Hello, Nádia Dark!

In the morning, Leonora wakes up feeling refreshed, and eager to start the day. She gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom, where she takes a relaxing shower to fully awaken. As the warm water runs over her body, Leonora reflects on her old life and thinks about what her new life will be like.

After drying off and putting on comfortable clothes, Leonora goes down the stairs with a smile on her face. She knows that Elisa will be in the kitchen preparing breakfast. Leonora always enjoyed Elisa's company; she is more than an employee, she is a family. 

"Hello, Ms Elisa! Good morning, how are you?" Leonora asks, entering the kitchen.

"Ah, my dear! I'm fine, thank God. And you, how was your night?"

"I'm great! It was a good night, I actually feel really good today. I'm no longer feeling tired"

"How wonderful! Your parents were so happy when they found out you were coming."

"I guess, I'm glad to be back too. Where are they?"

"Oh, right. They didn't want to wake you up - your parents left early, but they won't be long. For today, you'll have breakfast alone. I'll prepare your favorite coffee and a warm cheese roll."

"Thank you, Ms Elisa! You're always so attentive. You know, I remember the mornings when I ran to the kitchen to have breakfast before going to school."

"Ah yes! How time flies. It seems like just yesterday you were just a kid. Now you're here, all grown up and taking on cases to help people.

"It's true, Ms Eliza. But even with all the travel and experiences, I always miss the comfort of home and loved ones."

"I'm sure your parents are very proud of you. They've always talked about your achievements and what an amazing person you've become."

"Ah, I'm happy to hear that. But I wouldn't be who I am today without the support and love of my parents and people like you, Ms Elisa.

"You are a special person, my dear. You have always been a joy to be around. Your presence brings life to this house."

"Thank you, Ms Elisa. You know, when I was little, I always admired your dedication and care with everything here at home. You are an example for me."

"Ah, what beautiful words! It moves me. I've always done my best to take care of this house as if it were my own family."

"And you did it, Ms Elisa. Your presence makes this place so welcoming and special. I'm lucky to have grown up by your side."

"It's a pleasure to take care of you again, my dear. Sit down at the table and I'll bring you fresh coffee and warm cheese rolls in a moment."

Leonora sits at the table, nostalgically observing Ms Elisa's skills in the kitchen. She remembers the times when she was a child and Ms Elisa was part of her daily life.

Ms Elisa places a steaming cup of coffee in front of the main character, accompanied by a basket full of still-warm cheese rolls.

"Wow, that looks amazing! The aroma is wonderful!"

"I hope you like it, my dear. It's the family's special recipe, made with all the love in the world."

Leonora takes a bite of the cheese bread and closes her eyes, savoring the explosion of flavors.

"This is divine! I remember how much I loved these rolls when I was a kid. They are second to none."

"I'm glad to know you still enjoy it. I've always strived to bring a little joy and comfort through food."

While enjoying breakfast, Leonora and Ms Elisa remember fun stories from the past. They laugh together, creating a familiar and welcoming environment.

Despite her parents' momentary absence, Leonora feels comforted by Ms Elisa's affectionate presence and the delicious breakfast. She realizes that even though she is temporarily at her parents' house, it is still a place where she is loved and cared for as part of the family.

Zadie has been agitated since her friend, Leonora, is back in town. It's news she knows she'll tell her brother, Patrick. The two had always been very close and Marlene was aware that the reunion with his ex-girlfriend, which had happened seven years ago, could bring up old emotions and discomfort. To make the situation even more complicated, Patrick has been dating someone new for two years, which makes everything even more delicate.

Zadie invites her brother to have lunch together at a cozy restaurant in the city center, determined to tell her brother the news. She takes a deep breath and starts to speak: "Patrick, I need to tell you something..." Zadie says, looking into his eyes.

"What's wrong, Zadie? It looks like you have something on your mind." Patrick responds, worried.

"Leonora...is back and she's temporarily staying at her parents' house..." Zadie pauses, careful with her words. "And, well, I visited her yesterday."

Patrick widens his eyes, surprised by the news. Patrick's expression changes immediately. He remembers the difficult and troubled breakup he had with Leonora, five years ago. Although his relationship with her is completely in the past, the news of her return, still affects him.

"Is she really..." Patrick didn't finish his sentence, his voice carrying a mix of surprise and melancholy. Zadie notices her brother's discomfort, and realises that mentioning Leonora is not an easy task for him. She tries to calm him with kind words, and explain the situation as best she could.

"Yes, she's back." She chooses her words with caution. "I'm sorry if this bothers you, I really understand that this news may be complicated for you, but I thought it was important to tell you."

Patrick sighs, shaking his head. He knows that his relationship with Leonora had a confusing period, with a lot of hurt involved. Distance and lack of communication had put an abrupt end to what was usually an intense love.

"I understand..." Patrick replies, looking away. He looks at the ground, his memories and feelings intertwine. He understood that they had both moved on, he's in a new relationship for two years now, and Leonora has probably also built her own life.

I just hope her return won't bring back all the complicated feelings we had.

"Believe me, I don't want that to happen either. But you know that life moves on, and maybe it's good to talk to put an end to this story once and for all."

"It's..." Patrick says finally, looking at Zadie again. "It's strange to imagine that our paths could cross again after so long. And with me dating someone else..."

Zadie puts her hand on Patrick shoulder, in a comforting gesture. "I know it seems complicated, Patrick, but I believe that you and Leonora can end this chapter once and for all, free from resentment. It's an opportunity for both of you to move on and be happy."

Patrick takes a deep breath, feeling Zadie's support beside him. He knows that perhaps it's time to finally talk to Leonora and bring closure to what had happened seven years ago.

"Maybe you're right..." Patrick replies, finally looking at Zadie again. "I think it's time to resolve these issues once and for all."

Zadie smiles, relieved to see that her brother is open to facing the situation and resolving these old issues. Issues that, even though they weren't shown, still bothered him.

"I'm sure you'll find a mature way to deal with this reunion, Patrick. And if you need me, I'll always be by your side."

The two end their lunch in a lighter mood, discussing other topics and leaving a conversation about Leonora for another time. Zadie feels relieved to have shared this information with Patrick, and hopes that her friend and her brother will finally find a way to confirm this story once and for all.

As Leonora and her parents wait for Nadia to arrive, a whirlwind of mixed emotions goes through Leonora's mind, as she is excited, but also worried about whether the two still have the connection they had before Leonora didn't come back to visit for years.

Time passes, and the sound of the doorbell is finally heard throughout the house. Leonora runs towards the door and opens it excitedly, revealing a beautiful, smiling woman, her eyes full of emotion.

"Nadia!" Exclaims Leonora, while hugging her cousin. "You're finally here!" Nádia returns the hug tightly.

"I couldn't miss the opportunity to see you after so long. I miss you, cousin!"

They enter the house together, where they are warmly welcomed by Leonora's parents, where she almost always came to visit. The atmosphere is full of excitement and affection, and Leonora feels relieved to realize that the connection between them is still strong.

As everyone sits around the table, sharing stories and laughter, Leonora realises how happy she is to have her family together again. Joy spills over the room as she talks about her adventures abroad, and Nadia shares her own experiences.

Later that afternoon, the cousins ​​sit in Leonora's old room, childhood memories hanging in the air. They look through old photos and treasured memories, remembering the fun times they shared as children.

"I'm so happy you're back," says Nádia, looking at her cousin with affection. "I miss your company and our complicity."

Leonora smiles and holds Nadia's hand. "I also missed you so much. Life has changed a lot for both of us, especially for you who are probably already thinking about having children." Leonora joked, she knows very well after marriage, that's the second step to take.

"True, but James and I still want to travel the world just a little bit."

"I completely agree, and it will not be possible to do with children." She says. "How is your work at NSCI? It must be exciting to work at such an important institution." Leonora asks as they sat in the living room. Nádia sighs.

"It's challenging, but rewarding. I'm always involved in complex investigations and have the opportunity to make a difference in people's lives..." The cousin talks about her work at NSCI, her exciting investigations and the intriguing stories she has uncovered along the way. They laugh together, remembering funny moments and unusual situations they have faced over the years.

While talking, Leonora realise how her cousin had matured and become a successful professional. She admires his determination and courage in the face of the challenges faced at NSCI.

"But what about you, how has your career as a lawyer back in the big city.

"I have learned a lot and dedicated myself to the maximum. Each case is unique and I feel fulfilled in being able to help my clients obtain justice. But I confess that I miss our college days together."

Amid the lively conversation, the lawyer mentions her future plans. She is considering opening her own law firm for pro bonus cases, which will aim to help non-privileged women and would like to count on her cousin's support in this new venture. The cousin is excited by the idea and promises to help her in every way possible.

The first hours spent talking, remembering funny stories from their youth and updating each other on their personal lives. Time seemed to fly by as they reconnected.

As the sun begins to set, Nádia stands up with a farewell look.

"Unfortunately, I need to go now, but I promise we won't let too much time pass until the next meeting. It was wonderful to see you, Leonora."

"It was amazing having you here, Nádia. I can't wait to meet again. Take care of yourself and send my regards to James, I hope to see him soon."

Nádia says her goodbye, leaving Leonora with immense gratitude for having such a special cousin in her life. In the past, they shared unforgettable moments, but now they're ready to create new memories.

Later that day, Leonora decides to go get some air, and chooses to walk through the streets of her neighborhood, a smile still stamped on her face after the emotional reunion with her friends. She is deep in thought about the wonderful day she had, when the sound of her cell phone interrupts her contemplation.

She picks up the phone and sees it's a message from Janelle. Curious, she opens the message and reads her friend's words: "Hey, Leonora! Sorry I didn't tell you sooner. The reason why we didn't all come today is because I'm doing a double shift at the hospital. I really wanted to be there, but something unforeseen happened. I send you a big hug and promise we'll meet again coming soon. Love you!"

Leonora reads the message with a mixture of understanding and concern. She knows that Janelle is a dedicated doctor and that her work often requires unpredictable schedules and long hours.

With a resigned sigh, Leonora replies to Janelle's message: "No problem, I completely understand. I can't wait to meet. I love you too!"

Leonora continues on her way, knowing that Janelle's absence does not diminish the meaning of the reunion. She remembers the fun times and stories shared with her friends over the years, and it comforts her.

In the evening, after dinner, Leonora gets ready to go to bed, she feels a deep sense of peace and happiness. She closes her eyes and reflects on the amazing day she had, full of laughter, memories and precious reunions.