Watch Your Back

On Wednesday morning, dressed in a black pencil skirt, dark green long sleeve shirt, grey pointed two pump hell and carrying her black briefcase, Leonora enters the fifth floor. 

"Good morning, Cassie." Leonora greets the receptionist on the fifth floor. 

"Good morning, Leonora." Cassie smiles at Leonora. When the later came to her interview on Monday, Cassie and she exchanged some words about the company and updated her on few things that Leonora wants to know. 

"Have a wonderful first day today, Leonora," Cassie tells her and she thanks the receptionist before proceeding to the shared-office. Leonora enters the office and sees Patricio with his eyes on the MacBook. 

"Hello, good morning." She greets him looking for a desk to settle in, but there is only one that Patrick is sitting right now. 

"Good morning." He replies, not looking at Leonora. 

"Your office is ready, so no need to be in here." He says in a matter of fact, but Leonora faces him confused. 

"I thought it wasn't supposed to be ready for a few days. Why the hurry?" Leonora asks.

What is he trying to prove?

She should have guessed that he only said yes because John was there yesterday. Leonora shakes her head which is ready to go back to the past and compare the new Patrick to the old one she once respected and adored. 

"Just be glad you will have your own space for today onwards, but if it's my face that you want to see, you can always come." He says now looking at her, up and down. Even with the suit, Leonora can still see his defined and strong muscles, his green eyes mixed with a little grey that is strangely beautiful and difficult to define, a shaved beard and a serious expression on his face. She shakes her head to ward off her train of impure thoughts. He analysis her with curiosity, he must be thinking she's crazy. Leonora approaches his desk, puts her folder on the armchair next to her and sits down on the other. 

"Where's the office?" She questions him, picking up her briefcase and handbag. 

"All I know it's not in here, but try to find a room with your name. Go on, I have a lot to work on." He says tapping his fingers on the table as if he she's boring him. 

"Thanks for nothing." Leonora says and walks to the door, before leaving she looks back and regrets for doing so, he looks at her with a frown as if he is angry. She leaves the office before she can start cussing him or calls him by all the horrible names that are found in the dictionary. It's her first day and she wants nothing more than to behave herself even if it means being a little nice to Mr Patrick. 

"Leonora, wait up. Where are you headed?" A masculine voice calls out making Leonora stop walking. 

"Hello, Lucio. Good morning," Leonora says facing him. She tries to recall where she met him, just then she remembers Patricio introducing them at the fundraiser and she saw him yesterday. 

"Yeah, I saw you coming from Patrick's office and I wanted to be sure if it was you." 

"Oh, okay. I'm searching for my office, but since you're here, do you mind to show me where it is?" Leonora asks. 

"Lucio!" Leonora and Lúcio stop walking and turns to face the person who is calling them. 

"Patrick, what happened?" Lúcio asks as he watches his friend glaring at Leonora who seems unfazed by his presence. 

"I just wanted to exchange some words with you about a case," Patrick says averting his gaze from Leonora to Lúcio. 

"What could you possibly want from me? You do remember that I've no experience in penalty, right?" Lúcio asks, which makes Patrick groan as Leonora tries to distract herself with her phone. 

"Are you telling me that only professional soccer player can play soccer?" Patrick asks and Leonora chuckles at what he says. Both men turn toward Leonora as she keeps her eyes on the phone.

"Okay. This way sweetheart, Mr Andrade if you will excuse us." Lúcio says and Patrick shows him his middle finger. Leonora wants to laugh, but she thinks better about that. 

"Excuse me," Leonora says and walks past him, Lúcio leads the way to Leonora's office, two doors away on the the left side after Patrick's office.

"I'm happy to have you here with us," Lúcio says while accompanying Leonora to her office, she thanks him once she goes inside. 

"I am very honoured to be able to work with lawyers as talented as you guys." 

"Look who's talking," Lúcio says and they both laughs. Lucio takes Leonora to her office and boy it's really beautiful. A transparent desk and black leather chair in front on the other side of the desk, a huge Apple computer and pens, a white leather couch and a chair facing her. Leonora checks everything in the office and It's more than enough. The office has everything she needs. Maybe later, she will add some items to personalise it a little.

"This is your office and if you have trouble settling in or need any help, you can come to ask me or go to Patrick." 

"Thanks. Maybe you should ask him to bring me a bit of peace."

"Okay, Ms Dark." He replies between chuckles. She continues scanning the room and sees it's decorated with wallpaper of dry leaves, a little depressing but still beautiful, her table is quite spacious, there are large armchairs in the front corners of the room.

"So, did you like it?"

"Of course, I should congrats the person who did this in two days, not that it was hard but I expected to take about a few days or so."

"When Patrick wants things to get done, he goes to all extend. I just don't understand why he wouldn't share a room with you for a few days. I would if I was him." 

"Probably he wants some privacy, I don't blame him. I would have fone the same in his place. I love my privacy." Leonora says hoping the reason behind Patrick little stunt. 

"You're right, he loves his privacy and a lot. Anyway, I hope you like it here as much as I do. John always pick up the right people for such a position, I wish you all the best." 

"I was honoured when your boss called me to work with you, a large group, it's a lot of responsibility. I hope to be able to solve everything that will be given to me." 

"Of course, everything will be solved, and remember I'm a lawyer for this company too, and whenever you need me, you can count on me, I know everything about this company." Lucio states and Leonora smiles.

"Thanks, Lúcio, it will be a pleasure to work with you." Lucito smiles. 

"Well, I'll leave you to get organised, I'll go to mine and if you need to walk down to your left and you will see a door with my name," Lúcio says. Leonora tells him she will as she watches Lúcio leave her office, leaving her alone. The office is not big or small, but it was enough for her. In five minutes she hears a knock on the door. Leonora walks to the door and opens it. 

"You must be Miss Dark?" She asks, smiling. 

"You're in the right place. Come in." Leonora says stepping aside to let in the woman who's carrying a small box with some files. 

"My name is Louisa Chavane, and I'm Mr Patrick assistant. So here are some of his unsolved cases and he wants you to handle them..." She continues as she hands the documents explaining each one of them to Leonora as Patrick Andrade told her. Leonora smiles at her. 

"Mr Patrick only handles this kind of cases when he's not busy with his clients or doesn't have cases, but since you're, he wants you to have them. Some of them are for appealing and the rest are for child support, custody, and divorce." 

"Alright, I will go through them." 

"I will give you a hand as an assistant while were looking for one for you and there's a meeting in a hour. Mr Patrick says you can walk there with him. Don't worry, it's just to introduce you to the team." Louisa says. 

"Thank you so much, Louisa. I appreciate that." Leonora gives her a gratitude smiles, Louisa nods and leaves Leonora's office. The table is well-arranged so were the documents in the shell on her left side. Leonora is the kind of person who can't work while the place she's working looks like five years old boys bedroom. 

Taking a second, Leonora sighs as she sinks in her seat and places her phone on the table. She grabs the six cases and the notebook that Patrick assistant told her to use as a reminder for cases that are to be handled this week and the ones that have a consultation meeting schedule with clients. Leonora arranges the documents as she turns on the computer. 

"If you need anything, call me and I'll be here," Louisa says smiling, she gets up and walks to the door, leaving Leonora alone in the office.

Leonora goes thought each case to takes the numbers and emails account of her now new clients and types a quick email letting them know about the changes and reschedule the meetings that Patrick was supposed to handle with a new client.

By mid morning, Leonora is on her desk with a pile of paperwork and her notebook on. Leonora's morning is being wonderful and as her official first day of work she still feels a little shy, but Leonora knows that she would gradually get used to it. A woman knocks on the door and Leonora tells her to come in. A brunette with a beautiful smile came through the door, she greets Leonora with a hug catching her off guard and held out her hand. 

"My name is Emma with double M. Emma Sitoe." She says after realising Leonora from the hug.

"Hello, nice to meet you, Emma with double M. I go by Leonora Dark" Leonora shakes her hand with smiles, Emma chuckles, thinking that Leonora is funny.

"Just call me Emma. Wel, I came to welcome you. I am a junior lawyer, specialised in family law, and as a good colleague, I am at your disposal for whatever you need." Emma says in a calm voice, Leonora could tell she's a docile woman.

Leonora thanks her and they went for a walk around the company. It was huge, but before they can say bye after the tour, they came face to face with a man and a woman who were talking. 

"Sarah, Lucio! This is Leonora Dark, the new senior family law lawyer who joined us yesterday." Emma tells them, Leonora recalls John telling her that she would meet the rest of the staff later since some of them weren't in the meeting. 

"We have met," Lucio says making Sarah snaps her neck to his side in surprise. 

"When? Did you sleep with her as well?" Sarah asks, making Leonora laugh. 

"What is so funny?" Sarah asks her. 

"No offence to you, Lucio, but he's not my type. And we meet at the fundraiser, again here yesterday." 

"Wait, are you saying you guys meet at a party and didn't have sex?" Emma asks in what seems like a surprised tone. 

"She's Patrick friend, so bro code." He says sheepishly and Leonora scoffs as the other two women look at her in confusion. 

"I couldn't say, friend. He's more of an acquaintance." Leonora says hoping they would believe that and drop the topic. 

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sarah Miller." 

"Nice to meet you, too." 

They stay in the same spot talking about 10 to 15 minutes. Another woman also came from that same corridor. Okay, how many of them are there? Leonora thought as she watches the woman who is wearing a blue dress and black hair hanging loose at the shoulders. 

"Deborah!" Emma calls her, turning her attention from the redhead woman also known as Sarah Miller to the woman in a blue dress. She came over and pays no attention to Leonora not even bothered to greet her. 

"What is it?" She asks in a crappy tone. Leonora thought it was weird, but she let it go. Lucio and Sarah look at each other apprehensively. 

"I want to introduce you to the new lawyer-" Emma is interrupted by the woman, who looks at Leonora up and down. 

"Leonora Dark," She says looking her in the eyes. She raises an eyebrow and mumbling something.

"You're the woman who took my job," Deborah speaks with attitude. 

"Excuse me, I don't understand what you mean by that, but pleasure to meet you." Leonora lifts her face, she didn't like the mocking tone with which Deborah said those words, but she didn't let a high school drama queen bee walk all over her for the rest of her high school and she will not let one walk all over her now that she has grown up. Not at work. She was scared to deal with them back then, but now things have changed. 

"Don't take me for a fool... at least you should know that the position you took belong to other people who work their butt off to achieve that, and not because dearest daddy asked for a friendly favour." The woman says at once without hesitation. Emma glares at her, Sarah is going to say something, but Leonora isn't one to let other people solve her messes. 

"Look, weren't you ever told that when you go to a battle without training and self-knowledge of what to expect, you will be killed? Not that I need to prove to you or something, but I've achieved everything I wanted because of my dedication and not my father." Leonora replies calmly, Lucio laughs quietly and Sarah did the same. The only one who really wants that drama to end is Emma.

"And sorry not sorry, if I have your position, it's because it was never really yours. You can't lose something that was never yours." Leonora adds. 

"Let's see how long this brat will last here. I'm not going down without a fight." 

"Then, good luck." 

"Watch your back!" Deborah says to Leonora, through Deborah expression, Leonora notices that she's not happy with her answer. They watches Deborah disappearing through the halls.

But why, what can I do? I can't refuse this kind of an opportunity. I won't give in. She can bring it on.

"I'm sorry for her behaviour, Deborah is always like this...forward." Emma looks at Leonora ashamed, Lúcio and Sarah's approach putting their palms together. Leonora finds it strange. 

"Well, for someone who has faced Deborah's bitterness in this way, is because she doesn't really know the piece or she's very brave," Sarah says smiling. 

"Indeed," Lúcio says, looking Leonora in the eyes. Lúcio is a handsome man, and he seems very closer to Sarah, which would make perfect sense when Sarah almost snapped at Leonora for thinking they have slept together. 

"Well, girls, time to go. For the fifty times, welcome Leonora and see you later." Lúcio says. 

"See you, later Lucy," Leonora says, jokingly and he winks at her smiling as he leaves for his office. 

"Same here, it was nice meeting you, Leonora. And don't fall for Lucio, he's a womanizer." Emma says seemingly. 

"As I said before, he's not my type. You should have seen him at the fundraiser. He was the definition of Casanova. But, back to the subject, why did you say that about Deborah? Is she that wicked?" 

"Well, Deborah is an impulsive woman and not too sweet, you know. She's used to getting what she wants." 

"Well, I already realised that. But if she's used in getting what she wants, what changed now." 

"Let's say, if you didn't come back, the position would have been her. And when someone takes what is rightful hers according to that brain of her, it's a World War 2 for sure." Sarah explains. 

"What Sarah's mean is that she will try to get you out of here at all costs, so stay away from her," Emma explains to Leonora while the three of them walk back to their different office. 

"She's already managed to get more than 6 people out of here, at least that's what Sarah and I know about," Emma adds. 

She's indeed the high school queen bee and the Devil pawn.

"Well, and how do you manage to deal with her," Leonora asks confused, who can work with someone who posses such traits? 


"We just don't pay attention to her high school behaviour. We ignore her and follow the work as usual, with respect and consistency." Sarah answers. 

"And I'm the one who is a brat," Leonora says which makes the two women chuckle. 

"Just ignore her and don't fall to her taunt. Don't take her insults in, I know you have your dignity and I'd appreciate if you preserve it, but what I mean is that you let it go. Deborah is a downright pain in the ass." Sarah advises Leonora. 

"Sarah!" Emma scolds her friend and the three of them burst out laughing. 

"Forgive me. Sarah can't go a day without cursing." Sarah apologises for the verbiage. It is strange how Emma worries about people cursing, Leonora thought it was cute that Emma scolded Sarah for cursing. Leonora wonders if Emma curses. She seems naive. 

"Don't worry, sometimes I curse too, almost always." Leonora laughs. They say their goodbye stopping by Leonora's office door and the three women agree to have lunch together in the middle of the day. 

"If you need anything, you can call us," Sarah says before giving Leonora a hug, the latter returns the hug. 

"Likewise," Emma says with that gentle smile on her lips. At that moment, Leonora realises that the two women and she will get along just well. As for Lucio when he's not trying to hit on her. Leonora could tell that Emma is the hugging type between the three of them, Leonora didn't mind that because she's a bit of person hugger, but she only does that with people she likes. 

"Thank you, girls," Leonora says as she lingers by the door watching them disappear before she enters her office and closes the door.

As she sits down, she decides to focus on the cases that have been transferred to her. However, her attention is diverted to the case which will take place on Tuesday. A folder marked with notes and relevant evidence is open on her desk, and she begins to meticulously review every details. Reading the case of Mrs Johnson, Leonora notices that the client didn't consider for an amicable divorce, hell, Mr Johnson didn't want to divorce which led them to court. Mrs Johnson motive for filing a divorce is because of the constant cheating committed by her husband and for emotional abuse.