Saying Goodbye To Peace

The sun dips below the African horizon, dyeing the sky with warm hues as Patrick drives the car back from Jangoma Beach to Maputo. His gaze is lost on the road, a ribbon that slides under the wheels of the vehicle. The interior of the car resonates with laughter and shared stories, a symphony of friendship that accompanies the winding road.

"This trip was a balm for the soul, don't you think?" Patrick comments, his tone reflecting a mix of gratitude and reflection.

Bryan, in the passenger seat, looks at the horizon and agrees, "Absolutely. Sometimes we need to step away from the routine to see things from a different perspective."

Lucio, in the backseat, watches Patrick's expression and asks, "any deep thoughts there, my friend?"

Patrick smiles, appreciating his friends' concern. "Just reflecting on life, you know? These moments remind us of what really matters."

The conversation turns to funny stories from the weekend, the music filling the spaces between the words. The road stretches ahead, a trail of dust that connects the past to the present, and the present to the uncertain future.

Leonora wakes up to the sun filtering through the curtains, painting her room with soft tones. Her heart automatically turns to Avan, the little ray of light who entered her life unexpectedly. With a smile, she decides the first thing to do is call him.

When picking up her cell phone, Leonora scrolls through her contacts until she finds Avan's number. Anxiety mixes with joy as she waits for a response on the other end of the line.

After a few rings, Avan's excited voice echoes over the phone. "Mommy, good morning!"

Leonora, feeling a comforting warmth, responds. "Hi, my love! How was your night?"

Avan, with contagious enthusiasm, shares his imaginary adventures and news from his childhood world. Leonora listens attentively, absorbing every detail, being grateful for this connection that transcends distances.

Avan, with the spontaneity typical of children, asks: "When are you coming to get me, Mommy?"

Leonora, smiling, responds affectionately. "Soon, my little one. In the meantime, I promise to call every day to see how you are and tell you the news from here."

Avan, happy to be in the conversation, exclaims. "I can't wait!"

"So, tell me. How was your weekend? Excited for another school week?"

"Yes, I had a lot of fun…" Avan enthusiastically shares lively details of his latest adventures and achievements, creating a vivid picture that transcends distance. Leonora listens attentively, feeling a mixture of longing and joy as she imagines the boy's antics.

They exchange laughs and tell stories, creating a bridge of connection through words. Leonora, while talking to Avan, realizes how essential these moments are to keep the special bond between them alive.

After she hangs up the phone, Leonora feels a mix of joy and longing. These calls have become a daily ritual, a bridge that connects two worlds separated by physical distance, but united by deep emotional ties.

Half way the journey, Patrick and his friends' trip turns into a picturesque journey through the different districts and provinces of Mozambique. Along the way, they decide to make strategic stops, exploring the richness of local traditions and authentic flavors.

The first stop takes place in a picturesque district known for its chestnut plantations. On the side of the road, you will find local vendors offering bags full of freshly harvested chestnuts. The toasted aroma of roasted chestnuts hangs in the air as the friends shop, enjoying the delicious delicacy that is a true delight for the palate.

In another district, known for its lush tropical fruits, they decide to explore a local market. The stalls are full of juicy mangoes, fragrant pineapples and ripe bananas. Patrick and his friends can't resist the temptation and purchase a variety of these fresh fruits, taking with them the vibrant flavor of the region.

Still on the road, they decide to visit a local roadside market. The lively atmosphere, vibrant colors of the stalls and the aroma of spices filled the air. Jared, fascinated by the local cuisine, took the opportunity to try some delicacies while Pedro explored the craft stalls.

Patrick, observing the movement, smiles. "It's amazing how each place has its own identity and history."

Bryan, with a mouth full of something delicious, agreed. "True, man. It's an essential part of traveling, absorbing different cultures."

As the afternoon progresses, Nádia and James say goodbye to his mother, carrying with them warm memories of the long weekend spent with James' family. The air of the house is permeated with the scent of shared moments, and the atmosphere seems lighter, full of laughter and affection.

"What a wonderful weekend we had here at mom's house. It's always so special when we get to spend time together," Nádia comments, looking affectionately at her husband.

He agrees, smiling. "Definitely. The food was amazing, the company was even better. Mom really knows how to create a welcoming environment."

Nádia, remembering the details of the brunch and the conversations in the kitchen, adds. "And it was so nice to have the whole family there. It's those moments that make our connection even stronger."

As James drives, Nádia looking at her husband with affection, reflects on the importance of maintaining these family traditions and valuing shared moments. "I'm grateful we have this time together. Sometimes it takes a weekend like this to remember how important our roots are."

The husband nods, agreeing. "Of course. These moments connect us not only with our origins, but also with the people we love."

Meanwhile, Leonora remains in the living room of her parents' house, absorbing the familiar warmth that surrounds every corner. Soft light shines through the curtains, creating a serene atmosphere as she shares laughter and stories with her loved ones.

As the time to say goodbye approaches, Leonora hugs her mother tenderly. "Mom, this weekend was like a warm hug. Thank you for everything," she expresses, feeling gratitude pulse in her heart.

Grace, her eyes shining with affection, responds, "Daughter, you are always welcome here. Our home is your home. Take care of yourself and come back often."

Her father, interrupting with a playful smile, says, "And don't forget to keep us updated on all these exciting stories from your busy life."

Leonora laughs, enjoying her father's relaxation. "You can, dad. We'll always have a room ready to receive my stories."

As she leaves, the comfort of her parents' home becomes intertwined with the anticipation of returning to her own space.

As they approach a province famous for the quality of its coal, they decide to make an additional stop. Find local merchants displaying piles of charcoal, carefully prepared from high-quality wood. This stop not only supplies the group with essentials for future barbecues, but also provides an authentic local shopping experience.

With bags full of nuts, fresh fruit and some bags of charcoal, the journey back to Maputo becomes a celebration not only of friendship, but also of the diversity and abundance that Mozambique offers. Each stop along the way is an opportunity to connect with local traditions and appreciate the cultural richness that permeates the country.

When they get back on the road, Daniel and his friends take with them not only the delicacies they bought, but also the vivid memories of a journey that goes beyond the final destination, capturing the unique essence of each place they visited.

While Patrick and his friends continue their journey back to Maputo, Leonora, on the other hand, arrives home after a weekend full of reflections and family moments. The silence of her house welcomes her, contrasting with the hustle and bustle of the last few days.

When she opens the door, the familiar scent of home fills the room. She leaves the bags in the kitchen, where fresh fruits and nuts share space with the promise of delicious meals. Each object tells a story, a memory that blends with the peaceful comfort of your personal space.

Leonora, still caught up in the emotions of the weekend, settles in her living room, contemplating the family photos that adorn the walls. The phone next to her blinks, indicating an unread message. When she opens it, a smile appears on her face as she reads a loving message from a distant friend.

When they arrive, Patrick's and his friends gets out the car begin to unload Patrick's stuffs, each object evoking a memory of the trip. They hear the sound of the waves, feel the sea breeze and remember the laughter shared.

Before everyone goes home, they decide to get together for a final farewell at Patrick's house. Around a table, they toast not only the trip, but the friendship that grew stronger with each shared adventure.

Lúcio raises his beer can. "Jangamo Beach will remain in our memories."

Bryan adds, "And here's to more escapades like this in the future."

Patrick, looking at his friends, expresses his appreciation. "You are like the constancy of the ocean, always there. Thank you for an incredible weekend."

The night unfolds with laughter, stories and plans for future adventures. The ocean, even far away, seems to continue whispering its stories to the three friends who, for a brief moment, managed to leave their responsibilities behind and lose themselves in the charm of friendship and nature.

When the farewell night comes to an end, the friends part, each taking with them their memories of the long weekend, saying goodbye to peace.

Leonora decides to savor the small pleasures of her home, making a cup of tea and leafing through a beloved book. Moments of solitude are precious, but the memory of shared laughter and family hugs remains alive in her heart.

As Leonora lies in bed, she gazes up at the ceiling, grateful for the intricate web of relationships she has woven over the years. Life is a journey, and in each chapter, Leonora finds a balance between the longing that unites the past and the promise that the future holds.

With a contented sigh, she gives in to her dreams, taking with her the memories of a weekend filled with love and connection, ready to face the challenges and joys that the week holds.

When answering the call on WhatsApp, Anita's warm voice fills Patrick's ears. "Hi, my love! How was the trip back?" She asks, transmitting affection over the digital airwaves.

Patrick, smiling when he feels the virtual closeness, responds: "It was incredible, Anita. The beach, the laughter... everything. But I miss you by my side."

Anita, despite the distance, laughs softly. "I miss you too, love. I can't wait to hear all the details when we meet."

From that point on, the conversation unfolds like an engaging plot, weaving moments from the trip with brushstrokes of Isabel's projects. Patrick describes the picturesque landscapes, the relaxing moments with friends and the flavors of the stops along the way. Anita, in turn, shares the challenges and achievements of the fashion world, her experiences in recent photo shoots and expectations for future projects.

As the night progresses, the call becomes a virtual refuge where they share laughter, confidences and plans for the future. Anita, even distant, finds ways to be present in Patrick's life, and vice versa. Between sighs of longing, promises of reunions and support.

As the conversation evolves, the distance between them seems to diminish, replaced by the intimacy of communication. Promises of reunions and plans for the future are intertwined in the words exchanged, creating a strong and meaningful bond that transcends physical separation. In the end, the call ends with promises of a tomorrow full of possibilities.

As Patrick lies in bed, staring at the ceiling as the last echoes of the night fade away, Patrick reflects on the journey that is life. Each trip, each encounter, are chapters that add up to a unique narrative. He closes his eyes, allowing himself to sink into dreams, ready to unlock the next chapter of this exciting journey.