.

Almost no one knew what Aurora really looked like as she didn't go out in public often so only workers at Aurora's home and government workers might have any clue of what she looked like, which was why people were skeptical.

However, Sophia was a different story. She was well known and recognized throughout the citizens of the capital since she usually helped people with their problems and was well praised.

Plus everyone knew that she used to work as the head maid under Grand Duke Ferdinand, so if she said that the little girl standing in front of them was the daughter of the Grand Duke then they really couldn't doubt it.

All the citizens dropped their weapons and kneeled as they didn't doubt the little girl anymore.

Seeing their display of loyalty, Leon was surprised while Crushing Fang gave a playful smirk at how fast their attitudes changed.

Not sure of what to do anymore, Aurora didn't want them to kneel for so long.

"Please stand up, if you want to help me and Silce, then help us with our plan."

The citizens stood up and looked at each other before nodding.

"We'll help."

Aurora explained parts of their plan and the role they needed the citizens to fill and after a few minutes of explaining.

An old citizen who was a retired officer in the army took the reins as the leader of the citizens and responded.

"We can accomplish that, but if it goes anything like last time we might only be able to buy you half an hour to an hour of time. Most of the citizens aren't very strong and only a few are like me where we can fight against the weaker guards."

Nodding her head, Aurora smiled.

"That's plenty of time."

With the acceptance of the citizens on the first floor, Crushing Fang opened the remaining floors of the prison which were filled to the brim with imprisoned citizens.

They went floor by floor and had the other citizens explain the situation along with Sophia and Aurora, which made things go by quicker.

After they had freed all five floors of the building, a very large group of citizens had assembled.

Most citizens that were imprisoned were men as the women stayed with their families just in case the king started to execute or imprison people to which he did.

Although there was an impressive number of people in prison of around just two thousand who were willing to rebel once again, most of them were regular citizens which meant they wouldn't be able to do much in an actual fight.

However, the citizens didn't care as in their minds. The new king was a death sentence and an evil tyrant upon Silce.

Once everyone made it outside the prison, Crushing Fang and the group started phase two of their plans and they let go of one lone guard that they had previously captured and tied up.

The warriors reminded the guard to report only about the citizens escaping and rebelling again and made sure to emphasize that if he messed up. They would have an assassin following him and someone elsewhere his family lived to return the favor.

With that, they untied the guard's restraints and he ran off towards the castle. The rest of the warriors regrouped and headed off in his directions but made sure to stick to the shadows and alleyways.

The night had only begun.