Dreams Comes True

On Tuesday afternoon, Leonora returns to the real estate agency with a duly completed letter of intent to rent. She is excited and determined to secure that apartment for herself. Erika praises her organization and professionalism, congratulating her on her choice.

Upon receiving the news that her rental application has been approved, Leonora smiles from ear to ear. She is overjoys at the prospect of starting a new phase of her life in that new apartment.

"You're the first tenant that I enjoyed showing house houses," Erika says, while handing over the appropriate documentation to the apartment owner.

"Thank you, Erika for being so patient with me. If I come across with people who are looking to rent or buy, I'll recommend your agency." 

Leonora breathes a sigh of relief as she signs the documents for her new home. It's an important step and it means she will finally have her own space. With a smile on her face, she puts the papers in her briefcase and leaves the office.

Upon getting into the car, Leonora feels a mix of emotions. The excitement of having found a home, but also the nostalgia of leaving behind the parental home where she grew up. She adjusts the rearview mirror and starts the engine.

As she drives toward her parents' house, Leonora reflects on the journey that led her there. She remembers the moments shared with her family, the laughter and the tight hugs. She is grateful for all the support she has received over the years.

Arriving at her parents' house, Leonora parks the car and takes a deep breath before opening the door. Anxiety fills Leonora's heart as she prepares to tell her parents the exciting news. She has spent days looking for the perfect house to rent, now she has finally found the place of her dreams. Taking a deep breath, she enters the room where her parents are sitting, talking animatedly.

"Mommy, Daddy," she starts shyly. "I have wonderful news to tell you!"

Her parents looked at her with curiosity and encouraging smiles. "What is it, honey?" Grace asks, her eyes shining with expectation.

Leonora smiles nervously before saying, "I found the perfect house to rent! It's just amazing!"

Her parents exchange a surprised look and then quickly stand up, full of enthusiasm. "That's wonderful, honey!" Exclaims her father. "Tell us more about this house."

Leonora breathes a sigh of relief when she sees her parents' positive reaction. She begins to describe every detail of the house: the spacious garden, the large, sunny rooms, the modern kitchen and the quiet neighborhood.

"You know, mom, dad" continues Leonora enthusiastically. "This house has everything I ever dreamed of! I imagined myself living there from the moment I walked through the door."

Her parents listen intently, absorbing every word with pride and joy. It's clear that they are happy for their daughter. "Plus," Leonora adds. "The location is perfect! It's close to the beach and also a lot of places I like to go to."

Her parents exchange an approving look. They have always encouraged Leonora and Nadia to be independent and knew that this is a great achievement for her.

"We're so proud of you, darling," says her mother, emotional. "Seeing you find a home you love and make important decisions like this is a sign that you are growing up and becoming a responsible adult."

Leonora smiles, feeling loved and supported by her parents. She knows that she had made the right choice in sharing this news with them. "Thank you, Mom, Dad." She says sincerely. "I couldn't have made it this far without your love and support."

Her parents approaches and hugs her affectionately. "We're always here for you, sweetheart." Her father says tenderly. "And we can't wait to see what your new home will be like."

Leonora feels blessed for having such incredible parents by her side. As they talk about the next step and plans for the move, Leonora is grateful for the opportunity to share this special news with them. Her dream home is about to become a reality, and she knows this will be just the beginning of an exciting new phase of her life.

Patrick is sitting in his office, immersed in stacks of legal files and documents. The stress of everyday work seems to be consuming him more and more. As he reads a report on a complicated international family law case, a memory from the past invades him.

Five years ago, in an office like this, Patrick decided it was time to surprise Leonora. She was temporarily living in the UK to do her masters in international family law and they had been in a long-distance relationship ever since.

Taking into account that it would be a long weekend, with a mischievous smile on his face, Patrick started planning the surprise. He bought tickets to London and booked a room in a lovely hotel near the apartment where Leonora was living with other students.

The day of the surprise arrived. Patrick was excited as his best friend drove him to the airport, where he would board his flight to Lisbon and then London. He could barely contain his excitement when he thought of Leonora's reaction to seeing him in London without warning.

A few hours later, Patrick landed at London airport with an eager smile on his face. He got into an Uber to the hotel, counting the minutes until he met Leonora again after five months apart. Upon arriving at the apartment, Patrick remembered that Leonora once told him if he decided to go visit her, he would find the key inside the vase next to the entrance to her apartment. He saw the vase, and surprisingly the key was there. Patrick opened the door, entered silently and placed a red rose on the living room table, along with a note that said: "Surprise! I love you, Leonora!"

Patrick sat on the sofa, eagerly awaiting Leonora's arrival. However, before he could get up to prepare something special, he heard the door open. Sofia hurried in, with a serious look on her face.

"Patrick! What are you doing here?" She exclaimed Leonora, surprised to see him.

Patrick stood up, trying to hide his disappointment at not being able to surprise her. "I came to surprise you, love. But it looks like you have something important going on. Did something happen? Is everything okay?"

"Yes, but it's nothing. I promised the lawyer I'm working with that I'll be his assistant on the court case. It's an amazing opportunity and I said yes."

"I see... But does that mean you'll be working more closely with him?" He asked feeling a pang of jealousy.

"Yes, I will probably need to spend more time with him during this case."

"I trust you, love. But I can't deny that I feel a little insecure about this situation." He said struggling to control his jealousy.

"I understand how you feel. But I want you to know that our relationship is my priority and I don't want anything to change between us because of this."

"I know I should be happy that you have this opportunity. But I can't help but feel jealous."

Leonora walked over and held his hand, "I understand, and I don't want you to feel that way. We can talk about this and find a way to deal with the jealousy together."

"You're right. We need to work on this together. I love you and I don't want this jealousy to affect our relationship." Patrick said looking into her eyes.

"I love you too, and I'm here for you. We'll get through this together, like we always have."

They embraced, sharing a moment of mutual understanding and love. Although jealousy was a challenging emotion, they were determined to face it head on and strengthen their relationship even further.

"I really appreciate the gesture, Patrick. It's a shame that our surprise crossed paths with this hearing. The first hearing I'm attending and I need to be there, I can't break my promise. But I have 30 minutes, so let's make the most of the time we have before I leave."

"I hope that's all," Patrick said, bringing his lips to Leonora and hungrily kissed her.

"I promise it's just a colleague from work, you have nothing to worry about. I'm all yours, I belong only to you." She said after breaking the kiss.

They decided to take advantage of the little free time they had before Leonora left for the hearing. They sat together on the couch, hugging each other, sharing laughs and memories of the special moments they spent together.

When it was time for Leonora to leave for the hearing, Patrick walked her to the door of the apartment. He hugged her affectionately and wished her good luck.

"I'm sure you'll rock the audience, Leonora." He said proudly. "I'll be here waiting for you when you get back."

Leonora smiled, feeling loved and supported. "Thank you, Patrick. Your support means the world to me. I can't wait to get back together after the hearing."

They said goodbye with a quick kiss and Leonora left to face the court hearing. Patrick stayed in the apartment, thinking about the surprise that he didn't work out, but also feeling grateful for having had the opportunity to be with Leonora, even if only for a short time.

He decided to take advantage of his free time to explore the city while waiting for her return. He had heard about a lovely park nearby and decided to visit it.

While walking through the park, Patrick was enveloped by the beauty of the nature around him. The birds sang happily, and the smell of fresh flowers filled the air. He took the moment to reflect on his relationship with Leonora and how they had overcome the challenges of distance.

Suddenly, Patrick was taken out of his thoughts when he heard a familiar voice calling his name. He turned around and saw Leonora running towards him with a beaming smile on her face. Their eyes met and, in that moment, all worries and uncertainties disappeared.

"Leonora! What a wonderful surprise!" Patrick exclaimed, hugging her tightly.

"I was worried when I got home and you weren't there."

Leonora explained that the court hearing had gone on longer than expected, but she was happy to finally be together again. They decided to enjoy the rest of the day exploring the city together.

As they strolled through the busy streets of London, Patrick and Leonora shared stories about their separate lives over the past few months. They laughed at the funny situations they had faced and exchanged advice about the challenges of studying law.

As night fell over the city, Patrick realized how lucky he was to have Leonora by his side. He admired the determination and commitment she demonstrated in her pursuit of knowledge in her field of work.

As they sat in a cozy cafe, Patrick held Leonora's hand. "Love, you are my inspiration. Seeing you fight for your dreams and dedicate yourself to the study of international family law fills me with pride. I'm happy that we overcame the distance together."

Leonora smiled, "Rick, you are my safe haven. Your presence in my life gives me the strength to face any challenge. I love you."

He's back to the present when he's interrupted by his assistant. He sighs and turns his attention back to work, but one thing is certain - the memories of that special visit to London with Leonora will continue to follow him, and it will be worse now that she is back.

Damn Leonora Anne Dark!

Later around 5 in the afternoon, Leonora is beaming with happiness as she frantically types on her cell phone. She has received the most incredible news of her life and couldn't wait to share it with her friends in the WhatsApp group. Finally, her dream of working in a law firm is coming true. With her hands shaking with emotion, Leonora types the message to both group she is in: London and Maputo WhatsApps grup.

Leonora: Girls, I have incredible news to tell you! Guess what... I was hired at the law firm of my dreams! I'm so excited, I can barely contain my happiness!

Group messages begin to appear, one after another, as her friends express their enthusiasm and curiosity.

Marcella: Oh my God, Leonora! Congratulations! I knew you could do it. I'm so happy for you!

Jasmine: Wow! That's incredible, Leonora! You're fantastic, I'm sure you will be a success. Let's celebrate!

Varsha: Leonora, I'm so proud of you! I knew all his hard work would pay off. Congratulations, my friend!

Nádia: Congratulations, cousin! I'm happy for you to make your dream come true. You will be a brilliant lawyer, I'm sure of it! I'll call you you when I get home. XO to y'all.

Leonora smiles when she reads her friends' messages. They have always been supportive and encouraging to her over the years.

Leonora: Girls, thank you so much for all the support and kind words. I am very grateful to have friends as wonderful as you. This achievement belongs to all of us!

Leonora holds her cell phone tightly as she begins to write another message.

Leonora: But the good news doesn't stop there! Guess what else? I also found the perfect house to rent!

The friends' excitement was palpable through the group's responses.

Janelle: Really? That's great, Leonora! Where is the house? Is it close to work?

Varsha: Wow, Leonora, you are unstoppable! I can't wait to come for a visit and see your new home.

Zadie: Leonora, I'm so happy for you! I'm dying of curiosity to visit this place. When can we visit?

Yash: Leonora, how wonderful! You deserve all the happiness in the world. I hope we can have a grand opening party soon!

Leonora laughs at her friends' excitement, especial Yash because she knows they won't be there for the grand opening.

Leonora: friends, the house is perfect! It's cozy, well located and has space for all of us to get together. I believe you will love it! I'll send my address.

Leonora felt extremely blessed to be able to share these special moments with her friends.

Leonora: You have always been by my side through all the highs and lows, and I am grateful for every moment with you. I can't wait to share these new adventures together!

Marcella: Leonora, we are always here for you! We can't wait to check out this incredible home and celebrate its accomplishments!

Janelle: Of course, Leonora! We are so proud of you and once again congratulations on this great achievement! We can't wait to celebrate with you. And congratulations for the job, I'm the proud mother.

Leonora chuckles at the "proud mother" because that isn't a liar. 

Jasmine: Leonora, you deserve all this and more! I'm looking forward to seeing the house and celebrating your new phase of life.

Marcella: Congratulations, friend! I hope this new stage is full of joy. Let's have an amazing party!

Leonora smiles and was grateful for her wonderful friends. She couldn't be more excited for this next chapter of her life, surrounded by the people she loved most.

Leonora: Thank you, girls! You are my safe haven and my chosen family. Let's create unforgettable memories in this new phase of my life!

With a twinkle in her eye, Leonora ends the conversation and continues to reflect on the exciting changes to come.