House Searching

The sun shines in the sky as Patrick walks confidently towards the office of his client, Alan Williams. They had scheduled the first meeting to discuss the possibility of requesting a criminal review. Upon arriving at the office, Patrick greeted the receptionist and was led to the meeting room. Alan is sitting at the table, visibly tense.

"Good morning, Alan. How are you?"

"Good morning, Doctor Patrick. I'm a little nervous, but hopeful that we can finally prove my innocence."

"I completely understand your feelings, Alan. The criminal review is an opportunity to re-evaluate your case and seek justice. Let's look at all the details together."

Alan nods and Patrick begins reviewing the case documents. He studies each page carefully, taking notes and underlining relevant information.

"Alan, before we go any further, I need you to tell me your version of events again. I want to understand all the details of your case."

Alan takes a deep breath and begins to recount the events that led to his unjust conviction. He describes his relationship with the victim, the moments leading up to the crime and the confusing circumstances surrounding his arrest. Patrício listens attentively, asking specific questions to clarify some points.

By mid-morning, Leonora is excited about the prospect of having a space to call her own, where she could build roots and create memories. Determined to find the perfect home, Leonora embarks on a journey of searching for houses in a quiet neighborhood with good infrastructure. She's looking for a spacious apartment, with three bedroom suites, suitable for her future family.

That house looks interesting! Let's check it out, she thinks, looking at an ad on her cell phone.

Leonora gets into a car that she borrowed from her mother and heads towards the first house on the list. She is nervous and excited at the same time. She knows that buying a home is a big financial and emotional decision. Upon arrival, Leonora is greeted by a friendly and experienced real estate agent called Joseph.

"Hello, Leonora! Welcome to this charming house. It has three spacious bedrooms, a large kitchen, and a sunny backyard. How about we take a look?"

"Of course, I'm looking forward to it." She follows Joseph around the house, observing every detail carefully.

"So, what do you think?"

"It's a beautiful house, but I feel like it's small and there's no office space. I work from home a lot and need a quiet environment to do that."

"I understand. Let's continue the search. I'm sure we'll find something perfect for you." Leonora spends the day visiting several houses, but none of them have exactly what she is looking for. Some are very small, others needed a lot of renovation. But she doesn't let herself be discouraged.

"Joseph, I'm starting to wonder if I'll find a house that has everything I need."

"Leonora, finding the perfect home can take time. It's important that you are patient and don't compromise on what's really important to you."

"I understand, Joseph. I guess I'm just too eager to find a place I can call home."

"It might be a good idea to take some time to reflect on your priorities. What are the things you really value in a home? It can help focus your search."

"You're right. I'll reflect on this and make a list of what's essential to me."

Leonora thinks about her needs and priorities. She realises that, in addition to an office space, a safe environment and a quiet neighborhood are fundamental to her. With this in mind, Leonora decides will continues her search with a new perspective tomorrow, as for now, she goes to meet Janelle for lunch.

Disappointed with the apartments she has visited, Leonora decides it's time to clear her head and meet an old friend, Janelle, who she hadn't seen since she came back .Leonora calls her friend, telling her that she is already free and they decided to meet at a cozy restaurant in the city center. They chose a quiet place where they could talk and enjoy a pleasant lunch together.

Meanwhile, Patrick still listening to what his client is telling him. He's paying attention to every details and writing down the most revelant information to his notebook. Louisa will be proud, he thinks and he has to stop a chuckle.

"Thank you very much for sharing this information, Alan. Now, let's discuss the possible basis for requesting criminal review." Patrick explains to Alan the different options that can be explored, such as the discovery of new evidence, procedural errors or even the unconstitutionality of some law applied in the case.

"Doctor Patrick, I have complete confidence in your competence. I know that you will do everything in your power to prove my innocence."

"Thank you for your trust, Alan. I will do my best to ensure that the truth prevails. Now, we need to start gathering evidence and looking for experts who can help us in this process."

When Leonora arrives at the restaurant, she is greeted by her friend with a warm hug. They sit at the table, eager to catch up on the conversation."Janelle, it's so good to see you in person again. I miss these face-to-face meetings," says Leonora with a smile.

"Leonora, I miss those moments too. But I'm happy that we were finally able to meet in person," replies Leonora, with a sparkle in her eyes.

"Leonora! You haven't changed at all! You're as beautiful as before."

"Ah, stop complimenting me, you crazy woman! You're still beautiful too. How has your life been?"

"Very busy, as always. Work at the hospital has been intense, but I'm loving every challenge."

"I'm sure you're making a difference in a lot of people's lives. Speaking of which, how's your family?"

"Everyone is fine, thank God. My husband and children are doing great. And you, Leonora? How has your search for a new home been?"

"Ah, it was a little frustrating. I visited several houses today, but none of them enchanted me. I don't think I've found the perfect place yet."

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find your dream home soon. Sometimes it takes a while to find the right place."

As they wait for their dishes, they begin to share their experiences from recent years. Leonora talks about her career as a lawyer and the legal battles she has faced in the courts. She shares her passions for justice and her clients' rights.Janelle listens attentively and shows admiration for Leonora's dedication.

"You have always been a strong and fearless woman, Leonora. I am proud to see how you have become such a successful lawyer. Your work is crucial to ensuring justice and equality for so many people," Janelle says with an encouraging smile. Leonora sighs and agrees.

"Sometimes it's a tiring battle, but it's rewarding to know that I'm making a difference in people's lives. Law has its ups and downs, but when you can fight for the rights of those who can't do it alone, every challenge is worth it worth it." Leonora responds, strengthening her own determination.

While enjoying a delicious meal, Leonora and Janelle engage in lively conversation, reminiscing about their past adventures. They laugh at the funny stories and get emotional when talking about the difficult times they have faced all these years. While enjoying the delicious food and catching up, Leonora and Janelle realise how refreshing it is to be together again.

"You know, Leonora, even with all the difficulties of adult life, moments like this remind me of the importance of true friendships."

"I completely agree, Leonora. Even though we don't see each other often, our friendship remains strong. It's comforting to know that we can always count on each other."

After a long lunch full of sincere conversations and mutual encouragement, Leonora and Janelle says goodbye with a tight hug, as Janelle has to be back at the hospital by 2:30 pm. The friendship they had built over all these years was strengthened even further by that personal meeting. As Leonora leaves the restaurant, she feels excited and motivated.

At 2 pm, a customer parks his car outside the quiet little flower shop. The woman inside tidies up the counter, adjusting the delicate and colorful arrangements, when she hears the bell jingling, signaling the arrival of a customer. She looks up and smiles when she sees a tall, elegant man enter the store.

"Hello! How can I help you today?" The woman asks excitedly, approaching the customer. The man smiles in response.

"I'm looking for a special bouquet for my wife. She loves exotic and vibrant flowers. Could you recommend something like that?"

The woman is excited by the intriguing request and leads him to a section with rarer and more eye-catching flowers. She explains each of them, highlighting their unique characteristics. Her client seems fascinated, absorbing each piece of information with interest.

As she chooses some flowers for the bouquet, the store bell rings once again. The woman sighs, hoping it's a customer looking for a single rose. But to her surprise, it's her older brother, Patrick, a busy lawyer who rarely shows up at her small establishment.

"Patrick! What are you doing here? Do I have a special order for you today?" She jokes, as she warmly hugs her brother.

Patrick smiles and replies: "Nothing like that, little sister. I was passing by and thought about inviting you to lunch. What do you say?"

Zadie looks at the customer she has just helped and notices that he is finishing his purchase. "I think I can go out for a few minutes. Let's take the chance to go together, how long has it been since we've done this?"

The customer gives an understanding smile. "Don't worry. I've already finished shopping and you two look like you could use some time together. I hope my choice of flowers pleases my wife. Thanks for your help, Zadie."

Zadie and Patrick leave the store hand in hand. As they walk down the busy street, the brothers take the opportunity to update each other on their lives. Marlene mentions the recent art exhibition she visited and Patrick shares some legal cases she is facing in her office.

They sit in a cozy restaurant, ordering their favorite dishes and toasting the fraternal unity that always keeps them connected despite the busy lives they lead.

"So, tell me, Patrick. How is Anita?" Zadie asks, curious about her Patrick personal life, she sighs and smiles. Zadie figure out that Patrick wouldn't want to talk about teiir last conversation, so she goes for the safe one.

"We're doing great, thanks for the question. And how have you been? Any new Lover?"

"God forbid..." Lunch continues amid laughter, stories and confidences. As time passed and lunch came to an end, the brothers walk back to Zadie's store. Before saying goodbye, Patrick hugs his sister and thanks her for the time together.