Spread Your Wings

The meeting room of AD & Association Law Firm, iis silent except for the sound of footsteps echoing on the carpet. The associate attorneys of the renowned law firm settled around the mahogany table, eager to discuss an important matter. John Andrade enters the room, bringing with him an aura of determination.

"Good morning everyone," John Andrade greets with a smile. "Today, we have a crucial issue to discuss: the hiring of a new lawyer specializing in family law."

The lawyers exchanges puzzled looks, curious to know why the company was seeking this specific reinforcement.

The junior lawyer, Liam Menesez, stands up uneasily. "Mr. Andrade, why the sudden need for a lawyer specializing in family law?"

"Over the past few months, we have seen a significant increase in cases relating to family law. To ensure our clients receive the best support possible, we need someone with exceptional experience and skills in this area." Mr. Andrade responds promptly, his firm voice filling the room.

Junior lawyer Ms. Sitoe raises her hand. "Mr. Andrade, how are we going to find someone with the necessary qualifications?"

"Sorry, do you have someone in mind?" Liam asks, then glances at Deborah.

"Ms Sitoe, that's isn't easy, but I have found someone, who I really hope will give us a chance. Mr Menezes, I hope that answers your question."

Murmurs of agreement fills the room, everyone understood the seriousness of the matter. However, Deborah, another junior family law lawyer, is not happy with her boss's decision.

Standing up, with a disgusted expression, Deborah says, "I'm sorry, Mr. Andrade, but I think we should hire someone who already has experience in our company and knows our internal processes. Hiring someone from outside could harm our efficiency."

Mr. Andrade looks at her with a slight smile on his face and replies, "I understand your concern, Deborah. However, I bring all of you a proposal that I believe is the solution to our problems. The daughter of a friend of mine is a senior lawyer specializing in family law with extensive experience both nationally and internationally."

Deborah's eyes widen in surprise. She cannot understand why Mr. Andrade would choose an outsider when there are so many talented lawyers within the firm. She decides to question Mr. Andrade about the decision.

"With all due respect, Mr. Andrade, all of us here are qualified to deal with this growing demand. Hiring someone from outside is an affront to our own professionals," Deborah says in a defiant tone.

Mr. Andrade I look her in the eyes before speaking, "Deborah, I understand your dissatisfaction. But she is highly qualified and has an impeccable reputation. I am convinced that she will not only help balance the workload, but also bring new perspectives and valuable knowledge to our office."

Deborah crosses her arms and mumbles, "well, that may be true. But I still think it's unfair that we weren't consulted on this decision. Furthermore, I don't think it's fair for someone who isn't part of our team to take on a senior position right away."

The associate lawyers exchanged approving glances, intrigued by the prospect of bringing someone with so much experience into the firm.

Meanwhile, sitting at the kitchen table, the three of them shares a breakfast prepared by Grace. As they eat, Leonora begins to tell about her life in the big city, her professional achievements and her personal experiences.

After breakfast, her mom and dad settle down on the couch, ready for a deeper conversation. "Dad, Mom, I'm thinking about buying a house here in the city. It would be great to have my own space."

"That's a great idea! You know you'll always have a place here at home, but having your own home will bring independence and freedom. Besides, you've been away from home for a long time and you probably already have your customs and habits."

"Yes, exactly! We will support you in every decision you make. If you need help finding a place, we will be here for you."

Leonora smiles, feeling grateful to have her parents' unconditional support. They continue the conversation, planning future visits to real estate agencies and discussing Leonora's preferences for her new home. In the middle of the conversation, Leonora looks at her parents with gratitude.

"You have no idea how much it means to come home and feel this unconditional support. You are my safe haven."

"Leonora, my dear, we will always be here for you. This is your home, where love and family prevail." Grace smiles, holding her daughter's hand affectionately.

Martin nods, his gaze full of pride and love.

"There is nothing more important to us than seeing you happy and fulfilled. Count on us for everything you need."

Leonora feeks a lump in her throat, deeply touched by her parents' loving words. Despite knowing that she would soon leave to forge her own path, the warmth of the house was a powerful reminder of the unconditional love that accompanied her wherever she went.

Back at the AD law firm, criminal Junior lawyer Ms. Miller cautiously asks, "Mr. Andrade, how can we be sure she will adapt to our work culture and philosophy?"

"I have known my friend's daughter's personality and work for many years. I can assure you that she is highly professional and dedicated. Furthermore, she has an exceptional talent for dealing with complex cases related to family law and not to mention that she completed her degree here in Mozambique." Mr Andrade explain hoping to ease Deborah's and everyone else worries, however, Patrick just sit there listing. He knows there's no room for negotiation, Mr Andrade has already made his mind.

Emma, nods before speaking, "If she is as talented as you say, then I believe we should seriously consider this hire."

The rest of the associated lawyers express their agreement, recognizing the importance of strengthening the team in the field of family law. Mr. Andrade smiles satisfied and decides to conclude.

"Great! I will contact my friend immediately to discuss the details of the hire. I am confident that this decision will bring significant benefits to our company and our customers. Is anyone going to participate Martin Dark fundraiser?"

"Yes, Sir. I'm going. I'm meeting a friend of mine there and besides I want to greet Martin, it's been long since I last saw him." That was not the only reason Patrick, the wanted to attend that fundraiser, his focus was to see the woman who once belonged to him. He hears she has come back a while ago, but they haven't crossed paths yet, so this is a good excuse.

Just like Bryan knows, John Andrade also did and he isn't going to bring it to the table in front of his coworkers.

"Well, it's always good to see an old friend. Let's get back to work. There are so many cases to check out and to be handed out." At the end of the meeting, the team disperses, each thinking about the arrival of the lawyer and her impact on the office. Deborah knows that she would have to put her feelings aside and fulfill her professional obligations, but that isn't going to stop there.

The fashion studio is buzzing as the models prepare for their fashion show rehearsal. Anita is focused on her movements, wearing a stunning blue dress. In the changing room, Anita exudes confidence and elegance with every step she takes. The stylist, Ms. Bacar, approaches her with a smile.

"Anita, my dear, you look simply stunning." She praises Mrs. Bacar. "I'm sure you'll be the highlight of the parade."

"Thank you, Mrs. Bacar." Anita responds gratefully.

"I'm so excited to showcase your incredible collection on the runway."

"I can't wait either. I wish you wouldn't be going away for a month, I still think you should settle down here, work with me."

"I know, I know. But I'm not ready to stay in one place, not yet. Anyway, I'm going to join the others." Anita says and walks towards them. While the other models position themselves at the entrance to the catwalk, Anita adjusts her hair and makeup with precision. Every detail is important for the success of the test.

As the music begins to play, the models begin to walk down the catwalk. Anita moves with grace and confidence, showing perfect synchronization between her posture and the rhythm of the music. Every step is calculated and elegant.

Anita feels powerful as she walks down the catwalk, knowing that she prepared intensely for that moment. She knows that her confidence is fundamental to the success of the shoot. As she paraded, Anita heard the applause and praise coming from the production team. Her confidence grew with each passing moment, and she felt unstoppable.

As she watches the other models rehearse, Anita feels a sense of accomplishment. She knows she is on the right path to achieving her dreams.

During the rehearsal break, Anita takes a deep breath, feeling exhausted but satisfied with her performance. She knows there is still a lot of work ahead, but she is determined to achieve her goals. As she watches the other models chatting excitedly, Anita realizes that she has created new friendships at the fashion studio. She feels grateful to have met such talented and inspiring people.

The midday sun cast a golden light on the wooden table in one of the city's busiest cafes. The two friends meet there at lunch time. Sitting at a quiet table in the cafe, they share their concerns and reflections on what this would mean for their dear friend, Patrick, whose ex-girlfriend will now be his co-worker.

Bryan, a man with gray hair and attentive eyes, has a serious posture as he stares at the document in front of him. Lúcio, his companion with black hair and a mischievous smile, plays with a spoon in one hand, while his other hand holds a cappuccino.

"I can't even imagine how much this must be messing with Patrick's mind," Bryan says, his face showing genuine concern. "Their breakup was very difficult for him, and now he has to work with her? It's a delicate situation."

Lúcio agrees, nodding in solidarity. "Absolutely, man. I worry about the emotional strain this closeness might put on him. He's still dating the model, right? Will this affect their relationship?"

Patrick appears out of nowhere, listening to the last part of the conversation, looking calmer than his friends expected. "Yes, you know I'm still dating Anita, but I haven't told her about hiring my ex yet. I want to protect her from that stress and worry. But I'm also aware that this could get complicated."

Bryan frowns, worried. "I understand your intention, Patrick, but I think Anita should be informed. She has the right to know what is happening and support you during this challenging period. Strong relationships are based on trust and transparency."

Patrick sighs, feeling comforted by Bryan's words. "You're right, friend. I shouldn't let personal issues get in the way of my work. I need to focus on my current relationship and the company's development."

Lúcio, who always had a ready answer, adds with a mischievous smile, "or maybe this is a test for your relationship, Patrick? If your relationship withstands this storm, it will be strong as a rock."

Patrick laughs, shaking his head. "You two are relentless. But all jokes aside, I believe in my relationship and the strength we have together. We need to trust each other, just like we trust our team."

Lúcio nods, agreeing with his friend. "Absolutely. Anita is your r girlfriend, and she needs to be included in your circle of trust. Plus, she might have a different perspective than you think. You need to support each other."

Bryan rests his hand on Patrick's shoulder, conveying confidence. "Patrick, you are a talented and dedicated professional. I'm sure you can deal with this situation in a mature and responsible way. Discomforts may appear, but it all depends on how we deal with them."

Patrick looks at his friends, considering their words. He knows they're right and that trust and communication is key in a healthy relationship. "You're right, as always. I think I'll tell Anita about it. I need to trust her and share my challenges."

Bryan smiles, pleased with Patrick's answer. "That's what we call maturity, my friend. I'm sure Anita will understand and support you during this difficult time."

Lúcio agrees, adding, "We're here to support you too, Patrick. No matter how things turn out, know that we'll always be by your side."

Before the conversation could continue, Bryan's phone rings, interrupting the discussion. He looks at the screen and gives his friends a surprised smile.

"Sorry, I have to answer." Bryan says and gets up from the table to go answer his cell phone, far away from his friends who will undoubtedly ask questions later.