Chapter one

2004, July 20, Wasaga Beach, Canada, Summer Vacation, Two days until Emmets birthday

Running through the sand with Emmet following me, I trip over the sand and fall to the ground, Emmet running past, making it to Charlotte first. Yelling at Emmet, I stand up and make my way towards them. "Dang it Emmet! You beat me again!" Charlotte chuckles and continues looking through her magazine, claiming it's too hot and she'll get sunburned. "Be quiet Charlotte. At least I don't look like a vampire."

"I look like a magnificent vampire."

Laughing I hit Emmet. "Geez. You're fast!" Emmet nods, panting. "Of course I am!" Shaking my head, I lay down, looking at the sea caves. "Hey? Y'all wanna go into the sea caves." Emmet shrugs. "We can." Charlotte immediately nods. "Of course we can! Let's go!" She grabs us by the wrists and pulls us towards the sea caves. Soon enough we are standing inside a giant cave. Charlotte keeps pulling us until we are in the very back and Emmet has to use his phone light to see.

Looking around, I see a hole to the right of us. It's about 5ft wide and looks pretty deep. Getting on my stomach, I look over the side, calling Emmet over. "Hey! I don't think you should do that." Waving my head I shone my light down. "I can't see anything! Please, Emmet, Charlotte?"

"Sorry Haz! Can't. I don't want to fall!" groaning I sit up and drag Emmet towards me. "Grab my ankles! Hold on tight."

"Hazel, this is dangerous!"

Sharing my head laughing I reply. "Dangers my middle name." Emmet shakes his head beside me. "Whatever."

Hearing movement, I look behind me, soon finding myself screaming as I fall down the hole. Grabbing onto anything, I grab Emmet's shirt, pulling him down with me. Hearing a scream above, the sand where we were standing starts to fall on us and Charlotte is soon falling down the hole with us.

Falling fast I tuck my legs up so I don't break them and hold my head. Already falling id say about 15ft, the light above me disappears and all three of us land on something very soft and bouncy. All I know is, we fell more than 15ft. At the rate we were falling, we had to have gone down more than 100ft. How we survived? I have no clue.

Assessing my body for any pain, I start to slowly get up and look around. There are little glowing things and a pathway, which is weird since it's a hole we fell down.

Shaking my head I look at Emmet and Charlotte. "Are y'all okay?" Emmet nods and I look to Charlotte who looks furious. Going to check on her, she pushes me away. " Let's just get out of here! I am fine." Backing up I raise my hands. "Okay. Fine. Geez.." Standing up I start to walk towards the tunnel. Emmet jumps up and grabs me. "You shouldn't go down there! Let's just stay here." Frowning I look between them. "Okay. What is going on here? Y'all are keeping something from me!" Emmet walks closer to me. "Look, Hazel. We can't tell you anything just-" Pulling out of his grip, I start to walk down the tunnel. "If y'all want to stay, stay. I am leaving." Behind me, I hear Emmet groan and run towards me. "I hate you." smiling I start down the tunnel. "I know," Charlotte yells at us to come back, we don't. Finally getting over herself, she follows us down the tunnel.


Following down the tunnel, I know I am going to need help with destroying Hazel. It's not just Emmet I want, I want her power. She may not know it yet, but she has the power to destroy or save the world. She can't find that power. I have to take it before she does. And when I do have that power, and Emmet, I will make sure the only thing that is left is the other side.

Hazel looks back at me and waves me over. "Look at this Charlotte! It's amazing." Sighing and shaking my head, I walk over to her, already seeing everything many times before. "Yeah... So pretty-" Gaping, I look at what's in front of me. A brand new village built on glowing trees is in front of me. The place they built the village on was a meadow before. Now, it is a beautiful village with rope bridges and vines connecting everything.

Looking at Emmet, I realize he doesn't remember this either by the confused look on his face.

Walking up to Emmet, I grab his arm. "We should really go. She can't find-"

"Come on guys! Let's go check it out!" Trying to catch Hazel's arm, she runs off before I can, yelling at us to hurry. Looking over to Emmet he shrugs and runs down the hill. Me cautiously following down, I think about what I could be doing right now.


Running down the hill with Hazel, I make sure Charlotte is coming. Seeing that she is, I run after Hazel. We wait by the meadow for Charlotte to make her way down the hill. Soon enough she is standing next to me glaring. I doubt she remembered any of this. They made it why we were gone.

Suddenly, Hazel is in front of us, waving her hands. "Hey? y'all okay? You're a little pale.."

Bringing my focus to her I nod. "Yeah, we're fine. I think we should head back we don't know what's in here." Hazel shrugs. "There is no way out. We may as well explore." Charlotte tries to say something but doesn't get to finish when Hazel runs off again. Looking over to Charlotte I ask what she wants to do. Charlotte looks at me. "I think we should go." Nodding I look back towards the village. "What if anyone recognizes us?" Charlotte shrugs and follows Hazel who is a couple of feet in front of us. "I guess she finds out." Stating after them, I decided to follow, running past Charlotte and going next to Hazel.

When we get to the edge of the village, Hazel stops and gaps at it. " It's so beautiful!"

"It really is.." She starts to walk forward but is stopped when something drops from the sky in front of her. She quickly backs up and hides behind me. Not knowing what it is, I just both of us back, a little scared of what was going to come.

Charlotte comes up to us looking down. "You know, I should've gotten better shoes for this. . ." Charlotte trails off as she sees what's in front of us. She lets out a small whimper and gets behind me and Hazel. Charlotte taps me. "Hey, Emmet? You wanna do something?"