Chapter two

"Hey, Emmet? You wanna do something?"

Moving my mouth, no words come out as I stare at the bloodied sword in front of us, a bird's body penetrated by it.

Hazel is behind me gagging and Charlotte is holding onto her shoulders. Looking back at them, I go forward until I am where the sword was thrown down. Looking up, I see the movement of someone that has a blue mask on. Only one person ever does this.

"Artanis. Get down here!" There's chuckling from above me and a small body drops down in front of us. Behind me, Hazel gasps and walks forward. "Is it a kid?" Charlotte walks forward with her. "How about you touch him?" Quickly turning around I glare at Charlotte. "Why would you tell her that?! Hazel, don't touch him!" Hazel frowns as Charlotte just smirks. Turning back toward Artanis, I walk carefully to him. "Why hello Emmet! Or should I say Lamalas?" {la- ma- las} Growling, I pug past him before grabbing Hazels' hand. "Just get us out of here!" Hazel pulls herself away from me. "Hold on! We are not going ANYWHERE until someone tells me what in God's name is going on!" Charlotte smiles smugly at me. "Yes tell her Emmet. Tell her all you've been hiding." Glaring at Charlotte, I walk close towards her. "You've been hiding too so don't go yelling at me." Charlotte scoffs "whatever." Turning back towards Artanis, he is gone, with Hazel. Turning back towards Charlotte, she is smiling. She looks over at me and frowns. "I mean, it was bound to happen. She knows nothing about this world. She is probably dead already. We should just leave."

"What is wrong with you Charlotte?! We are finding her! Do you understand me?"

Charlotte starts to walk in the village. "Whatever. It's useless. We both know it." Sharing my head, I follow after her, calling for Artanis.


Why Charlotte and Emmet argue, I talk to the small guy, trying to figure out what's happening. "So? You are you? What is this place? And why am I here?" The small guy laughs. "I am Artanis! The greatest elf the elf kind has seen!" Blinking at him, I scratch my head. " Uh. You're an elf?" The elf guy nods and slowly starts to take off his mask. "Yes... Yes, I am. And this place is the mighty and ancient hollow of the great king! As to why you are here... Perhaps is destiny... Or the prophecy." Frowning, I start to walk towards Emmet. The elf guy grabs me and pulls me back, whispering in my ear. "Now, now. Don't bother them! Let me show you this place.." The elf guy covers my mouth and floats up before grabbing onto vines and swinging up and landing on trees and flying from branch to branch. Screaming through his hand, I lose sight of Emmet and Charlotte when we finally land and stay still.

Pulling myself out of the elf guys grip I pick up a stray branch and put it in front of me. "Get me off of this tree this instance! Get me down!" The elf guy laughs and I finally get a good look at his face. He has bright green eyes and a pale complexion. He has black hair and he is not as short as I thought. "What? H-how'd you change size?!"

The elf guy smiles at me. "I was in my elf form at the time. I am one of the shorter elves in our village. So, before we left, I changed to this handsome form."

Not believing what I am seeing, I shake my head and slap myself. "No. E-elves aren't real! This is a dream! I am going to wake up, I didn't fall down a hole, I didn't meet some crazy, form changing guy elf!"

"Calm down. And my name is Jayden thank you very much." Not getting why Emmet called him Artanis I cautiously ask him about it. "Why did Emmet call you Artanis?"

"That is my elf name. Jayden is my human name." Shaking my head, I back up. "No. You're just a crazy person who lives underground!" Not realizing I am close to the edge, I fall backward. There's a blur of movement and suddenly, Jayden is in front of me, his face close to mine, one hand on my back holding me up and the other on my head. My breathing stops as I look at how truly handsome he is.

He leans down and whispers in my ear, "You're welcome." He lifts me up and steps aside, making sure I don't fall over the edge again.

Starting skeptically at him, I look behind me as I hear Emmet calling for me. "HAZEL! ARTANIS GET HER DOWN HERE NOW! I KNOW YOU'RE HERE SOMEWHERE!" Kayden laughs and grabs me by the waist. "It looks like our fun here is done." He floats up again before flying down and dropping us down by Emmet and Charlotte.


Following Emmet who is calling Hazel's name, I walk up the stairs that lead to the great hall. There aren't many people out so we don't have any trouble with people knowing who we are. "HAZEL! ARTANIS GET HER DOWN HERE NOW! I KNOW YOU'RE HERE SOMEWHERE!" Telling Emmet to be quite, Artanis and Hazel show up on in front of us. Hazel quickly scrambles out of his grasps and comes running towards us. "He is saying he's an elf! What is he talking about? How do you know him?!" Emmet raises his arms and walks towards her? She backs away from him, raising her stick.

Smirking behind Emmet, I walk towards Artanis who looks at me and smiles. "Long time huh?" Nodding I stand next to him as we watch Emmet try to explain to Hazel what is happening.

"Where is everyone?"

"They all went to the main city. The summer parade is happening this week."

"So why are you here then?"

Artanis shrugged. Sighing I look over to him. "You're looking for them aren't you?"

He slowly nods. "Yeah, I am."