I'm Not Ready To Face Him

The next morning, with the list in hand, Leonora begins her search. She drives down several streets, looking at buildings and looking for for rent signs. Her enthusiasm grew with each new possibility.

Finally, Leonora finds a building that looks promising. She walks into the reception and she's greeted by a friendly broker named Angelo.

"Hello, how can I help you?" Angelo asks, with a smile.

"I'm looking for an apartment with three bedrooms, an office, open kitchen, living room and a garden in," Leonora explains.

Angelo nods and starts showing her some available apartments in the building. They take the elevator to the first floor and enter the first apartment.

"This is our model," Angelo says, opening the door. Leonora is impressed by the elegance of the place. The apartment is spacious and well lit, with modern decor.

"It looks great," Leonora says as she walks through the living room. "And the garden?"

Angelo leads Leonora to a sliding glass door that leads onto a beautiful private garden. "Here's your garden," he says proudly. Leonora smiles. 

This place has everything I'm looking for. But I knows it's important to explore other options before making a decision.

They visit two more apartments in the same building, but neither of them have exactly what Leonora wants. She thanks Angelo for his help and decides to continue her search in other places.

In the following hours, Leonora visits different neighborhoods in the city, always looking for the perfect apartment. She meets with other brokers and explores various options, but nothing really captures her full interest.

Meanwhile, in his office, Patrick sits in his comfortable leather chair, with a satisfied smile. He has received the news he has been waiting for the past two weeks - his client Alan's criminal review application is accepted. Now, it's time to share this news with him.

Patrick picks up the phone on his desk and dials the number of his assistant, Louisa. After a few rings, Patrick's excited voice echoes through the phone.

"Hello, Louisa, good morning. I need you to call Alan and give him the best news of the day, our request for criminal review has been accepted," says Patrick enthusiastically.

Louisa, on the other end of the line, smiles upon hearing the news. She knows how much this means to Alan and also to her boss, who worked tirelessly on the case.

"Of course, Mr Patrick! I'll call him right now." Louisa responds promptly. "I'm sure he will be extremely happy with this news."

Patrick thanks Louisa for her readiness and ends the call. As he anxiously awaits Alan's response, he thinks about how this victory will be a milestone in his career as a criminal lawyer.

As for Leonora, yet it's another unsuccessful day. She decides to return home, and share with her parents the latest news about the search for the apartment of her dreams. Upon entering the room's door, she is greeted with eager smiles and curious looks.

"Hi, Mom, Hi, Dad! How's your day going?" She greets them enthusiastically, trying to postpone telling them the discouraging news.

"Hello, dear! Our day is peaceful. What about yours? Did you find any interesting apartments?" Her mother asks, barely able to contain the excitement in her voice.

Sighing deeply before answering, Leonora says: "Well... Today I didn't find anything to my liking. I visited a few places, but none completely won me over." Her voice carries a tone of obvious disappointment.

Her father looks at her with a worried expression, while her mother tries to hide her frustration. "Oh, honey, we're so sorry about that. We're sure you'll find the perfect place soon," he says, trying to comfort her.

"Yes, daughter, don't be discouraged. Sometimes things take a while to fall into place. We're sure your dream apartment is out there waiting for you," adds your mother with an encouraging smile. Sitting down on the couch next to them, Leonora sighs again.

"I know you're right. It's just... I was so hopeful that I would find something today. It's not because I'm not enjoying being here, but I so want to have my own space, a place where I can really feel at home." House."

Her father puts his hand on her shoulder, conveying support. "We understand, honey. But don't worry, we'll keep looking together. We'll find the perfect place for you."

Her mother takes her hand affectionately.

"That's right, my daughter. Don't give up. Let's keep hope and determination. I'm sure we'll soon find the apartment of your dreams."

Leonora feels comforted by her parents' unconditional love and support. They have always been by her side on all her journeys, and this one would be no different.

"Thank you, Mom, thank you, Dad. You are the best parents in the world. Let's keep looking together and I'm sure we will find the perfect place for me," she says with a hopeful smile.

Another thing I'm thankful for is the fact that I have managed five days in town and I didn't cross path with him. And I hope it stays this way, at least for now.

I'm not ready to face him.

Across town, Alan is at home, sitting at the kitchen table. He is nervous and worried, anxiously waiting for some news about his case.

Suddenly, the phone rings. Alan, with shaking hands, answers quickly.

"Hello?" Alan says, his voice full of expectation.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Alan! This is Louisa, assistant to your lawyer, Patrick. I have incredible news to tell you," Louisa says, unable to contain her excitement.

Alan feels his heart speed up even more. He holds the phone tightly, waiting to hear the words that will change his life.

"The request for criminal review has been accepted! You will have another chance to prove your innocence," Louisa says, barely able to hide the emotion in her voice.

Alan lets out a relieved sigh and a tear escapes his eyes. He can't believe that wonderful news. Finally, there will be an opportunity to clear his name and regain his freedom.

"Thank you, Louisa! You have no idea how much this means to me," Alan says, emotionally. "Please tell Patrick that I am deeply grateful for all his work."

Leonora decides to enjoy every moment with her parents. They explores the city together, visits the places they used to go when she was a child, and meet new acquaintances.

Leonora also finds time to help out with the community projects and get involved in local legal issues. Her experience as a lawyer in the big city brought a new perspective to the issues facing her hometown, which made her decide to take up pro bunos cases.

During their walk through the park, Leonora looks at her parents with gratitude and love.

"You know, I was a little scared to come back home. Afraid that things had changed too much or that I didn't fit in anymore. But I found that real home is where the heart is, and my heart has always been here with you."

Grace smiles and hugs her daughter.

"You will always have a home here, Leonora. We will always be here to support and love you, no matter where life takes you."

"And now, we have the chance to build new memories together. We can't wait to see what the future holds for us as a family." Martin adds with a bright smile.

As they walk back home, Leonora feels a sense of wholeness and happiness. She knows that she is exactly where she should be, next to her parents, in her hometown. And, with their strength and support, she knows she could take on any challenge life throws at her.

Leonora's return to her hometown marks the beginning of a new journey in her life. She is determined to use her skills and knowledge to make a difference in her city. And, with her parents' unwavering love by her side, she felt confident to tackle any obstacle that came her way.

However, besides the preparation for the fundraising - which will be held in three days, helping her mother with the clothing agency, and looking for a house, Leonora immerses herself in her work as a lawyer. She gets involved in local cases, fighting for the rights of the underprivileged and seeking justice for those who have no voice. Her passion for the law and her commitment to the truth were evident in every battle she fought in court.

Meanwhile, her parents became a constant presence in her life. They support her unconditionally, attending her hearings, celebrating her victories, and offering words of encouragement during difficult times. Their relationship grows even stronger, and Leonora realises that she couldn't have made a better choice in returning home.

In the evening, Leonora is sitting in her father's office, discussing a case she's about to tackle. Martin, a retired lawyer, still maintaine his private office and acts as a mentor of sorts to Leonora. He shares her wisdom and experience, guiding her on her professional journey.

"Daughter, I am very proud of you." Says Martin, looking at Leonora in awe. "You have become a talented and courageous lawyer. I am sure you will make a difference in many people's lives."

Leonora smiles, feeling grateful for her father's words.

"Thank you, Dad. I wouldn't have made it this far without your support and guidance. You've always been my example of integrity and dedication."

Grace enters the room with a tray of coffee.

"Ah, I see the dynamic duo are planning to save the world again." She says, laughing. Leonora gets up and hugs her mother.

"And you, Mom, were always my safe haven. Your strength and unconditional love gave me the confidence to follow my dreams."

However, her parents decided to talk about the topic they have been avoiding to ask. Her parents' careful questions about London and the people who have impacted her life. The family warmth creates a serene atmosphere, but the mention of Avan, brings a subtle shadow to the conversation.

Her mother, with a wistful smile, asks. "Leonora, don't you miss London? The people and places that were so important to you?"

Leonora, remembering special moments, responds too. "Sometimes, yes. London will always be a valuable part of my story."

Her father, with interest, adds. "And how is little Avan? He must be growing up a lot."

Leonora, feeling the tenderness at the mention of Avan, responds, "He's doing well, growing up fast. He's a joy to have around."

The parents, noticing the change in Leonora's expression when talking about Avan, decide not to delve into the subject further. Instead, the mother asks lovingly, "And how is it for you, dear? This transition, this new phase of your life?"

Leonora, choosing her words carefully, shares, "It's a process, Mom. Sometimes I miss the old me intensely, but Avan has brought a new perspective to my life."

The father, respecting the sensitivity of the moment, comments. "He seems to be a significant presence."

Leonora agrees softly, recognising the positive impact Avan has brought. "Yes, he is special. A light amidst the memories."

The conversation moves to other topics, avoiding touching on the hardest topic of the story. The three sit around the table, sharing stories and laughter as they enjoy their coffee. They celebrate Leonora's successes and discuss plans for the future. It's evident that the bond between them is more than just that of parents and daughter; it is a bond of love, support and complicity.

As the sun sets beyond the window, Leonora looks at her parents and feels blessed. She had found her true calling, surrounded by the love of her family and given the opportunity to make a difference in her city. She realises that although she left her hometown in search of growing up, this is where she truly belonged.