The Attack on the Silce King's Castle (2)

Crushing Fang gestured for Aurora to jump. So she hesitantly jumped off the roof but landed softly in the muscular man's arms.

Meanwhile, all the other warriors climbed down quickly or also jumped down like Crushing Fang, but couldn't land as softly.

Leon came down last as he climbed the building slowly so he didn't fall off, but to him, that was better than jumping down into Crushing Fang's arms like a princess.

Aurora pointed towards a small hidden manhole that no one would ever see or notice normally and quietly whispered.

"This leads into the old drains of the castle, so no one will notice or be on guard against it. However, the entrance on both sides was sealed off with a barrier magic formation."

Crushing Fang smiled and whispered.

"I don't think that'll be a problem for us."

One of the warriors heaved the manhole cover and the man's muscles started to bulge as the manhole cover was extremely heavy and also had a tiny magic formation on it that made it so no normal joe could lift it by accident.

Even with the warrior's strength at B-Tier, it took a considerable amount of effort to lift the manhole, and went he flipped it onto the street it cracked the ground slightly and sounded like someone had accidentally dropped an anvil from the roof of a building.

The group all looked down into the sewers and a musty smell hit them.

Leon didn't feel grossed out since it seemed like the place had been relatively cleared out before they sealed it and the only smell was the fact that no one had entered since then.

Crushing Fang gestured for one of the warriors to jump down and he climbed down the ladder, while he landed on the ground with a little plop.

The woman warrior looked around but didn't see any threats and gestured for the squad to follow which they did.

When the whole group made it down in the little room, a wall that seemed to be made out of different material and appeared newer completely blocked off the pathway forward.

It had a shimmer that made it glow like glitter with symbols on it and Crushing Fang seemed curious.

"Well, it seems like they did put some serious magic reinforcements on this."

Leon looked at the strongest man in the group and asked.

"Can you break it?"

Hearing his question, Crushing Fang laughed.

"Haha, it might keep you out, but for me, this isn't a problem. Even some of the warriors could break this down with a tad bit of effort."

Bringing his axe down onto the wall, the wall crumbled like it was made of pastry and fell down.'

The dust kicked up by the wall falling assaulted Leon's eyes and nose, but after a few seconds it settled and he looked past where the wall once stood while trying to see through.

He squinted but the inside was pitch black as there were no torches or magic lamps left within the tunnel which made it appear like he was staring at the abyss.

The squad turned on the various light sources they had and walked into the darkness.

-Meanwhile in the throne room of the castle ten minutes before-

An overweight man with a thick mustache and a balding head had a crown on while he sat on the throne with a bottle of wine.

There were over forty people that looked incredibly similar to the knight Crushing Fang had killed and among one of them was a familiar face that Leon would've cursed at since it was Arulo.

Suddenly the giant closed doors of the huge throne hall opened as a serious-looking man with an eyepatch that didn't completely cover what looked like a wound across his whole left eye with a bald head and graying goatee walked in.

Behind him, a rather big detachment of soldiers could be seen that seemed to be around a company of 250 soldiers.

The overweight man who was chugging his wine on the throne glanced at the serious-looking man and stopped drinking before he asked in a loud voice that echoed throughout the hall.

"General Xenophon, what brings you back to the capital my friend? I thought you were returning to Corin."

The general snorted and looked at the overweight man on the throne with his one good eye.

"I was on the way back with the brigade of 3000 soldiers, but I heard about the barbarian invasion and had a bad feeling so I naturally returned through the secret entrance of the castle to make sure nothing happened to you, King Judas. You should know how important your support and position is to us in Corin."

King Judas laughed heartily.

"Hahaha, I appreciate your concern general, but the army is handling the situation at the border and soon I will formally request help from the Coalition if they truly make a move. This helps us achieve a goal of war without even having to go through a vote among the states."

Before the general could speak, Arulo who was the closest knight and right next to the king felt a vibration and flashing light from his pocket and took out a mirror.

A voice started to echo throughout the throne hall.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack. Barbarians are here! Send backup! Knights are needed, the enemies have to be at least the level of the kn-"

The mirrors suddenly deactivated in Arulo's hands while King Judas's smile suddenly turned angry and annoyed, while the general had a smirk on his face.

"It seems like coming back wasn't a mistake after all."

King Judas sighed.

"It seems you were shrewd to come back. How strong are your troops? If they are strong enough you can send them to meet the attackers and I'll keep my knights here."

General Xenophon nodded.

"These were the best soldiers from the brigade, I don't doubt that these 250 men could defeat your twenty knights."

King Judas's eye twitched as he appeared annoyed by the general saying his knights could easily be dealt with by these 250 men but appeared calm on the outside.

"If that's the case then that's more than enough reason for them to meet the enemy. Plus even if my knights fall, I'm still as strong as my brother even though I haven't fought in a while."

The general reluctantly agreed and commanded his soldiers to run to the front entrance to meet the enemies head-on with the other guards in the castle who were already running.

The general left with his soldiers while he seemed to be deep in thought.