Who the heck is Nathalie?

The street pulses with city life as Dr. Janelle Lopes and her colleagues, carrying stethoscopes and briefcases, prepare for work outside the confines of the hospital. The midday sun paints the facades of the buildings in golden tones, while the light breeze heralds a promising day.

"Come on guys!" Janelle exclaims, leading the group enthusiastically. "Today, our mission is to take medicine beyond the hospital corridors, to where people are."

They walk through the busy streets, where the hustle and bustle of the city competes with the lively conversation of the doctors. Janelle points to an alley where some homeless people take shelter.

"Our first stop: the reality on the streets. Let's provide basic medical care and, most importantly, show that we care."

The medical team sets up their makeshift station. Instead of traditional gurneys and exam rooms, they deploy portable tables and folding chairs, creating a small medical oasis amid the urban backdrop.

At one of the tables, Janelle carefully organises her equipment, stethoscope hanging around her neck. On the table is a box of gloves, cotton wool, gauze and other essential medical supplies. Beside it, a stack of medical records waits patiently for information that will tell the stories of those who will be treated.

Janelle looks around the tent, making sure everything is ready to start working. She looks at her co-workers and interns, to reminder about they're about to do. "We need it to be welcoming and functional. Don't be rude or full of yourself, make sure to treat everyone equally. Nélia and Filipe, can you start distributing the health kits?"

Nélia, an intern, picks up a box of kits and smiles: "Of course, Dr. Janelle! I'll start with those over there, sitting on the sidewalk."

Around the station, as Janelle and her co-workers interns distribute bags containing basic health kits, consisting of painkillers, bandages, thermometers and hygiene information. A makeshift tent, stretched between the tree and a lamp post, provides shade and shelter for patients and staff.

Around the station, interns distribute bags containing basic health kits, consisting of painkillers, bandages, thermometers and hygiene information. A makeshift tent, stretched between the tree and a lamp post, provides shade and shelter for patients and staff.

Back at the office, Emma's knocks on Leonora's door. "Hi, Leonora! Let's have lunch together today. Are you up for it?" He invites Emma, ​​one of the junior lawyers from the firm's civil court.

"Sure, I'd love to!" Leonora responds, eager to integrate more into the group.

On the way to the elevator, the colleagues exchanged stories and jokes, trying to make the new member feel part of the team. The friendly atmosphere, however, is momentarily interrupted when, upon reaching the ground floor, they find Patrick coming out of the elevator accompanied by an elegant woman. The two laugh excitedly, showing a complicity that Leonora preferred to ignore.

His gaze meets Leonora's for an instant, a brief moment of tension in the air. None of the colleagues realize the complexity of the situation, as the past relationship between Leonora and Patrick is a well-kept secret.

"If it isn't the company trio!" Greets Patrick, trying to remain natural, although he noticed Leonora's presence.

"Hello, Patrick." Greets Emma with a smile. "Nathalie, good to see you again."

Nathalie, the woman whose name Leonora now knows, approaches Emma and gives her a kiss on each cheek. "Fortunately, I can say the same about you."

"Leonora," says Patrick, visibly uncomfortable.

"Patrick," Leonora replies, maintaining her composure. Nathalie gives Leonora a curious look, but doesn't say a word.

While the group greets each other, Leonora tries to hide her surprise when she sees Patrick with her. The woman next to him smiled pleasantly, oblivious to the history shared between the two.

"Shall we have lunch, guys?" Sarah uggested, breaking the brief embarrassment. "I'm starving."

"When are you not hungry?" Jéssica asks, and the other women around the conversation laugh. Once again, the elevator arrives, the four women say goodbye to Patrick and Nathalie, hurriedly entering the elevator.

Leonara tries to concentrate on their words, forcing herself to push away the thoughts of the past that insisted on emerging. But before the metallic door could close, Leonora sees Patrick placing his hand around Nathalie's waist, making Leonora feels a wave of heat invade her chest. Her heart races, and as she walks with her colleagues toward Sarah's car to the restaurant, she finds herself suddenly immersed in a moment from the past, a flash of happiness that seems to illuminate the present.

The company building disappears, giving way to the college campus, where every office hallway turns into classroom hallways. The professional atmosphere gives way to youth and the lightness of student days.

Isabela finds herself under the shade of a tree in the college courtyard, the golden sun filtering through the leaves as she and Patrick exchange laughs and confidences. It's a sunny afternoon, one of those rare moments that seem to freeze time.

The flashback unfolds in a series of joyful scenes: meetings in the library, impromptu walks through the city, smiles exchanged in the classroom hallways. Each image brings with it a feeling of lightness and camaraderie that permeated that happy period in their lives.

Leonora remembers a rainy day, when they found themselves soaked as they ran for shelter, laughing as if the weather couldn't affect the brightness of their smiles. It is a memory of a pure connection, without the complexities that time and circumstances would later bring.

Back in the present, Leonora smiles involuntarily, but her colleagues look at her with curious expressions, realizing that something deeper is happening. She deceives her colleagues with a tattered souvenir, because at the moment she is still in control of her emotions.

After getting in the car, the group disperses towards the restaurant chosen for lunch. Lrono struggled to maintain a normal appearance, trying to put the brief but intense interaction with her former boyfriend behind her. Leonora's colleagues continue their conversation as if nothing had happened, at least not to them.

As Janelle fills in the patient's paperwork, an elderly man approaches with an unsteady gait. "Sorry to bother you, but I heard you guys are offering medical help here?"

Janelle looks up and smiles at her first client. "Of course, Sir! Sit here. How can we help you today?"

While Janelle begins the exam, another intern, Pedro, approaches a group of curious children.

"Hi guys! Who wants a colorful bandage? It looks like you are brave, showing your bruises."

One of the kids excited, "I want a superhero bandage!"

João laughs, "superhero? You chose the right doctor! We have all kinds of bandages."

Meanwhile, Nélia approaches a wrinkled lady who watches shyly. "Hi, my name is Nélia. How are you today?"

Shyly, the Lady smile at Nélia. "Ah, honey, I'm just thankful you're here. My leg has been bothering me lately."

Nélia, kneels down. "Let's take a look at this. While I look into it, do you want to share a little about how you feel?"

The environment is enhanced by an atmosphere of compassion and professionalism. The team maintains fluid communication, sharing information about cases and coordinating efforts to ensure each person receives the attention they need.

While walking through the office corridors, Nathalie, aware of the history between Patrick and Leonora, finally decides to address the most delicate subject.

"Patrick, about Leonora... she's back to stay and is working at the same company as you. Doesn't that make you want to clear things up between you? Or you aren't afraid that this could harm your relationship?"

Patrick hesitates for a moment, pondering the complexity of the situation. "Nathalie, I would love to clear things up with Leonora, but her stonewalling and the silence that followed left a lot of questions unanswered. And as for my girlfriend, she knows about my past with Leonora, but that doesn't make things any less complicated."

Nathalie, with an expression of understanding, continues the conversation. "Sometimes confronting the past can be painful, but it may be necessary to move forward. What about Anita, do you think this could affect your relationship?"

Patrick sighs. "Honestly, I'm worried. Leonora's presence here might bring up issues from the past that we'd rather leave behind. But at the same time, I don't want to hide anything from her."

Nathalie offers cautious advice, "I think it's important to deal with this before things get more complicated. Sometimes confronting the past is the only way to truly move forward."

They enters Patrick office, he takes the file he came back for and leavesr. Patrick having done a short course in business administration, is helping Nathalie with business development ideas.

"You know, Patrick. Leonora is more beautiful in person than in the photos." Nathalie says, as they wait for the elevator.

Patrick, surprised by the direct observation, doesn't deny it, but just nods with a restrained smile. "Yes, Nathalie, it's true. The photos really don't do justice to her beauty in person."

Nathalie lets out a little laugh. "Well, it's not every day I hear someone admit that so openly."

Patrick, showing a mix of resignation and appreciation for sincerity, responds. "Leonora has always had this unique aura, which goes beyond the photos."

Nathalie, with a gleam of amusement in her eyes, comments. "Interesting how time can change perspectives, isn't it? You two have a complicated history."

Patrick, nodding, "really, Nathalie. Time has brought changes, and now we're here, trying to deal with the present."

As they get in Patrick's car, the conversation between Nathalie and Patrick highlights the delicate dance between past and present, making it clear that some wounds may need to be addressed before current relationships can fully blossom.

During lunch, the colleagues talks excitedly about work, and plans for the weekend. Leonora tries to integrate into the conversation, but her mind wanders to the past that unexpectedly resurfaced that day.

After lunch, as they return to the office, Leonora keeps a subtle distance from Patrick. She feels torn between the desire to forget the past and the inevitability of confronting his constant presence in the workplace.

The rest of the day passes with veiled tension between Leonora and Patrick. They both tries to focus on their tasks, but the shadow of what they were to each other years ago hung over them.

Back at the main station, Janelle gathers the team. "Today wasn't just about treating illnesses, but also about reminding these people that they are not alone. Care goes beyond the hospital walls."

Colleagues nod, tired but satisfied smiles lighting up their faces. Working on the streets brings a new perspective, a deeper understanding of the diversity of challenges that medicine can face.

As they collect their suitcases and prepare to return to the hospital, Janelle reflects on the experience. "Today, we show that medicine is not just about curing disease, but also about building bridges between people and their stories."

The sun begins to set, casting a soft light on the group of doctors as they walk away from the busy streets, taking with them the stories shared and the promise of return.

While leaving the office, Leonora crosses paths with Patrick again. This time, he's alone, without the presence of the mysterious woman in the elevator. They exchange a brief look, full of unspoken meanings, and each one goes their own way

But one thing keeps coming back to Leonora's mind, Nathalie.

Who the heck is Nathalie?