The Attack on the Silce King's Castle

The group was moving through an ally until Crushing Fang gestured for everyone to be quiet and stick to the shadows.

Without hesitation, everyone followed his orders and soon the sound of many footsteps was echoing in the street next to their alley.

A rough and older-sounding voice started to yell as he ran down the street.

"Hurry! The rebels have escaped and gathered even more people this time if we don't quell the rebellion in time. The king will have our heads!"

As the man's voice soon trailed off as he ran in the distance to put down the new uprising that had been ignited from the prisoners the warriors had freed, the footsteps didn't stop completely as more soldiers continued to follow after their leader.

"Did they really need to summon all of us? I mean they even sent most of the guards to the castle to put down the uprising. Do they think we can't take care of regular citizens with the occasional, retired soldier?"

Another voice responded to his fellow soldier.

"The king wants this to be put down fast so nothing spreads to the other nations. If the other states learned of the uprisings then our reputation would go down the drain. Plus I heard a rumor that the king has soldiers from Corin protecting him."

The two soldiers continued to talk as their voices trailed off and so did the dozens of footsteps.

Hearing the information, Leon smiled.

'To think the plan worked even better than we thought. The army and the guards at the castle are gone. Now it's just up to the warriors to break through the Corin troops.'

Not delaying a second longer, the squad started to move towards the castle where the king lived the moment the footsteps were gone.

As they got closer to the castle, the alleyways slowly became fewer and fewer as the area where nobles lived didn't have alleyways.

Crushing Fang gestured upwards to one of the warriors and the warrior seemed to understand what he wanted so the warrior swiftly climbed towards the roof.

After a minute or so, the warriors climbed back down and spoke in a very quiet voice that made it incredibly hard for even Leon to hear even though he was right next to the man.

"I don't see anyone in the streets. No guards or citizens."

Crushing Fang looked to be in thought then gave a slight nod.

"That makes sense, the nobles are probably inside their mansions due to the curfew while the guards should be trying to put down the uprising."

With no one to stop them, the squad decided to use a small street and stick to the shadows as they continued to run towards the castle with Aurora guiding the group.

Soon the group was spread out amongst the rooftops of some of the buildings right next to the castle.

All the warriors already knew the plan as they had discussed and decided on it before they left the prison.

Leon was next to a group composed of a select few warriors which included Crushing Fang, Aurora, Raging Bull, Little Lightning, and five other warriors.

These were the warriors that the group decided to send in while the rest of the groups try to distract as many guards from around the traitor away.

Crushing Fang gave a light whistle that sounded like an everyday bird, but the other groups on the rooftops started to moved and eventually reached the castle.

Climbing up the giant wall would normally be impossible for a normal person and even Leon would need to take a slow and cautious approach as the walls were rather smooth while approaching the height of ten meters.

However, the warriors were among the best of the best and easily scaled the wall like they were walking normally and reached the top.

Despite the many guards already drawn away from the castle, the castle itself had so many guards normally present that it seemed like a small army itself.

Thus, there were a dozen or so guards that were standing watch on the walls, which was already incredibly few as normally there would be enough guards to leave no space on the wall manless.

Fortunately for the warriors who were climbing, the guards were quite lax as in their minds if anyone attacked the castle.

At best they would be a few stray citizens who miraculously managed to get past the soldiers and guards sent to put down the uprising, which would be incredibly easy to deal with.

Plus who would even dare to attack the castle normally?

This sort of thinking would be the downfall of the guards keeping watch as the warriors would silently climb on top of the wall and silently take down each guard by knocking them unconscious similar to the prison guards.

Before the guard could slump the ground, the warriors would catch the heavy bodies clad in metal armor easily like they were weightless with their great strength.

Soon the forty warriors had taken over the top of the wall and secured the top before they continued onto the next step of their plan.

A group of warriors descended the wall and went to work on the guards who stood near the giant gates that led to the inside of the castle.

Despite the skill and elegance of the warriors, they couldn't knock out the guards without causing a commotion because unlike the guards on the top of the wall.

These guards had their backs protected by a huge castle and had countless torches and magic lamps illuminating their surroundings.

Seeing that a quiet takedown would not be possible, the warriors decided on a frontal attack and rushed the guards with great speed.

The tired and half-asleep guards jolted awake as they saw the warriors approaching them before they started to get into formation with their weapons.

Already a force of fifty guards stood prepared with shields and spears, but these guards weren't even the royal guards that were stationed within the castle so they were quite weak with the average being around the top of D-Tier.

The warriors easily ran through the formation like the soldiers were simply nonexistent in their eyes due to the power difference.

Meanwhile, the leader of the guards of the gate looked grim as he realized how strong the enemies were and took out an object that looked like a small mirror and channeled some magic while he shouted.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack. Barbarians are here! Send backup! Knights are needed the enemies have to be at least on the level of the kn-"

Before he could finish his sentence, a sword cut the guard's head off as he slumped to the ground and the mirror deactivated.

A warrior stood in front of the body with blood dripping from his sword as the original fifty soldiers had mostly been slaughtered while the remaining few soldiers had thrown their weapons to the ground and surrendered.

Luckily for them, the warriors didn't slaughter needlessly and only killed people that wouldn't surrender.

Unfortunately for them, despite the thick metal gates that acted as the true front door to the castle, the warriors could hear a variety of sounds from within the gates that sounded like hundreds of footsteps, shouting, and overall chaos.

A screeching sound was heard as the warriors who didn't participate in the fights raised all the gates connected to the castle wall and sealed the castle completely which blocked people from leaving or entering.

As all of this occurred, Crushing Fang jumped down from the rooftop, but landed softly like a feather despite his enormous weight and smiled.

"Let's go as well."