Planning The Fundraiser

Patrick is immersed in his work when his father, Mr. Andrade, enters the office with a reflective look. He closes the door gently before addressing his son.

"Patrick, we need to talk about hiring Leonora as the new senior family law attorney," Mr. Andrade says, choosing his words carefully.

Patrick raises his eyebrows, noticing the seriousness in his father's expression. "What's wrong, Dad? Is there something wrong with the decision to hire Leonora?"

"I'm sorry I didn't bring it up before I hired her. I should have talked to you about it first," Mr. Andrade says, evincing sincere regret.

Patrick swallows hard, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Dad, Leonora and I ended up on good terms years ago. There are no hard feelings."

Patrick, although he always tells the truth to his parents, he feels a tightness in his chest. He takes a deep breath, confronting the truth within. He knew that his words to his father were, in fact, a carefully constructed lie, because Patrick and Leonora never ended in good terms. Besides, deep down he knows that there will be hard feelings.

Mr. Andrade nods, but his expression shows that he is still worried. He is right to be worried, anything could happen. "I know, son, but past relationships can complicate workplace dynamics. It's crucial to keep things professional and avoid any awkwardness."

Patrick reflects on his father's words, realizing the sensitivity of the situation. "I get it, Dad. I'll make sure everything stays professional between us."

His father looks directly into Patrick's eyes. "And please avoid mixing personal and professional issues. This could create an uncomfortable environment for everyone in the office."

Agreeing, Patrick assures his father that he is committed to separating the two spheres of his life. He recognises the importance of maintaining seriousness at work and preventing personal issues from interfering with professional dynamics.

His father sighs, placing a hand on Patrick's shoulder. "It's important to me that your past doesn't interfere with your professional present. Please keep that in mind."

Patrick nods, realising the sincerity in his father's words. "I understand, Dad. We'll handle this the best way we can."

John Andrade thanks Patrick for his understanding, relieved to resolve the issue openly. Both agree to keep their professional relationship with Leonora focused on the present, separating the personal experiences they shared in the past. "I want to ask that you won't let the past interfere with the present. Leonora is a talented professional, and we need to work together efficiently. We can use her vast knowledge."

With a lump in his throat, Patrick responds with a simple "Yes, Dad," as he watches his father walk away. As soon as the door closes, he takes a deep breath, knowing that what he has just stated is a skillfully constructed fiction. That moment of serenity now hides an uncomfortable truth. He sits at his desk, confronted by the contradiction between his words and reality.

During lunch, the three discuss the best way to publicize the fundraising. They decide to create a social media event to increase their visibility and encourage friends and family to share it with their connections.

After a delicious lunch with her parents, she decides to take some time to talk to her friends. Leaving the table, Leonora heads to her room to grab her cell phone and finds a cozy spot in the back garden, looking for a quiet spot in the house where she can have privacy to call her friends. She sits in a rocking chair, dials Varsha's number and waits while the phone rings.

Varsha replies excitedly: hi, Nora! What a pleasant surprise to hear your voice. How are you?

Leonora responds: hi, Varsha! I'm great! What are you up to?

Varsha: just having a lazy day, what about you?

Leonora: well, I'm at my parents' house for a few days and I decided to take some time to talk to you. I miss our lively conversations!"

Varsha: ah, I miss it too! How are things at your parents' house?"

Leonora sighs before answering: well, it's always a little strange coming back to the house I grew up in after being away from it for so long. But it's nice to spend time with my parents and reminisce about childhood memories."

Varsha comments: I understand completely. It's a mix of nostalgia and comfort being home, isn't it?

Leonora says: exactly! And you, how are things there? Any news?

Varsha laughs on the other end: ah, you know what everyday life is like. Nothing too exciting happening around here. But I have some news to tell you!

Leonora is curious and asks: what is it? Tell me now!

Varsha says, excitedly: Well, remember Albert? That guy I met last month?

Leonora asks, excited to hear the answer: Of course I remember! Are you guys getting along?

Exclaims Varsha: Yes! In fact, we're dating now! He's amazing, Leonora. I'm so happy!"

Leonora smiles on the other end of the line.

That's wonderful, friend! I'm happy for you. Albert is a really good guy.

Varsha: thank you, friend! You've always been rooting for me. And how's your love life out there? - Varsha asks curiously: I know you arrived 3 days ago, but I'm curious to know if you crossed paths with him?

Leonora sighs again before responding: well, I don't have much news in that department. - Leonora adds jokingly: I'm still looking for my prince charming. - Leonora continues sincerely: but I hope I don't see him for a long time, I don't know how I'll react.

Varsha replies: I'm sure he's out there, Leonora. You're incredible and deserve someone special. And let's also hope you don't cross paths too soon.

Leonora: I hope you're right, friend. In the meantime, I'm enjoying my time here at my parents' house and planning some changes in my life. I decided to take on some cases here, as a Pro bonus, I hope to help these people.

Varsha asks: that's great, Leonora! Changes are always welcome. Tell me more about your plans and the cases.

Leonora enthusiastically shares her future plans, her parents' fundraising idea, the cases and how she wants to open an office just to help non-privileged women.

Varsha encourages, looking intently at the screen: Leonora, there's something else troubling you. Tell me, what's going on?

So, as you know, I'm staying at my parents' house while I look for a new place to stay, and I haven't even spoken to them yet. This might seem strange, but I'm still getting used to the idea of ​​going home.

Leonora starts to explain. Varsha listens intently, knowing how brave Leonora is for leaving her comfort zone to seek her freedom.

Varsha advises: I completely understand, Nora. You haven't lived with your parents since you were 23. I'm sure your parents will understand, but you need to talk to them as soon as possible before they get the idea that you'll be staying at their house for a long time.

Thank you, friend, for always being there for me. I don't know what I would do without you. I'm a little nervous, but also excited about the changes that are coming. I'm sure everything will work out.

Leonora responds, feeling I'm very grateful for your friends.

I'm sure too, darling. You're a strong and courageous person, and I'm confident that everything will be fine. By the way, Avan misses you.- Varsha says with sincere affection.

Leonora replies: I miss him, too. He must be resting now, but tell him to call me when he's awake and..."

The friends chat animatedly for another 20 minutos, sharing funny stories and helpful advice.

At the end of the conversation, Leonora feels refreshed and grateful for having such special friends in her life. She knows that, even though she is temporarily at her parents' house, she can count on the support and affection of her friends. "Thank you for this conversation, Varsha. You and the girls always cheer me up," Leonora says.

"You're welcome, Nora! That's what we're here for. Remember, you can always count on us. We're just a call away," Varsha replies.

After a few more words of encouragement and conversations about less serious topics, they say goodbye, knowing that this conversation was just the beginning of many others. Leonora hangs up the phone with a smile on her face, and gets up to stretch his legs. She decides to take a walk around the garden before entering the house to join her parents in the living room.

While walking through the garden, Leonora admires the colorful flowers and breathes in the fresh air. She remembers how much she loved spending time outdoors and feeling a connection to nature.

After a few minutes, Leonora decides it's time to go inside. She enters through the kitchen door and heads down the hallway to the TV room.

Upon entering the living room, Leonora finds her parents sitting on the sofa watching a cooking show. They wave to her as she enters and Leonora joins them on the couch.

"How was the conversation with your friend?" Grace asks as she settles in on the couch.

"It was great," she replies with a smile. "We talked for a long time."

"Oh cool." Martin says. "You must already miss your old life there."

"I miss the people, London is too cold for my taste." She responds. "But it's still a wonderful city."

"We're sure of that," Grace with a smile. "After all, that's where we made you." Grace finishes and Leonora looks disgusted, making her father laugh.

While watching the cooking show, Leonora's parents and she talk about banal things and other things that are happening in their lives. They laugh together and enjoy time together.

As the night approaches, the family gathers together again, exhausted but satisfied with all the progress made so far.

"I'm so proud of you, my dear." Her father says, holding Leonora's hand affectionately. "Your dedication and passion are truly inspiring."

Leonora smiles and hugs her parents. "I couldn't have done any of this without you guys. Besides, the idea is you're just a helper."

As they prepare for bed that night, Leonora feels a deep sense of gratitude and connection. She reveres the city that welcomed her, the family that loves her and the opportunity to make a difference. Although there is still a lot of work ahead, she is certain that, together, they will be able to achieve their goals and make the fundraising event something truly exceptional.

Lying in bed, Leonora looks out the window and notices the brightness of the stars in the night sky, which seem to smile at her. She closes her eyes, feeling a deep connection with the universe and renewing her determination to move forward.