Meet the Villanuevas

Once their lunchtime was over, classes resumed and they had discussions for the next subjects. Once classes were over, they headed home. "Come out stalkers, I know you're there," she sighed. Mark and Grant went out of their hiding places.

"We're not stalkers if you allow us to be here anyway," Grant chuckled.

"Whatever," Alice scoffed.

All three of them resumed walking. "I still can't believe I forgot that our parents are co-workers," Alice sighed.

"Actually, my parents know you personally. They still remember you," Grant replied.

"They do? I can't believe it. I never knew. Well, I actually have a faint memory of the times I met them when I was younger but I thought they'd just forget about me," Alice mumbled.

"Anyway, about my offer earlier... Will you be staying at my house?" Grant offered.

"N-no thanks Grant, I'd prefer to be alone and as if my father would just allow me to freeload at a guy's house," Alice chuckled.

"When will they leave?" Mark asked. Alice told him that her parents were leaving on the next week. A few moments later, they finally arrived at Alice's home. Alice was about to open the gate when Alice's mother suddenly stepped out of the gate, she looked distressed. The three of them freeze in pleasant surprise. "Alice, it's already late--Oh hello there, who are they?" Alice looked nervous when her mother eyed them.

"M-mom, they're my friends Mark and Grant," she said as she kissed her mother's cheek.

"Good evening Mrs. Villanueva," the two greeted.

"Perhaps they should stay for dinner," her mother said. Alice shook her head. "I insist," her mother added, her voice getting deeper.

"Hurry inside," Alice whispered and they entered the house.

Once they entered they were greeted by Alice's father, Alice introduced the two to her father who was currently glaring at the two boys.

"Oh, I think I remember this kid. He's one of the friends you introduced during your prom and isn't this the son of Tony and Gina?" he asked.

"Yes, Tony and Gina Mendoza, they're my parents. My name is Grant, sir." Grant politely introduced himself while Mark smiled and greeted them a good evening.

"Great timing, we have to talk about something. It is a relief to know that you and my daughter are already on good terms,"

Alice immediately got nervous as did Mark. He began to have delusions of fixed marriages and such. "Dinner is ready," Alice's mother called. They headed to the dining room where they also met Alice's brother.

"Why were you both walking my sister home?" he asked as they ate, Mr. Villanueva's ears seemed to perk up in this question.

"Oh god, please shut up," Alice whined.

"Shut up little brat, I think dad is interested anyways," her brother smirked. Her father nodded as well. He gave both boys a scrutinizing stare.

"To make sure she arrives home safely," Mark calmly answered.

"Lame excuse," Alice's brother snickered which caused both Grant and Mark to flinch.

"Does he know that we like his sister?" they thought.

Meanwhile, Alice was already shooting imaginary lasers from her eyes towards her brother. "Anyway, about the talk. I have to tell you something Alice," Mr. Villanueva said. Alice looked at her father in a questioning manner, even Grant and Mark looked curious.

"You'll be staying over at the Mendoza's house while we are gone. It is something that your mother and I have agreed on,"

"What?!" both Alice and Mark exclaimed. The latter immediately composed himself since he can't afford to make a fuss in front of Alice's family.

"Told you," Grant chuckled.

"I can't let you stay alone here right? Besides, your tests are near. I think it will be good to study with Grant. I heard he has above average marks," her father continued.

"But dad, I can stay here with him," she pointed her older brother. "Or maybe at gramps' place?" Alice protested.

"As if, I'm staying over at a friend's house, there's no way I'd stay here. It means that I have to maintain the cleanliness of this house, plus I hate chores. I'd naturally pick the less troublesome option," her brother said.

Alice facepalmed, "At least you're honest about it."

"I told you that we have already discussed this with Grant's parents as well, so there is no need to bother your grandparents." Mrs. Villanueva added.

"I'd be glad to have Alice over," Grant smiled, and then he faced Mark, a smug look seen on his face. Mark wanted to bang his head on the dining table. On the other hand, Alice's brother was fully amused by the situation unbeknownst to any of them.

"Alright then, I think it is cool anyway. It's definitely better than staying with a lazy brother who is so nonchalant about everything. Where does Grant live anyway?" Alice asked.

"Wait, he lives near the city, why is he here? To just walk you home?" Alice's mother asked.

"Yes, I have to accompany Alice on her way home. It is dangerous if she goes home alone every day, especially now since it is late." Grant replied.

"Wow, he's a gentleman," Alice's family said in unison. Mark felt like dying, he wishes he could interrupt them and say that he has been doing it much longer but it was not the appropriate time.

Once dinner was over Alice said goodbye to the two and then they left. Alice went to her room to read some books. Her life is so abnormal lately, was she really meant to freeload at someone else's house? It wasn't too long ago when she stayed over at Mark's house and now she's going be staying over at Grant's house.

"You just got lucky," Mark scoffed.

"Too bad Mark, it will be just me and Alice. We'll be together for two weeks in my own house, isn't that nice?" Grant teased.

"Shut up, I'm still closer to her." Mark defended.

"You can't be too sure," Grant mocked.

"Just don't do anything stupid," Mark warned, more like threatened.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to everyone else, a certain delinquent is plotting something. "So you're really on good terms with Grant now huh? I swear Alice, I will get my revenge,"

A week later, it was the day when Alice's parents had to leave, "Alice, we'll bring you to school today," her parents said,

"Okay, it's hard to bring all this luggage." she groaned.

"We're going to drop you off at school, then we'll bring your stuff to the Mendoza residence, we'll be picking up Grant's parents anyway," her father said.

"Okay, let's go." Alice grinned.

When Alice arrived at school, she noticed that Grant and Mark weren't there yet. "Where's Mark and Grant?" Josh asked.

"Huh, why are you asking me? What am I, their chaperone or something?" she exclaimed.

"Oh gosh, you're really a dense noob." he flicked her forehead.

When the school bell rang, their Math teacher arrived and she immediately started discussing their lesson. Halfway through the period, there was a knock on their classroom door and there entered Mark and Grant.

"Why are you late?" their teacher asked.

Alice immediately flinched and she slowly sunk in her seat. Both guys were obviously annoyed for some reason. Mark smiled, a scary smile. "You see teacher, since last week we had a deal with a certain girl that we'd go to school together, so Grant and I were waiting for THAT GIRL for an hour without knowing that we were ditched." Mark said emphasizing the phrase that girl.

"Since both of us got worried we just went to her house, but it turns out that there was no one in her house besides her brother who laughed at us! And she didn't even bother to call us that she's already here at school, so now, here we are LATE," Grant narrated.

Everyone looked at Alice "How did you know it was me?" she asked innocently.

"Oh Alice," their teacher facepalmed.

"Who else would it be?" most of her classmates said in chorus.

Alice hesitantly looked at Mark and Grant, she tilted her head and gave a small smile, "Sorry?" she squeaked. The two almost melted. Alice was totally unaware that she's acting all cute with the two boys.

The two boys handed their tardy slips to their teacher before they headed to their seats, both fighting the urge to jump on Alice. "I-it's okay," they grinned idiotically.

"Good, I'm so glad you aren't mad" she smiled sweetly. The two were blushing,, they really were!

"Cute love triangle" Rebecca giggled.

"Stupid love triangles, first Mark and now even Grant. What's so special about her?" Tiffany cursed and a scary and gloomy aura emitted from her. Behind her, Lance and Josh were both stopping themselves from laughing like mad men.

Meanwhile, Alice was wondering why everyone was making a huge fuss over the fact that the two boys got late because of her. "You really are clueless aren't you?" Grant sighed.