The Perfect Home

On Monday morning, Leonora leaves her bedroom to the bathroom, she makes sure to put her dirty pyjamas in the laundry room and gets into the shower, when she is done with her hygiene, she wraps a towel around her body and walks to the closet. She grabs a pair of black jeans, white long sleeve blouse then she opens the drawer to grab a set of underwear and bra. Leonora puts lotion on her body, then she gets dressed. She walks downstairs straight to the kitchen and serves herself a bowel full of granola cereal with plain yoghurt. 

After she is done eating, she goes back to her room, brushes her teeth, put a nude lipstick. On her way out, she takes her handbag, car keys as well her phone and locks the door. She presses the keys alarm and a Black Audi alarm went off. She unlocks the doors and gets into the car, she switches the engines and leaves her garage after making sure she has locked the gates on her way out of the house. 

15 minutes later, park her car in the parking lot in front of AD & Associates Law Firm. This is it. Leonora is beyond excited but is soon replaced by nervous. She couldn't believe it. Leonora gets out of the car, lets out a deep sigh, with a beautiful smile and straight shoulders, she prays as she walks into the sliding glass doors.

A few seconds later, Leonora walks into the AD & Associates Law Firm reception in the lobby of the building. The entire main structure is made of glass, making the reception very clear and matching the sober decor in white tones and on the left side it's possible to see some work bays in the administrative sector that is on the first floor and, behind the reception, on a large panel, the words "AD & Associates Law Firm" shine in chromed metal. 

Leonora walks to the receptionist, she asks about Mr Andrade. After getting the information she needs, Leonora smiles at a few people as she walks down the left side towards the elevator, and hit the button to the seventh floor. The elevator stops on the desired floor, and as soon as the door opens, Leonora walks down the hall. 

Here comes nothing. 

She sees some girls walking on the seventh floor, and some of them are dressed in black suits with a skirt. 

I'm glad I chose to wear a proper outfit for this place, otherwise, I would have felt like I'm out of place, Leonora thinks as she approaches the secretary. 

"Hello, good morning." Leonora greets the woman who is sitting behind the desk. 

"Good morning, how can I help you?" The woman replies. 

"I'm here to meet with Mr Andrade, Camilla the receptionist from the first floor told me that I would find him here." She says. 

"Of course, let me page him." Leonora watches as the secretary takes the fax phone and made a call.

"Leonora Dark, right?" 

"Yes, that's me." Leonora watches the redhead woman talking on the phone and agreeing with whatever the other person is talking about.

When the redhead woman is done talking, she turns to face Leonora and with a polite smile on her face she says, "Mr Andrade will see you in five minutes." 

"Okay, thank you," Leonora replies. 

"You can take a seat in that coach, I'll let you know when he's ready to receive you." The secretary says. 

"Okay, thanks again," Leonora says and walk over tho the dark black coach. 

Luckily, Lúcio comes out of the blue and when he sees her, Leonora feels her hands sweating, even more, it was as if the guy is the heartthrob of a soap opera trying to win over the helpless girl, and Leonora happen to be that girl. Well, but of course, in her imagination. After all, she wants nothing to do with relationship. But that doesn't mean they can't be colleagues. 

The moment he comes over to greet her, Leonora could smell the strong scent of cinnamon scent.

What a sweet aroma and... Leonora shakes the crazy ideas out of her head, she decides to ask for help, after all, at that place, Lúcio happens to be the only she knows.

"Leonora, how are you?" Lúcio asks, stopping in front of her. 

"I'm nervous, how are you?" Leonora says.

"I'm good. You should relax, John is a sweetheart," Lucio says, patting her shoulder. 

"I know he is, but I can't help it. This is bigger than what I used to do. Working here means higher expectation." Leonora tells him.

"Don't worry, everyone here are good people, no need to be nervous." Lúcio says in response to her short despair, he takes her to his Boss's office and wishes her luck. Leonora thanks him, John calls her making Leonora feel a little nervous. 

"Good morning," Leonora says still a little nervous, but she tries to keep her nervousness at bay. It's just a job interview, there is no reason for her to look like a train wrecker. 

"Good morning, Leonora, please sit down..." She did as he asks, a moment later, she looks him in the eyes which made John smiles a little. 

"I think he notices that I'm nervous," Leonora tells herself as she looks at her hands. Along the past years, Leonora has overmes all her lower self-esteem, insecurities and shyness. But being in front John is a big deal, so it's no wonder she's nervous at the moment. 

"Relax, you don't have to be nervous around me." Mr Andrade tries to calm her down.

"I know, John, but who wouldn't be nervous when facing the best lawyer in the whole country." She jokes.

"That's not true," He laughs. "How long is it? 8 years?" John guesses. 

"Yes, I haven't seen you since I was 22 years old." Leonora smiles shyly Again in the same him him. John has always been Leonora father's best friend, and with the university, it was hard to catch him at their house. Then she left to London to study further, and since she only had more contact with him through her father and ex boyfriend, they didn't see each other like they used to. 

"And when you barked into the office during your father and I conversation. You were complaining about my son picking on you, and your mother reprimanding you for disturbing us." They both laughs. 

"Those are good memories," Leonora admits.

"Good times, I am very happy to know that chatty girl, full of crazy ideas has become such a beautiful, and talented woman. Congratulations," John adds. Hearing that made Leonora feels happier than before, it's really great to receive a compliment from someone you admire so much. They talk for another 15 minutes and after confirming that her father has nothing to do with John decision, Leonora signs the contract. 

Leonora is smiling like a child who just got a Christmas present! Leonora couldn't contain the explosion of mixed feelings when she heard, "welcome to our law firm, Leonora Dark." She thanks him and in silence she thanks God for the incredible opportunity to be able to work with the best law firm in the country. 

I got it, I got it!

She feels like screaming, jumping, laughing, telling everyone that she's finally working at AD & Associates Law Firll she says is, "Thanks John, I swear you won't regret it!" 

"Alright then, Dra Dark. Be very welcome to our office. As soon as possible I'll introduce you to the team, okay?"

"Yes, of course. The pleasure is all mine, John. Thank you so much for the opportunity." Leonora says happily.

"Come on, I'm going to show you someone who will be very happy to have you here." Leonora nods positively. They leave John's office, passing by the secretary who is all smiling. They get in the elevator and presses sixth floor - Leonora and Mr Andrade gets out of the elevator and walk through a long corridor of navy blue persian carpet, they turn left and at the second glass door, they stop. Leonora looks at the huge door in front of her, and she feels her heart pounding. When they get to the office, she's surprised to see who's office is it. John knocks on the door three times. 

"Come in!" Leonora hears his thick, firm voice from inside. John holds on the door handle and then opens the door. John lets Leonora enters the office on the right foot, according to the saying when you enter a place using that foot, one will be lucky.

Leonora looks at the man in the dark blue suit sitting on the other side of the black office desk, but her jaw just doesn't drop because she's about to start working at the company of her dreams. He looks so different compared to the day she saw him at the party. She greets him and the man did the same.

"Patrick, as you can see, we have our new senior lawyer with us!" John says Leonora smiles when she sees the expression on Patrick's face. He walks to John and they shake hands and then he turns to Leonora. 

"Congratulations," Patrick says, looking her up and down. 

"Thank you, Mr Andrade." Leonora replies, feeling the pressure of his body next to her. Now he is her boss and they are practically two strangers, even after all...

My God, what is happening to me?

Leonora lets go of his hand and looks him in the eye again while John talks about when she should officially start working. Leonora is surprised when John suggests that she can start the next day, and of course, she accepts. 

"And while your room is not completely ready for your occupation, is there a problem between you sharing the same space for a while?" John asks. Of course, there's something wrong, but Leonora couldn't tell her boss that. Patrick might be a jerk, but he wouldn't do something that would jeopardise his company. 

"No," Patrick says stiffly, Leonora looks at him in amusement. 

"There is no problem." She smiles looking at John, who glances at her then at Patrick. 

"Good, I will leave you to work out on that. Leonora, see you around. And Patrick, Leonora will only start on Wednesday, she's working on her own case." John leaves for his office, hoping those two won't kill each other. Leonora faces Patrick. 

"Why are you back?" Patrick asks turning to Leonora as soon as the door closes.

"Why shouldn't I have come back? It's not like I was banished from my country." Leonora says smugly.

"I see, there's no country in the world that would change your horrible personality."

"At least one of us still keep the good parts," Patrick stares at Leonora as she smiles at him sweetly. He watches Leonora leaves his office, making her way towards the corridor to the same way she came. 

In the lobby, Cassie's look up as she's aware of Leonora's presence. "Ms Dark, do you need assistance? If you don't mind me asking, did you get the job?"

"I did, Cassie. And thanks for the assistance," Leonora replies with a smile. 

She bids goodbye to Cassie and enters the elevator. Once in the black Audio 8, that she borrowed from her father, Leonora leaves the parking lot and drives towards the direction to meet the rea estate agent she has made plans to visits apartments today. When Leonora gets in her car, she calls her parents and tells them about accepting the position at A&D Association Law Firm, and her parents congrats her over the phone, promising to celebrate over dinner.

After Leonora leaves the office, Patrick paces back and forth, lost in thought. Even after 5 years of breaking up and without seeing each other, the news that she will work in the same company as him brings back memories and questions about what this new dynamic will be like.

Bryan opens Patrick's office door and enters, finding him agitated, pacing back and forth. He notices the worried expression on his friend's face and decides to get closer to understand what is happening.

"Hey, Patrick! How are you? It seems like your head is somewhere else."

Patrick looks at Bryan and sighs, looking relieved to have someone to vent to. "Ah, Bry... Leonora has just left my office, she's going to start working here on Thursday. What's worse, she's going to have to stay here in my office for a while while they organize hers."

Bryan frowns, showing surprise at the news. "Wow, it really is a surprise. You two in the same room?"

Patrick nods, feeling a mix of emotions. "Yes, we haven't seen each other for 5 years and now we're going to work in the same company and in the same office."

Bryan leans closer and places a comforting hand on Patrick's shoulder. "But there are still some unresolved issues between you, that's what can make things more complicated and strange. Maybe it's an opportunity to talk and resolve these outstanding issues."

"It's true... But I don't know if she'll want to have this conversation with me."

"Your story really is confusing."

"Don't even get me started, I wish she wouldn't come back here. I don't understand why she can come back, Bryan. Everything is going so well."

"Maybe she got tired of being alone there, her whole family lived here, there was no way she wouldn't come back."

"Indeed, you are right. I will try my best to handle this situation as best I can."

Bryan pats Patrick on the shoulder, conveying confidence. "I'm here for whatever you need, my friend. You're strong and I'm sure you can face this head on."

Upon entering the agency, Leonora is greeted by a friendly really estate agent, who tells her that Julia had an emergency. The broker call another woman in her late twenties called Erika, who Leonora has to explains all the specifications she is looking for in an apartment and expresses her desire to find something in the Triunfo neighborhood. 

"Hello, Leonora! I'm excited to show you the apartments we selected for you. I want to show you the first one on our list, which I believe is perfect for you." Erika says, smiling.

They got into the car and left for the visit. During the journey, Erika explains all the details of the three apartment listed. 

The first apartment they visit has the perfect size, but leaves something to be desired when it comes to the garden. Leonora writes down her impressions in her notebook, thanking Erika for her attention.

The second apartment isn't so different from the first one, the broker then suggests a second apartment, which matches all the specifications, but the apartment is really far. Leonora didn't mind about it. So they drives to the third apartment, which is a bit far from the center but near many other interesting points that she can use in the future.

"This one is already furnished. It has three bedrooms, just as you would like. They all have perfect sizes. It also has an office, which I bet will be perfect for your work activities. In addition, the apartment has an extra bathroom, a modern American kitchen, a dining room and a spacious living room with lots of natural light. I think you'll love it. All the bedroom are upstairs as for the rest, até downstairs." Erika says, enthusiastically.

Patrick passes through the company's lobby corridor, heading to the elevator to have lunch with his father, when he starts to hear people around him talking about the new lawyer who had joined the company.

"Have you seen the new lawyer? They say she's extremely talented!" A coworker comments excitedly to another employee next to her.

"Yes, I heard about her. She seems to have great training and experience, no wonder they hired her." The colleague replied, intrigued.

Patrick pauses for a moment, taking in the words floating in the air. His curiosity about the new lawyer awakens, even though he was still distracted by having seen Leonora earlier.

"Her name is Leonora, right? Is she the one who will work with the legal team?" Asks a third colleague, with a gleam of interest in his eyes.

"Exactly! I heard that she has worked in large companies and has an impressive track record. She will definitely add a lot to our team!" He says to his colleague who starts the conversation.

Patrick felt a mix of anxiety, surprise and intrigue. It's hard to ignore the coincidence that Leonora, his ex-girlfriend, was now the company's new lawyer. He wonders what it would be like to be with her again, now in a professional setting.

As he continues on his way, the conversation of the people around him mixes with his thoughts. He needs to prepare for such an encounter and find a way to deal with the emotions that this situation can bring.

Maybe it's an opportunity to confront unresolved feelings from the past and finally move on.  

That's what people keep telling him, but does he really want that?

Determined to face this situation in a mature and professional manner, he decided to focus his energy on work and the ability to maintain a serious and cordial posture in her presence.

When they arrive at the building, Leonora is impressed by the modern architecture and the privileged location. They go up to the floor where the apartment is and Leonora can't wait to see what it's like inside.

As soon as the door opens, Leonora immediately feels at home. After the long corridor, they start with the living room, which is large and well lit. The modern and cozy decor creates an inviting environment to relax and to receive visitors. Leonora imagines herself there, enjoying pleasant moments with friends and family.

They then head to the dining room, where a spacious table is ready to host memorable meals. The large windows allow a panoramic view of the garden and pool at the back of the duplex. Leonora can already visualize outdoor parties and lively barbecues in this space.

The kitchen is the next destination, and Leonora is impressed by the modern and functional design. The black wood cabinets are stylish and offer plenty of storage space. The dark granite countertop provides a perfect place to prepare delicious meals. Leonora can already imagine trying new recipes while enjoying the view of the garden.

Upon entering the office, Leonora feels inspired by the tranquility of the environment. The spacious brown wood table and comfortable chair make it the perfect place to work or study. She imagines herself there, focused on her cases and surrounded by objects that reflect her personality.

Then they explore the common bathroom, which is elegant and functional. The spacious shower and soft-toned decor create a relaxing environment for pampering moments. Leonora can already imagine herself enjoying long baths in a peaceful environment.

After visiting the rooms downstairs, they go upstairs to explore the duplex's bedrooms. The master bedroom is a spacious suite with a private bathroom and walk-in closet. The sophisticated decor and comfortable bed create a perfect haven to rest and recharge.

The guest bedroom is also a suite, providing comfort and privacy to guests. Leonora imagines her loved ones enjoying the comfort of that space during their visits.

In addition to the main bedrooms, there is an extra bedroom that can be used as an office or games room, as needed. Leonora is excited about the possibilities that space offers.

At the end of the visit, Leonora is taken to the back garden. An inviting pool shines in the sun, surrounded by a spacious deck where she can place sun loungers and tables to enjoy the sunny days. The well-kept garden completes the scene, offering a peaceful refuge amidst nature.

Leonora imagines herself living in that place, reviewing her cases, writing her reports, having her friends for a glass of wine and reading books while she enjoys the view from the garden.

Home sweet home. I know I've found the house of my dreams. Each room, from the lounge to the pool and garden, reflects my desires and needs.

She smiles and turns to Erika, saying, "I think this could be my dream house."

Erika agrees enthusiastically, noticing Leonora's excitement. She explains the rental conditions and made detailed notes about the apartment. Leonora is determined to make an assertive decision.

At the end of the visit, Leonora is enchanted. She knows that she has found the perfect apartment for her future family. She thanks Erika for her time and attention and decides to close the deal right then and there.