Pride Beyond Achievements

At the end of the rehearsal, Anita looks around with a satisfied smile. Once again, Mrs. Bacar approaches, beaming with pride, and joins them. She talks to all her models and a few minutes later, they all leave her and Anita.

"How was it?"

"It was amazing! I felt like I was flying down the runway. I can't wait for the real show."

"You were absolutely amazing, Anita. I'm sure the fashion show will be a success."

Anita goes to the changing, she takes her belongings, and says goodbye to the other models with a warm smile. She knows that she has found her calling and is ready to face any challenge that may come her way.

As they leave the studio, Anita reflects on the rehearsal. Anita knows she's on the right path to achieving her dreams as a model. With renewed confidence, she is ready to face the exciting fashion show that is about to come.

As she drives to her apartment, Anita feels a sense of accomplishment and confidence in herself. She knows she has a lot to learn and improve, but she is determined to continue growing as a model and as a person. She lets the late afternoon sun create a warm, golden hue that bathes everything in a soft, cozy light.

Graces watches her daughter's expression as she sees her entering the living room, where her parents are watching a soap opera. Graces looks at what her daughter's wearing. A floral dress and a beach bag, which matches her dress. "You seem excited. What are you planning?" Leonora's mother asks.

Leonora takes a deep breath before responding, "I would like to borrow your car to go to the beach. I want to enjoy the sunset and reconnect with it."

Her father nods, understanding her need to explore and enjoy the city she hasn't been to for so long.

"Of course, Leonora! You can take the car. Just drive carefully and enjoy your time there," he says. With a grateful smile, Leonora thanks her parents and takes the car keys. She says goodbye quickly and heads towards the beach.

Arriving at the beach, Leonora parks the car and feels the soft breeze caress her face. She walks along the sand, watching the crashing waves and getting lost in nostalgic thoughts.

While finding a comfortable spot on the sand, Leonora opens her bag and takes out her camera. She loves taking pictures of nature and takes advantage of the tranquility of the beach to record her thoughts and feelings.

As she takes a few pictures, Leonora hears the sound of a nearby stall selling sugar cane juice. She decides to take a break and indulge in this local delicacy.

"A sugar cane juice, please," she asks the seller with a smile.

The vendor promptly prepares the fresh juice as Leonora watches, feeling the sweet scent of sugarcane fill the air. He hands her the cold glass, and she thanks him enthusiastically.

Leonora takes a sip of the refreshing juice and feels the natural sweetness of the sugar invade her palate. She closes her eyes for a moment, savoring every drop.

While enjoying the sugar cane juice, Leonora turns her attention to the horizon. The sun is starting to set, painting the sky with golden and orange tones. Quickly, she puts away her camera and gets up, determined to find the best place to enjoy this spectacle of nature.

Walking along the beach, Leonora finds a small dune covered in undergrowth. She decides to climb on it to have a panoramic view of the sea and the imminent sunset.

Sitting on top of the dune, Leonora watches as the sun slowly sinks below the horizon, transforming the sky into a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors. She feels at peace with herself, appreciating the beauty of nature and the tranquility of the moment. "What an incredible spectacle," Leonora whispers to herself.

As the sun continues to set, Leonora allows herself to reflect on her journey, the years that have passed, and the possibilities that the future holds. She feels grateful to be there, witnessing this magical moment.

After sunset, Leonora comes down from the dune with a smile on her face. She decides to walk along the beach a little longer before heading home. Enjoying her own company, she dips her feet in the cool water and feels the soft sand between her toes.

With a heart full of gratitude and serenity, Leonora returns to the car and drives back home. As she walks through the familiar streets of Maputo, she knows that this is just the beginning of a new adventure in her hometown.

And so, with rekindled memories, a stunning sunset, and delicious sugar cane juice in her memory, Leonora moves forward, ready to embrace each new chapter that life has in store for her.

After a long day of work, Patrick finally arrives at his apartment. Feeling exhausted, he decides to take a refreshing shower to relax. As the hot water ran down his body, his mind returned to Anita.

Soon after drying off and putting on comfortable clothes, Patrick takes out his cell phone and dials Anita's number. His heart beats faster as he waits for her to answer.

Anita's soft voice echoes on the other end of the line: Hello?

Patrick asks excitedly, trying to hide the anxiety he feels. Anitta sighs: Hi, love! How was your day?"

Anita: It was a tiring day, full of photo shoots and meetings with agencies. But I'm happy to talk to you now. How was your day?"

Patrick hesitates for a moment before responding. He knows it's time to share the news about his ex-girlfriend, but something stops him. He decides to postpone this conversation for now.

Patrick responds, avoiding mentioning any details about his ex-girlfriend: My day was good, lots of work as always. But I'm happy to talk to you now."

Anita notices the hesitation in his voice and is intrigued: Is there something bothering you, love? You sound different today.

Patrick takes a deep breath, feeling worried about hiding the truth from Anita. However, he doesn't want to ruin the special moment they are sharing.

Patrick replies, trying to be so convincing: It's nothing, honey. I'm just a little tired and have a lot of work. I want to enjoy our time together now.

Anita is silent for a moment as if she is processing Patrick' words. She trusts him, but something tells her there is more to his evasive answer.

Anita finally says, a hint of sadness in her voice: It's okay, love. I understand, let's enjoy our time together.

Patrick feels a tightness in his chest when he hears the disappointment in Anita's voice. He knows he couldn't put off this conversation much longer, but he fears how she would react to finding out about an ex-girlfriend.

As they talk about lighter topics, Patrick wonders how he will ever work at the same company as his ex-girlfriend. He knows he will eventually tell Anita the truth, but for now, he decides to keep that secret.

After a long day at the beach, Leonora returns home with a relaxed mind and a heart full of happy memories. As she walks towards the front door, she notices voices coming from the living room. Curious, she approaches silently to hear better.

"Do you see how she becomes such a talented lawyer? I'm so proud of our daughter," her father's voice echoes through the room.

"Yes, woman, she really achieved a lot from school to now. She always has been determinant and with such a kind heart." Her soft mother's voice responds.

Leonora feels her heart fill with emotion upon hearing her parents' words. She has never heard them talk about her pride so openly before.

Her mind ts go back to the past when she was just a dedicated student in elementary school. She always strives to get good grades and help her classmates with their questions. Leonora smiles as she remembers the countless school assignments her parents helped her review.

As she grows up, she continues to excel in school and college, always seeking knowledge and challenging herself academically. Her parents are by her side every step of the way, supporting her unconditionally.

Now, as a talented lawyer, with plans to do her best in her own country, Leonora is ready to face new challenges and make a difference in people's lives. She always knows her parents are proud of her achievements, but hearing it directly from them is a special moment.

With a smile on her face, Leonora enters the living room. Her parents look at her with surprise and happiness when they see her.

"Leonora! Did you come back from the beach early?" Her mother asks, standing up to hug her warmly. Leonora hugs her mother tightly, feeling grateful for the love and support she has always received.

"Yes, I hear you talking. I want you to know how much I love you and how grateful I am for all the support you've given me over the years."

Her father approaches and puts a hand on her shoulder. "We always know that you will be capable of great things, my dear. Seeing you become such a talented lawyer is an immense pride for us."

Leonora feels tears of happiness in her eyes as she looks at her parents. "I wouldn't have come this far without you. Thank you for believing in me and encouraging me to follow my dreams."

The three embrace, sharing a special moment of family connection and love. The words of pride and admiration continue to echo in their hearts, reinforcing the importance of mutual love and support.

After the family hug, loving her mother, Leonora took the stairs and went to take a shower before they sat down to dinner.

That night, over dinner as Leonora shares beach stories with her parents, she knows that her achievements are even more meaningful when shared with those who love her unconditionally. Her parental pride is a precious treasure that she will carry with her on every step of her journey.

After dinner, as everyone gets ready for bed, Leonora reflects on the importance of taking time to rest and recharge. She is grateful to have parents who encourage her to take care of herself.

As she turns off the light, Leonora smiles, knowing that tomorrow will be another day full of precious moments with the people she loves most. She closes her eyes and falls asleep with a feeling of peace alongside happiness in her heart.