Wasn't what I expected

On Sunday morning, the sun rises timidly on the horizon, illuminating the room where Leonora wakes up after a night of deep sleep and etermined to leave behind the painful memories of her reunion with Patrício. She knows she can't let those cruel words affect her anymore. She rubs her eyes and smiles as she leaves the bed and stretches her body. She heads downstairs, straight to the kitchen, where she finds Grace preparing breakfast.

"Good morning, Daughter!" Grace says with a warm smile on her face. "Did you sleep well?"

"Good morning, mom. Where's dad? Yes mom, I slept well." Leonora answers, hugging her.

"He's still in the bedroom, regretting for drinking like a teenage." Leonora laugh.

As she sits down to eat breakfast, her mother realises something is wrong. With a worried look, she directs her attention to her daughter.

"Honey, I noticed you left the event early last night. What happened?" The mother asks sincerely.

Leonora pauses for a moment, considering the best way to respond. She doesn't want to tarnish Patricio's image in the eyes of her parents, but she also can't hide the truth.

"Well, mom, after you left me with Patricio, we talked, but the interaction wasn't very pleasant. I felt uncomfortable and decided to leave early." She responds, trying to choose her words carefully.

Grace furrows her eyebrows, worried about what might have happened between the two. She doesn't want to create unnecessary conflicts, but she also wants to understand why her daughter left the event so abruptly.

"Daughter, I understand that not all relationships end well, but you cannot allow this to affect your night. You know how we consider Patricio to be an exemplary boy. Maybe there was some misunderstanding, you haven't seen each other for so long." Grace says, trying to mediate the situation.

Patrick wakes up to the sun's rays invading the room, softly illuminating his face. He slowly opens his eyes and smiles when he sees Anita, sleeping peacefully next to her. Patrick feels grateful to have her in his life and decides to surprise her with a special moment.

Careful not to wake her, Patrick gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom. He turns on the shower and adjusts the temperature to make it comfortable. Then he goes back to the room and wakes Anita up with a soft kiss.

"Good morning, my love," he whispers gently in her ear.

Anita smiles sleepily and stretches before opening her eyes. She looks at Patrick tenderly and says, "Good morning, my dear. What are you up to?"

Patrick takes Anita's hand and leads her to the bathroom. "Let's take a shower together to say goodbye," he suggests with a mischievous smile.

Anita is surprised but excited about the idea. The two get into the shower and the warm water begins to fall on their bodies. Patrick takes some shower shampoo and starts to gently soap Anita's back, making circular movements.

Anita closes her eyes and enjoys the relaxing sensation of Patrick's touch on her skin. She returns the gesture, soaping his arms and chest carefully. The two have fun while the water runs down their bodies, creating an intimate and special moment.

After a refreshing shower, Patrick and Anita step out of the shower and wrap themselves in soft towels. They walk to the closet together, picking out their clothes for the day. Patrick opts for a casual t-shirt and jeans, while Anita chooses a light, colorful dress. When Anita is not traveling, she spends more time at Patrick's house and he suggested that she leave some of her clothes there.

Dressed, they head downstairs towards the kitchen. As they prepare breakfast, the smell of fresh coffee fills the air, awakening his senses. They sit at the kitchen table, holding hands as they share a smile.

While enjoying breakfast together, Patrick and Anita talk animatedly about their plans for the day. They exchange ideas, make plans and support each other in their aspirations.

"You always inspire me to be the best version of myself," Patrick says softly, looking into Sofia's eyes.

Anita smiles sweetly and replies, "And you make me feel complete. I'm grateful to have you by my side."

After finishing breakfast, they get up from the table and wash the dishes together, helping each other like true partners. With everything tidy, they hug each other affectionately and go to Patrick's room together.

"I'm so happy to spend this time with you," Patrick says, holding Anita's hand.

Anita smiles and caresses Patrick's face. "I'm happy too, my love. You always make the moments with me special."

"Let's make this last two hours unforgettable," Patrick says, planting a kiss on Anita's forehead.

"With you by my side, I'm sure it will be," Anita responds, holding Patrick's hand lovingly and they spend whatever time they have left loving each other.

Leonora sighs, reluctant to share all the painful details. She doesn't want to create unnecessary tension between her parents and Patricio, but at the same time she needs to express her emotions.

"Mom, I understand your perspective and I respect the friendship between our families. But yesterday was a difficult time for me. The interaction with Patricio wasn't what I expected. He was a little cold and distant, and that made me uncomfortable. I preferred to stay away to avoid any conflict or discomfort for everyone around the table," she explains, trying to be as transparent as possible.

Grace looks at her, understanding her pain and the difficulty in sharing everything. She recognizes that her daughter has the right to protect her feelings.

"I understand, sweetheart. I'm sorry you had to go through this. I'm here for you, no matter what happened. If you need to talk more about this, I'll be available to listen." Grace says with compassion.

Leonora feels relieved to hear her mother's loving and supportive words. She knows she has his unconditional support, even if the relationship between her and Patricio is not as expected.

"Thank you, Mom. I appreciate your support and understanding. I'm determined to move forward and focus on my own happiness. There are certainly better things in store for me in the future," she says, trying to show a positive attitude. Her mother smiles, proud of her daughter's strength and determination.

"That's the word, sweetie. You have every right to choose your own path and walk away from anything that isn't healthy for you. I'll be here to support you every step of the way," says the mother, exuding confidence.

With a lighter heart, Leonora hugs her mother affectionately and at that same moment her father also appears in the room, looking hungover from all the wine he drank the night before.

"I want that hug too," he says, joining them and Leonora feels strengthened by her family's love and support, knowing that she has a solid foundation to move forward.

That day, Leonora chose to focus on her own happiness and not let Patrick's words define her. She has a bright future ahead of her and is ready to embrace all the opportunities that life has in store for her.

Patrick takes Anita's hand and they walk together to the car, and head towards her apartment to pick up her already made bag before the leave to the airport. Along the way, they share laughter and intimate conversations. Patrick does everything he can to make Anita feel comfortable, knowing that parting will be difficult for both of them.

As they get to her apartment, Patrick grabs her bag in the foyer and the two walk out the front door. The midday sun shines in the sky, promising a day full of adventures and special moments. Patrickt drives hand in hand with Anita towards the International airport. Feelings of joy and emotions are present in the air, as Anita would embark on a short work trip.

Patrick smiles as he looks at Anita, enjoying the way her hair dances softly in the wind and how her laughter fills the space between them. She is an incredible woman, full of passion and determination, and Patrick is grateful to have her in his life.

As he approaches the airport, Patrick couldn't help but notice the familiar feeling starting to build in his chest. It's as if memories of the past settle in your mind, eager to be relived. Patrick parks the car, turns off the engine and gets out of the car. He walks to the other side and opens the car door for Anita, who thanks him immediately with a not-too-long kiss.

Then he picks up the suitcase and with a mixture of emotion and anxiety, they walk hand in hand through the busy terminal, surrounded by the sound of lively conversations and suitcases being dragged across the floor. The expression on Patrick's face reflects the happiness of being with someone so special.

They continue walking through the airport, however, when they come across the huge departure boards, a whirlwind of memories is triggered.

"I'm going to check in the suitcase," Anita says and leaves with her suitcase. As Anita goes to line up, Patrick sits on a nearby bench, letting his mind wander to the distant past.

He closes his eyes for a moment and goes back in time, to a moment similar to the one he lived with his ex-girlfriend. He remembers the moment he accompanied Leonora to the same airport to catch a flight to the United Kingdom. It was a painful departure, full of uncertainty and fear. At that moment, he couldn't even imagine what the future would hold for him, but now it was crystal clear.

Patrick's heart opened as he watched Leonora's brown eyes shine with love and a hint of sadness as they hugged at the airport. Her words of encouragement echoed in his mind: "I can't believe you're leaving," Patrick said, his voice breaking and his eyes filling with tears.

Leonora held Patrick's hands, her eyes also teary. "I know it will be a unique opportunity for my future."

"I will madly miss you, but I'm proud of you. Go, be brilliant and conquer the world." He said with pride in her, as it is not every day that someone gets scholarships.

"I'll be back soon and you can visit me whenever you can, and I'll do the same too."

"I know my love."

"I promise you'll stay up to date, and as soon as I finish my master's degree, I'll get back to you."

Patrick nodded, struggling to maintain his composure. He knew that Leonora was right, that this was an important step for her career. But the heart hurt anyway.

Anita's soft voice brings him back to reality. "Patrick, are you okay?" She asks, worried.

He smiles at her, trying to hide the conflicting emotions flooding him. "Yes, I was just remembering something," Patrick replies, his voice shaking a little.

Anita looks at him, her eyes full of understanding. She knows his past is still an open wound. She hugs him tenderly, offering silent comfort. Patrick felt grateful to have her in his life.

"I'm going to miss you, Patrick." She says, holding his delicate hands.

"I'll miss you, Anita. But I'll be here eagerly awaiting for your return," he states, specifically.

Standing at the entrance to the departure lounge, they hear an ecological announcement on the loudspeakers. Patrick's heart races as he thinks about how life can be full of intriguing coincidences.

"Last call for the flight to Johannesburg!" Announces the robotic voice.

Patrick's eyes met Anita's, and they hug each other intensely. He could feel the energy flow between them, the bond that united them. Patrick kisses Anita tenderly before letting her go towards her new destination. He knew that this would be a challenge for both of them, but he's also sure that they would face it together.

Anita tightens her hug even more, conveying comfort. "I understand that this moment may bring back painful memories for you, but I will come back."

Patrick looks at Anita, noticing the sincerity in her words. He smiled, thanked him, ignoring the meaning of the last words. "You're amazing, Anita. I know our love is different and special. There's no reason for me to worry."

She nodded with a reassuring look and heads towards the gate. Patrick couldn't help but feel a mixture of sadness. Now more than ever, he wants to be a much better person, someone capable of keeping his promises.

As he watches Anita disappear through the gate, Patrick feels a wave of peace. He is determined to overcome past memories and build a bright future with Anita.

At noon, the three friends, Nádia, Marcella and Jenelle, got together for coffee at their favorite coffee shop. Sitting at a cozy table, they began to talk about what had happened the night before.

Nádia, with a worried expression, asks: "Did you see Leonora at the event yesterday? She left suddenly, and I'm worried about her. I think Patrício said something that hurt her, I didn't want to talk about it in front of my aunt and uncle."

Jenelle nods, remembering the moment Leonora decided to leave, without even seeing her arrive. "Yes, I saw her leaving hurriedly. She was visibly shaken. I'm sure meeting Patricio affected her feelings."

Marcella, worried about her friend, adds: "I think we should give her some space, but we also need to show our support. Leonora is a strong person, but everyone has their moments of vulnerability."

Determined to help their friend, the three get up from the table, leave and Nadia decides to stop by her aunt and uncle's house before going to her house. Nádia wanted to make sure she is okay and offer her shoulder to lean on.

The night is peaceful and Leonora is sitting on her bed, lost in thought, when she hears a knock on the door. Curious, she gets up and opens the door, revealing her cousin, Nadia. Leonora smiles when she sees her cousin and hugs her warmly.

"Nadia, what a pleasant surprise! Come in, come in! How are you?" Nadia returns the hug and enters the house. She looks worried when she looks into Leonora's eyes.

"Leonora, I saw you leave the fundraiser after seeing Patricio. What happened? Nora, I'm here because I care about you. The girls and I were there as you left the event yesterday, and we wanted to make sure you were okay, but I couldn't wait until tomorrow and decided to come to see you."

Leonora sighs, thanks Nádia for her concern and the two sit on the bed. She decides to open her heart and share her feelings with her cousin.

"Nadia, it was an unexpected meeting. I hadn't seen Patricio in five years and all the past emotions came back to the surface. I even talked to him, and during our conversation I was indifferent. But Nádia, seeing him again was overwhelming, and I just couldn't deal with it at that moment. Seeing him brought up a lot of emotions that I thought I had overcome. It was a painful reminder of how things ended between us."

Nádia looks at Leonora with understanding.

"I completely understand. The past can be difficult to face, especially when it involves past relationships. But you don't have to face it alone, Leonora. I'm here to listen and support you, as is your friends."

Leonora feels immense relief upon hearing Nádia's words. "Thank you, Nádia. It means a lot to me to have you here. It's clear that he would be there, but a part of me didn't expect to meet him at that event. It was an emotionally overwhelming surprise."

Nádia holds Leonora's hands affectionately.

"I understand how difficult this may have been for you. But remember that you are strong and capable of getting through this situation. And you have people around you who care deeply about you."

Leonora feels comforted by Nádia's words.

"You're right, Nadia. I have wonderful people around me, like you and my friends. I need to be more open about my feelings and share my concerns with them."

Nádia nods, encouraging Leonora.

"Exactly! Sharing your feelings with people you trust is essential. They will be there to support you, listen to you and help you get through difficult times."

Leonora smiles at Nádia, feeling grateful for her presence.

"Thank you, Nadia. Your words mean a lot to me. I know I can count on you, as well as the girls, to support me on this journey of healing and growth."

The two cousins ​​continue the conversation, exchanging stories and sharing their personal experiences. Nadia reveals to Leonora that she also went through a difficult time reuniting with an ex-boyfriend in the past and perfectly understands the complexity of the emotions involved.

"Changing the subject, how was the fundraising event? It seemed like an important people were there," she asks, looking for a healthy distraction.

Nadia smiles, grateful for the changing the subject. "Oh dear, you won't believe how wonderful it was! We had an incredible turnout and raised a significant amount for the charity. It was truly inspiring to see so many people coming together for such a worthy cause," she replies excitedly.

Leonora feels relieved to hear her cousin's enthusiasm and little by little the dark clouds caused by her meeting with Patrício begin to dissipate.

"That's great, Cousin. I'm glad it was a success! You know, it's always rewarding to see the positive impact we can have on other people's lives through events like this." She comments, trying to absorb the positive energy of the conversation.

Nadia nods, sharing the feeling. "Yes, exactly! Seeing the community coming together to make a difference is incredible. I'm very proud to be part of this fundraiser and contribute to such an important cause," she says, excited.

As the conversation develops, Leonora begins to feel lighter. She realises that despite the emotional obstacles, there are still positive moments in her life and that she can focus on those.