Chapter seven

By the time me and Artanis left the balcony, the lights inside the castle were already dimmed giving it a starry night look.

Not knowing where to go, I ask Artanis. "Where do I sleep?" He looks at me and shrugs. "I don't know. You can go to Emmet's chambers and ask him. It's on the left up here." He points ahead of us as he turns to his chambers.

Waving at him as he enters, I head towards the left. Opening the doors to what I hope is Emmet's chambers, I look inside. There is a lump under the covers, slightly shaking. "Emmet?" Walking towards the bed, I look at the person laying underneath the sheets.

It's Emmet.

Pulling the sheets down, I look at his face. His eyes are closed and there are tear marks down his cheeks. I guess talking with his mom didn't go so well.

Not wanting to bother him, I leave the sheets where they are so he doesn't get too hot and walk out. Slightly shutting the door behind me, I come face-to-face with an elf.

Jumping back slightly I walk around it, the elf watching me as I head towards the kitchen, the only place I can actually find.

Getting into the kitchen there are a dozen elf's lined up and being yelled at by a rather fat and stubby elf. As soon as the door shuts behind me, everyone in the room is staring at me. " Ummm... I am looking for my room?" The big elf comes stomping towards me. He stops in front of me and shoves a spoon in my face. "Get out of my kitchen." An elf behind him raises their hand. "What is it, Hickory?" That's the simplest name so far. "She is the Queens guest sir!" The elf looks at me like he is examining me. "Oh. Okay. Your room is up the hall. Get to the end, take a right, then a left and it's the door right in front of you." The elf then pushes me out of the kitchen and slams the door behind him. You can hear the yelling from the other side.

Still not knowing what happened, I just shake my head, slap my face, and then follow is instructions.

Looking at the giant Ebony and gold-encrusted door, I push it open. It's a lot lighter then I thought. Looking inside, there's a beautiful glass balcony, a white vanity, a closet with ebony and gold-encrusted doors, and the bed. The bed is giant. It is luxurious and elegant.

Jumping on the bed, I sink into the bird feather mattress and close my eyes.


Walking out of the dining room, I stand outside of the door for a few seconds after it shuts. Shaking my head, I walk towards my room.

Opening the door, as much as I don't want to, I start to cry. Stumbling to my bed, I cover myself with my blanket.

My eyes slowly start to close and my breathing gets deeper. I am losing consciousness. I have to stay awake. Trying to get up, I lose myself into the comforting hug of sleep.

Feeling the blanket move above me, I try to open my eyes, my body forcing them closed. I haven't slept like this in forever. I miss this.

The blankets stay where they were as the door closes.

Waking up, I slowly open my eyes. The lights have slightly gotten brighter. It must be around 7 am.

Slowly getting up, I look around the room. My eyes hurt and my head. Walking to the vanity I look at myself. There are tear trails on my face and my eyes are red.

Dipping a towel in the bowl of water, I wash my face and smile.

"Just another day to get through. We don't bring up anything with my mom. We just say hi, eat, and then talk to the war council about a battle plan to get Hazel back to safety. Okay, easy peasy." Jumping up and down, I shake my hands.

Calming down, I walk to my closet and get a change of clothes. Changing, I pull on my black boots and walk out my door, shutting it behind me.


Getting the potion around the time the lights would be going dim at the castle, I speed off, the potion in my satchel.

Thinking about the best time to trap Hazel, I get off the deer once I get to the stables and feed and water it, putting it in its stall.

Deciding the best way to do it is when she's alone, the guards open the doors to the castle.

Walking to my room, I carefully hide the satchel, making sure I don't break it. Sighing, I quickly change and lay in the soft bed, letting it softness comfort me.

"I'll get your Hazel. I'll take your power and with it, I will destroy everything and everyone except for me, my beloved, and my friends."

Waking up the next day, the lights are fully on. Groaning, I stand up and hope I didn't miss breakfast.

Changing, I run out of my room and towards the dining wall. Thankfully, food is still being served.

The Queen, Emmet, Artanis, and Hazel are all sitting down in what I guess is an awkward silence. Sitting down on the right side of the queen, the servers bring me food.

Eating it, the silence drags on, the clink of silverware the only sound. Even the guards know something's up. But, no one has the guts to ask. Except for me. It's clearly something between The queen and Emmet.

Standing up, I put my hands on the table and lean towards the Queen and Emmet. "What is going on? Why is it so awfully quiet?!" Emmet shrugs. "I don't know. Maybe you should ask her Majesty." The queen slams her fork down on the table and stands up, wiping her dress. "Excuse me. I have things I must do. I can't sit here and talk about the prince's mistakes." With that, the queen leaves.