Rooting For Your Failure

Friday sun begins to cast its first rays over the city when Dr. Leonora Dark enters the elevator with determination that will take her to her floor in the imposing building. The brightness of the city lights contrasts with the calm she carries with her as the elevator gently ascends.

Upon arriving on the floor, Leonora immediately notices the usual movement in the company. She notices her official PA, who is focused at her post, typing quickly on her computer. Leonora advances towards her with determined steps.

"Good morning, Mia. Any news on this promising day?" Greets Leonora, her voice conveying confidence.

Mia looks up, a smile forming on her lips when she sees the lawyer. "Good morning, Dr. Dark. The morning started off busy. We have some matters to attend to."

Leonora arches an eyebrow, curious. "Affairs? What's going on?"

Mia adjusts her glasses and hands Leonora a stack of documents. "I've received calls from some customers with urgent matters. It looks like the mornings will be busy."

Leonora examines the papers, realising the complexity of the cases. "I see. Any critical situation?"

Mia nods. "Yes, especially in one of the cases that Dr. Patrick was handling. It seems there are clients eager for updates."

Leonora nods, thanking her for the information. "I'll deal with this immediately. Any meetings scheduled for today?"

Mia checks her calendar. "No in-person meetings, but some scheduling for phone calls later."

"Good. I'll start with the calls then. Keep me posted on anything urgent, especially on the Johnson's case." Leonora instructs, heading to her office.

Sitting at her table, Leonora delves into the details of the cases that are now under her responsibility. The phone starts ringing almost immediately, bringing a succession of worried voices and anxious questions. Leonora answers each call with patience, conveying confidence to her clients and assuring them that their cases are being treated with the utmost attention.

Between calls, Leonora also takes time to respond to a flood of emails. The messages are varied: questions about legal proceedings, updates on the progress of cases and requests for future meetings. She responds meticulously to each one, maintaining clear and transparent communication with her clients.

Mid-morning, Mia enters Leonora's office with a cup of coffee. "Dr. Dark, I thought you might need this."

Leonora thanks her, accepting the cup with a smile. "You're a salvation, Mia. How are we doing?"

Being professional, Mia starts talking. "Morning calls are under control. Some customers are already more relaxed about their updates."

Leonora breathes a sigh of relief. "Good. Let's keep it up. If anything urgent comes up, let me know immediately."

The rest of the morning unfolds between calls, emails and resolving urgent issues. As the clock ticks down, Leonora remains steadfast in her commitment to providing sound legal guidance and emotional support to her clients. The morning challenge, filled with unforeseen demands, tests not only your legal expertise but also your ability to manage complex situations with calm and understanding.

Hearing the ring tone, Patrick answers Anita's call. The cell phone screen illuminates his face with the smiling image of Anita. He gets up from the chair and stops by the window, looking at the view outside from his office window.

"Hi, love! How was your night?" Patrick asks, longing reflected in his eyes. Patrick asks, eager for the answer.

"Hi, my dear! It was great, but I miss you so much. So, what are we going to do on the long weekend?" Anita asks, adjusting the camera to show more of the London hotel room.

Patrick smiles, thinking about the plans. "Well, the guys and I decided to hit the road and go to a nearby beach. We're going to enjoy some time together, you know, a well-deserved rest."

Anita's eyes sparkles with excitement. "What an amazing idea! You're going to have so much fun. Don't forget to send me photos, okay?"

"Absolutely, love! I'll make sure you feel part of the trip even from a distance. I promise to send you lots of photos and keep you updated. And when I get back, I'll tell you all the details." Patrick replies, wishing Anita could join him on the adventure.

As they shares laughs and plans, the global connection between them seems to bridge the physical distance. The warm dialogue and anticipation of time together brought comfort to the temporary separation.

"I can't wait to see you again, my love," Patrick says, ending the call with a smile.

After an intense period of work, Jéssica closes her laptop, deciding to give herself an essential break. Standing up, she heads to the office of Leonora, her colleague in the field of family law. Upon entering the room after knocking on the door, she finds Laura absorbed in documents.

"Hi, Leonora. I think I need a breather. How about we have a coffee?", suggests Júlia, showing a smile of relief.

Leonora nods, closing her own laptop. Together, they head to the employee area, where the movement of the team creates a vibrant environment. When they arrive, Bete, the attentive secretary, looks up from her phone.

"Hi, girls! Coffee?" Questions Emma, ​​anticipating the usual requests.

With cups in hand, Jéssica and Leonora join the group in the common area. Lúcio, with his peculiar charm, approaches with a relaxed observation.

"Hello ladies. Leonora, escaping the jungle of complex processes?" He comments, causing laughter among those present.

Jéssica laughs, exchanging understanding looks with Leonora. "Yes, I needed a break." Says Leonora, while Emma agrees with her. The group continues their conversation, sharing stories from the day and enjoying a welcome break.

Lúcio then notices Sarah entering, and her expression changes instantly. "Sarah, how's the fearless defense going today?" Lúcio asks, winking at her.

Sarah rolls her eyes, used to Lúcio's advances. Jéssica and Leonora share an amused smile, appreciating the team's quirky dynamics. Lúcio's affection for Sarah is a known secret in the office, except for her who thinks Lúcio is just being himself.

The staff services door opens, revealing Patrick, accompanied by Bryan. Lúcio greets the newcomers. "Patrick, Bryan, what a surprise to see you here."

Leonora, upon noticing Patrick's entrance, maintains her composure, but a subtle tension hangs in the air. She and Patrick exchange fleeting glances, but Sarah catches his attention when she touches him on the shoulder wanting to ask him something.

Patrick in turn looks around the pantry. "Hi, everyone. Just stopping by to get some coffee."

Bryan, noticing the peculiar atmosphere, decides to break the ice. "So, Leonora, how are things going? Don't you feel like giving up yet?"

"Everything's fine, Bryan. Believe me, when that happens, Deborah will be the first to know."

People laugh, but Emma knows that Leonora was right. "That wouldn't be a surprise, since she's already rooting for your failure."

As the group continues their lively conversation in the employee area, Leonora desperately tries to focus on anything other than Patrick's presence in that space. And as if it were a miracle, Leonora catches Emma looking at Bryan. Emma can't help but stare at Bryan with every word he says. Her eyes follow her movements, capturing every detail of her expression.

Leonora notices Emma's constant gaze at Bryan, but decides not to comment. Leonora vaguely recalls the situation in which she heard Bryan call someone by their name tenderly, but the exact circumstances escape her memory.

Bryan, oblivious to Emma's intense attention, continues to share stories and laughs with the group. He doesn't notice Emma's persistent gaze, which tries to hide her admiration.

Lúcio, always attentive to social dynamics, when it suits him, observes the interactions, but does not comment on the history between Patrick and Leonora. He continues trying to involve Sarah in his jokes, who only knows how to ignore him.

As the conversation flows, Patrick and Leonora hide their emotions, acting like professional colleagues. Bryan notices the tension, but chooses not to bring up the sensitive subject.

Lúcio, noticing the dynamics, comments in a relaxed manner, but knowing that no one will believe what he is going to say. "Bryan, I think you have a secret admirer here. Emma, ​​right?"

Emma, ​​surprised, laughs nervously. "Oh, I don't know what you're talking about."

Sarah, trying to divert attention from the subject, decided to ask Bryan on the new case he is working on. "And how's your new case going, Bryan?"

Not realizing his co-worker's intention, he falls for it. In fact, Bryan never paid enough attention to realize that Emma has a crush on him. "Well, solving some complicated cases, you know. But changing the subject, has anyone seen the last episode of that series?"

Emma, ​​relieved by the change of topic, excitedly participates in the new conversation, while her eyes remain discreetly focused on Bryan. Leonora, in turn, prefers not to relive the past and focuses on the light atmosphere that is established in the group.

Thus, the break unfolds, mixing professional relationships with personal intrigues, as each character deals with their own secrets and interactions in the workplace.

At the end of the break, everyone returns to their offices with a renewed feeling. Leonora, especially, realise the importance of these informal moments to strengthen professional and personal bonds between team members. Patrick keeps his attention focused on documents, trying to dissolve the tension that arose during their chance meeting. Leonora, in turn, delves into her family law cases, striving to separate Patrick's tumultuous past from his professional environment.

Lunch time approaches, and the group decides to meet in the common area to share a meal. As they head to the break room, Lúcio comments to Bryan in a low tone, "you noticed the tension between Patrick and Leonora, didn't you?"

Bryan nods, "Yes, something is definitely going on. They try to cover it up, but the past seems to persist."

As everyone sits down for lunch, the atmosphere is friendly, but the shadow of Patrick and Leonora's past hangs subtly in the air. Sarah, noticing the dynamic, tries to bring up lighter, more relaxed conversations to divert attention from whatever is happening between the two.

Lunch time passes quickly, and as everyone returns to their offices, anticipation hovers over what the rest of the work day might bring. Patrick and Leonora continue to play their professional roles, but the unresolved history between them remains like an undercurrent, ready to emerge at any moment.