He is about to explode!

On Tuesday morning, before going to the forum, Leonora wakes up early and makes sure to go through the records and minutes. Although she's not able to dig in through the case, but with the notes made by Patrick, and what Louisa summerised to her, is enough to make the Judge to consider giving Clarissa divorce.

Elsewhere, Nadia wakes up early for another day of work as a NSCI investigator. She gets out of bed and goes straight to the bathroom, where she takes a quick shower and changes into her work clothes. As she prepares, she thinks about the case she is currently investigating. It's a complex case that she has to keep her team busy for weeks.

I hope that today I can make progress in this case. We need to resolve this soon, Nadia thinks.

She leaves the room and finds her husband, James, a traffic cop, in the kitchen having breakfast.

"Good morning, dear. How was your night?"

"Good morning Love. It was good, thanks. And yours?" Nadia replies and sits down to drink the tea that her husband has already made for her. Nadia does not drink very hot tea and he always made a point of remembering that.

"It was smooth. Are you excited for another day at work?"

"Yes, I'm looking forward to seeing if we can make any progress on the case we're investigating."

"I hope so. And I'm ready to patrol the streets and ensure the safety of drivers."

After breakfast, Nadia and James say goodbye with a quick kiss and go to their respective jobs. Nadia gets into her car and heads to the SERNIC office. On the way, she receives a call from one of her team members.

Team member: Good morning, boss. We have some updates on the case we are investigating.

Nadia: Great, I'm listening."

Team Member: We were able to identify a potential suspect based on some information we gathered last night.

Nadia: Excellent. Let's set up a staff meeting to discuss this later.

The line goes off as Nádia continues paying attention around her surroundings to avoid accident.

"Ms., Dark." A beautiful slender and poised with a chic short blond hairdo woman says walking up to Leonora.

"I'm Clarissa and sorry for being late," the blonde says and extends her hand for Leonora to shake.

"No, don't worry about it. I have the habit of arriving earlier than necessary. Are you ready for the hearing?" Just then, Leonora notices that Clarissa is standing with two women behind her.

"Yes, I am. I've you as my lawyer. Mom and Dana, meet my new lawyer Leonora Dark. She's the one who is taking care of my case. Mr. Patrick handed it over to her. He assured me that she's an excellent lawyer." Clarissa says which makes Leonora feel a little embarrassed, but quickly overcomes it.

There's nothing better than knowing your client believes in you, and she's glad to know.

"I've heard so much about you, Ms. Leonora Dark, but I never thought I would see you in person. You're a competitive lawyer just like your dad. By the way, your father is my lecturer at the university." Dana says happily.

"That's wonderful. I hope you learn from him as much as I did. Take advantage of his full knowledge and make sure to ask many questions when you don't understand. He loves that. Which year are you?"

"I'm doing my fourth year and I want to specialise in Family Law."

"You're almost done. Just keep pushing and all the best for you."

"Thank you, Ms. Dark. When I start working, I want to be just like you. You're my role model."

Leonora never in her life thought would hear those words coming out of someone's mouth, not that she needed to, but hearing them made her because that people sure did know her for her work and not because of her father. Leonora's father is an admirable eternal law professor. He guided her in at the time of university and Master's.

"I'm sure you will be better than me. I can see talent just looking at you, and I'm sure you will be the best lawyer in Family Law." Leonora encourages her and the younger woman nods and smiles at Leonora.

"Nice to meet, you Ms Dark. I appreciate what your company is doing to help my daughter." The woman who seems to be in her latest 60s says with genuine appreciation.

"Please, call me Leonora. And I'm just doing what is required of me. I promise I'll do everything I can to get your daughter that divorce." Leonora tells with confidence.

"Do you think the Judge and Jurors will take our side?" Clarissa asks and Leonora gives her a carefree laugh.

"Security camera footage will reveal how everything went down. Try to keep calm." Leonora assures her.

"You're right, I have no reason to worry," Clarissa says, and just then her posture changes becoming tenser the instant she looks towards the entrance of the forum.

"He has arrived. The one in the grey suit is my husband." Leonora turns around coming to face with two men. They approach and catch the eyes of each other.

"Good afternoon, Mr Johnson." Leonora greets, shaking his hand.

"Good afternoon!" Bernard Johnson replies dryly, them walks away towards his lawyer.

Oh no...Lucas Manjate? Leonora didn't think she could see his face again. Yes, eight years have gone by, but she could never forget that face. In high school, they had a mock trial and Leonora beat him fair and square. They met again in the same classroom when they started university, and later he went to study abroad just like her. Leonora desires is to laugh, and celebrate her clients victory in advance.

Clarissa is so quiet compared to a few minutes ago. Her client didn't have a friendly expression, she seemed like she has period cramps. Her face reflects the hurt she's feeling inside.

"Clarrisa, is everything okay?" The woman startles, and looks at Leonora in alarm.

"Yes, I am..." She turns back to Bernard Johnson's lawyer. The man is handsome and young, Leonora believes he's not over thirty. He looks in their direction, but Leonora is again struck by the coldness of his brown eyes.

He is about to explode!

"Let's go," Leonora says and the four of them walk inside the courtroom passing through security Clarissa's family sits in the back, two rows behind Leonora and her client. Leonora and Clarissa take their seats in front. Leonora sits face to face with her client, and tells her to remain calm throughout the hearing. Clarissa nods.

Meanwhile, Nadia arrives at NSCI's office and meets with the rest of her team. They discuss updates to the case and plan the next step in the investigation.

As for James is out on the streets, patrolling traffic and ensuring the safety of motorists.

It's important to make sure people are following traffic laws to avoid accidents and maintain order in the city, James thinks as he watches his colleague stopping a car for speed limit.

"Will the people of the court please rise?" The bailiff says as everyone rises from their seats as the judge comes in and takes his seat. The clerk hands him a piece of paper.

"This Court is now in session." The clerk says.

"Please, be seated." Everyone sits as the judge looks over the piece of paper. He then look at the desk where the attorneys and their clients both seats.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are here today to continue with the process opened by Mrs. Clarissa Johnson. This process which she made through her lawyer's request for a divorcee." The clerk says reading the document.

"Ms. Dark, I'm aware that you're new to the case. I don't know how much of it you have gone through the prior minutes, and the videos to know the entirety of everything."

"Thank you, Your Honour. I was recently given responsibility for this case, but I am fully committed to seeking justice. Dr. Patrick did provide me with the details discussed on the first hearing."

"I'm afraid there isn't enough evidence to prove Mr Johnson's affairs, physical and emotional abuse as the photos presented last time by Dr Patricio Andrade. Mr Matthew proved that the woman in the photo was his client's wife." The judge says, Mr Johnson looks at Leonora with a victorious look.

"Your Honour, let's just say that you're right, but I've talked to my client and she swears it wasn't her in the pictures. Mrs Johnson says that Miss Jenny used to buy some clothes similar to my client, and the outfit in question was a dress they both bought for a Masquerade Ball, unfortunately in a range of anger, my client deleted all the pictures they had together including the ones taken on that event." Leonora explains.

"Words only can't be used as proof." The judge says.

"I know, Your Honour. That proves nothing at the moment, and for that reason, I'm asking Your Honour to please accept my request for another evidentiary hearing before the final judgment so I can prove that my client is telling the truth. I know it's too much to ask, but my client deserves a fair trial and she can only do that if Ms Jenny comes to court..."

"Just one moment, please." The judge tells Leonora as soon as he sees Lucas Matthew on his feet.

"Objection, Your Honour."

"And what is the basis for your objection, Mr Matthew?"

"On behalf of my client, I would like to point out that both Mrs. Johnson and her friend are conspiring against my client therefore Ms. Jenny's testimony is invalid."

"Your Honour, nothing is invalid until proven otherwise. Doctor Patrick did try to talk to Ms. Jenny White, but she couldn't come and I can only assume she wasn't allowed to testify against the defendant, so I'm asking that the Court send a subpoena to Ms. Jenny because I believe that Ms Jenny testimony is critical to the case. And there's is more evidence that I'm still waiting to get."

"Does the defence have any objections regarding another evidentiary hearing?"

"No, Your Honour. No objections."

"Thank you. The evidentiary hearing is scheduled for 30 June. Ms. Dark, you have a ten days to present your evidence and convince your witnesses to come to the court. Ms. Jenny will get the subpoena. The court is adjourned." The judge says and leaves the courtroom.

After the Court, Leonora calls Louisa and asks her to reschedule her 1 pm meeting for noon on Thursday, and she also informs if her co-workers ask her whereabouts, to tell them that she went to get physical pieces of evidence.

Leonora is going to have a word with the staffs responsible for the room services. She hopes to convince at least three of them to testify against Bernard Johnson at the trial. Then she will try to reach Clarissa's former best friend to make her understand that her testimony is important for the case.

Time to prove that it was on merit, and not because of my father's links.

When crossing Leonora's room, Sarah notices the intriguing silence that surrounds the room. Moving towards Mia, the lawyer's personal assistant, she seeks clarification about Isabela's absence.

"Louisa, isn't Leonora back from court yet?" Sarah asks, her expression reflecting genuine curiosity.

Louisa, immersed in organizing documents, looks up momentarily before responding. "Dr Leonora has already left court, but has gone to find possible witnesses. Her case is turning out to be more complex than we initially imagined."

Sarah's eyebrows furrow slightly, indicating a mixture of surprise and concern. "I hope everything goes well for her. We really need her here at the office."

Sarah comments, making clear the value she attributes to her colleague and friend. Mia nods understandingly, sharing her apprehension at the challenge Leonora is facing.

"Of course. She should be back soon. In the meantime, can I help you with anything?" She offers Louisa, demonstrating her willingness to support her colleagues.

Sarah smiles, thanking her for the offer, but decides to wait for Sarah's return to discuss any pending matters. She walks away from Louisa's table, leaving the cubicle permeated by momentary silence.

In the lobby of the first hotel, Leonora approaches the manager, an elegant middle-aged man with an expression that indicates experience.

"Good afternoon, I'm Leonora Dark, a family law attorney. I work at AD & Association Law Firm. I need to get information about the masked ball that took place here a few months ago. I'm working on a divorce case."

The manager tilts his head, interested. "How can I help you, Mrs. Dark?"

Leonora, with no time to correct Mrs to Miss, explains the situation, emphasizing the importance of obtaining the list of participants and any photographic records of the event. She mentions that her client, Clarissa, and her friend wore identical dresses.

"Would it be possible to get the guest list and some photos from the ball? I need to make sure my client has a solid case.

The manager, after a few moments of reflection, nods. "I understand the seriousness of the matter. "I will provide the guest list and some relevant photos for you."

Leonora gets up, shakes the man hands as a way of saying thank you and leaves.