
(Jin Li Na POV)

Being born under the family, my fate was already been sealed.

Tools to be kept for political agenda, business, and gifts... Because I'm beautiful they say...

And a woman like me can manipulate men at their own will... They are right...

Men are dumb, they only think about their dick before their brain that's why they are easily be manipulated by me.

My mothers taught me that,

"Woman are more superior than the male!"

Sadly, even though I was pierced in this area I was not a cultivator... A shame for me, and for my family. I was a cripple at birth...

While my sisters manipulate everyone in their sects, I was finding some lowly clan that I can manipulate on my own... My class is low compared to them...

So I met the Jin Clan, a lowly clan in the south.

With their young master having a chance of being a practitioner, they send an envoy to our family requesting a wife for himself to be his partner.

My family is glad to oblige so they can have another clan to manipulate, but, I decided I'll be the one to take the role.

I decided that. If I can't be a practitioner, then my children will be, a young maiden that I can be proud of...

A child that came within my own womb...

The wedding wasn't to grandeur to be proud of.

I have a big dream, bigger than this trash place. I'll surpass my sister's achievement, and I'm sure of it.

My first delivery was a success. A twin girl.

The Heavens are smiling at me. They are my achievements.

I will train them, I don't need a child anymore. These two were enough for me.

Even how many sex my husband wanted to have an heir, I will never give it to him.

Our family heirloom was a technique tracing back to our first founder. This technique allowed us to be the one who pull the strings in the dark, to control our husband without them realizing that we can control what child gender we wanted.

So even how many sex he wants from me, he can never have it.

For almost four years of our marriages, he already doubting himself if he can produce some child. So he took his sexual frustration on the maids, to no avail... Of course, I was behind his problem.

Of course, even though the evidence was on his front of how many maidens he r*pe, he still denied his problematic dick, so he accuses me of being the source of it.

Men... They really are dumb...

I'm not afraid of him as I already charm all of his subordinates, and if he decided to kill me, they surely stab him first just to go under my robes. Everyone of them...

There are some greedy, some wanted to finish my husband as fast as possible so he can taste me. But who am I to let them, of course, I persuaded them to not do so.

A simple tear was enough to ensnare them. Catching their heart like a good boy.

For the extreme one who cannot control themselves, a kiss or blowjob was enough, and they will gladly listen to me. Sometimes was a display of body for them to watch. Letting them salivate and look for tomorrow and keep vigilant for their task that I give.

I am the one who controls this place in the dark, I can kill him without a problem with just a single command.

But my family interrupt my progress and decided to intervene.

Our family has a code to be followed.


Don't ever let your greed take over you, be patient.


Don't show your strength, no matter what.


Don't publicly say that you're the one who's in control.

Needless to say by all of this rule, "So every action we made, anyone wasn't going to target our family, even it is a success or not".

We control everyone in the dark, and we stayed in the dark forever.

So seeing how I control all of the clan in my own palm, they decided to pass me a mission. And that's to let the Yin clan have their heir.

Of course, I need to oblige... Even it is cost my power in the dark.

I lost my charm to them, my grasp loosened around their rationale and their trust started to doubt me.

But I can compensate that after I give birth to this child.

Giving birth to the first heir, the clan heads were happy and throw and celebration until tomorrow.

Me that was weak after the delivery, rest until dawn.

I thought that day was a simple one. Just need to breast milk the child and tried to seduce again my husband subordinate.

That day was a life-changing turn of my life.

I felt it, how I felt to be powerful.

The thing that I ever wanted, to control Qi and be a practitioner came blessing upon to me by heavens.

My child that I despite being born in this world because of his gender change my life.

Giving him breast milk like any other child, he sucked my nipples gently.

Gasp... How lovely are those pleasures... I want more...

His small mouth gently and diligently sucks my nipples, left and right. His tongue is swirling around my nipple, constantly biting it and pulling it out and pushing it in repeatedly.

Is this really an infant...? Gasp...~

He was more experienced than my husband and his subordinate... How lovely...~

Even this pleasure is inappropriate, this pleasure is heavenly!

My god... Gasp...~ Oh, gooodd, suck it... Yeah, suck it hard...!! Mmmm...~!

My lower body is getting drench, how shameful of mine. Even the maid was looking at me dumbfounded. Sorry, but I can't help myself... Gasp...~!

To not be a topic among maids, I decided that every time I give him breast milk I'll only be the one in the room. Because If I didn't, I don't know what show I will act in front of the maidservants.

Even how many times I trained my mind to endure his little tongue action, it was futile. I would always moan and gasped air in the end, my mind and body would go blank and hot. I couldn't think straight.

But even though that was the case, I didn't stop this shameful action of mine.

Incest?... That thing is normal to us, but, that's not the case I didn't stop.

Because every time I breast milks him, his Yang Qi would always flow inside me. A thing that's foreign in my body.

I only felt this feeling before I knew I was a cripple when my families check if I can be a practitioner, but alas, I wasn't...

But now, I can feel it, so I kept pushing...

On the third day of his birth. I did it!!

I've become a practitioner...!

Even though I was only a First level of Elementary Spirit Qi, I was happy!!

I feel like I'm going to explode!

This innocent child, this cute - cute innocent child was my golden finger on my success.

That's what I thought in the first place...

I thought my son will just be a tool I'll going to use in my life and throw it after... I hate thinking about that thought now...

I hate myself... I should die for my sins...

Aside from my cultivation, I still kept seducing every subordinate of my husband. I manage to gain back the others but some have stubborn requests before they completely submit to me again...

They wanted sex... Raw...

I already hate blowing their dirty dicks, but to request for my bodies is already far in the line... This might foreign to me but, I still wanted to be pure, pure away from those dirty act...

I was depressed.

This is the first time I felt cornered in the predicament. If I can't gain their trust, the others would surely follow... I need to stabilize my standing in the clan!

But for some other reason, everyday I came back to my courtyard were my children, my worries would go away as though the world is not against me. Against my manipulated acts...

Every night when we sleep, my barely five months would comfort me, caress my hair up and down.

I felt like every time I look at my child's eyes, everything was possible... That I can be happy, even though my previous acts are not worthy to be called his mother.

So everyday I can I keep diligently breastfeeding my first son.

Everytime my mind goes blank, and my rationale always keeps away from the tracks of cultivating properly... I wanted to strip my child and suck off the man out of him.

Yeah, I know. What kind of mother would think about like this? None. Except me...

Although that was impossible, I had this feeling that if I did it, my child would be okay. He can dominate me in the bed...

Eight months pass just like that. Everytime I keep my urge to strip in front of my son and do some nasty thing about his little brother. Thanks to the heavens, I did manage.

But my feelings are not... I... think I'm in love with my son...

With his tranquil eyes when he looks at me keep me safe and loved.

When he stroked my hair with caress when I'm down, I feel important.

And then, out of my expectation, not in my wildest dreams, I manage to breakthroughs in Profound Spirit Qi Realm without using any pills to help me!

Out of nowhere, without anyone noticing, the Yin clan gained a Profound Spirit Qi expert!

For the first time, I felt powerful. I felt my body is not a tool that I could only throw to man and get what I want. Now. I had the power to bend their knees to me!

So every man that I seduced in the clan, I message them, giving them hope to taste my body every night only to be tortured until they submit to me, broken.

How dare they use my mouth!!

My mouth is for only my son!

How dare their lust for my beauty!!

Only my son had the privilege of that!

Everything I had, my body, my mouth, my hole, it's all for my son. No man can touch me, only for my son!



I can't wait for my son to be man so he can eat me up~ Only by thinking about it, I feel like I'm melting to my core~ What pleasure...~

My son is incredible, he never cried upon his birth, he never requests anyone for help. He was a dependable man that can look for himself.

But for some other reason, my son loves breasts.

Whenever he was in my embrace, he would always bury his face in my twin peaks and stayed like that until he falls asleep.

Fufufu~ Not that I was complaining but, this is nice... Mmmm~ His hot breath is circulating inside my robe~ What did I do to have everyday...~!

Not yet.

Be satisfied Jin Li Na.

Wait for him to grow.

B-but I think I can't~ He was so unordinary~ He is not a child-...

"Uwaa..!! Wahhh...!"

Ha? Who's crying?

No... That's my son!!

Who dares to make my son cry I'll kill you!

I always thought that my son is not a normal child, but I'm wrong, he was just like any other... Like me... acting tough...

"Who made my child cry~ Sheeesh~ Shii...~ Clam down. Calm down, here's mommy. Okay."

Giving him breast milk. He stops crying right away and look at my eyes intently.

I'm wrong my son... You're just normal, and I love you...


"Uh~ Mmmm...~"


Oh my god~! No! I take that back~ You're not n-normal my son~! Heavens~!!

You're so extraordinary my son~!

I can't help to wait for you to grow my child~! Fufufu`~<3


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