Chapter fifteen

The soft sound of water fills my head.

Where am I?

Slowly opening my eyes, I try to move around to see where I am. Having barely any strength, I don't move my head far.

"Hazel?" A voice sounds from beside me and then I feel a weight on my arm, it's a hand. "You're alive! Hazel!" The person suddenly pulls me into a hug, and I know who it is.

"Emmet?" My voice is soft and weak, almost like there's something wrong with my vocal cords.

The person comes into my view and u stare into his eyes, tears treatening to overflow and fall down his face. He pulls away after a second and collapses on the chair beside me. "I thought you were gone for sure! The doctor said you had a thin chance of surviving."

Sitting up slightly, Emmet helps me rest my back on the metal bars if the medical bed. "What happened though? I don't remember a thing. and where is that water sound coming from?"

"No one really knows what happened. We think that the big guy blew up or something. The water noise is coming from over there. We moved you into a different place." He points behind him and scoots over and sure enough, there is a small waterfall flowing out into four pools of water, most likely used for cleaning plants, getting water for drinking, cleaning used tools, and washing your hands.

"Hazel? You okay?" I realize I have been staring at the waterfall for a while know. Nodding my head I lean back and close my eyes. "Is anyone else hurt?" Emmet shakes his head and leans forward. His face resting in his right hand which is on his knee. "No one is hurt... We only experienced fifteen deaths... They have already been cremated and the urns have been given to the family."

"How long have I been out?" Emmet looks down and taps his hand, stopping for a few seconds before continuing. "A few days... It's already past the end of summer break. People must be looking for us now." My mouth falls open. "I've been passed out for four days? What's happened since then?!"

"Well, the fourth district got the outer villages and are slowly making their way forward. We managed to get some of the villages

Back and are slowly pushing the Fourth District back. It's hard though. They have a lot of soldiers and they always have one big guy with every attack."

"Just try to do whatever we did last time. It made a big explosion."

"We don't know how..." Emmet looks over his shoulder and stands up. "Get some more rest, the doctor will be here shortly. I need to go check on the war council." He walks out the door, not even giving me time to say anything.


Opening the door to the council room, I stalk inside and sit down on the chair in the front and wave my hands, leaning forward. "So? What's happened? What're yall planning?"

The head council elf stands up and coughs. "Well sire, the army we sent to the west successfully took down ten if the enemy's camp. From then, we are seeing them farther inside the enemy lines." Nodding, I start to tap my finger on my chair before pulling back and clenching my hand. "Sounds good. Now that this is over, I'll be in my chambers if you need me." Standing up, I walk to the door, turn around, salute, and walk out of the room slamming the door behind me.

Laying down on my bed, I pick up the drawing pas beside me and look through it. Throughout my life, I drew out everything major event that happened, the latest, the fight with the fourth district four days ago. I drew everything I could remember, I had other people tell me what they remembered as well, trying to find the most accurate picture.

Starring at the picture, I sit up when I see something odd. Charlotte us holding a small bottle. One of the soldiers in her part if the formation said she grabbed it from her saddle bag or pocket. I didn't think too much about it before, but now, maybe this has something to do with what happened. I mean, why would she break formation? It doesn't make sense.

Getting up, I grab my notebook and head out of my room.

Heading to Charlotte's room first, I knock on the door. When no one answers, I slightly open it and look inside. Seeing no one, I head to the other end of the hall and knick in Artanis' door.


Charlotte's voice responds from the other side.


Hearing a knock in the door, I grab the knife that us besides me and stand up from the chair


"Charlotte? It's me. Emmet."

Sighing, I put down the knife and walk towards the door, opening it to see Emmet outside with a notebook in his hand.

"Hey. Why are you here?" He holds up the notebook and walks in, going to Artanis. "How's he doing?" Shutting the door behind me, I walk to him, still confused as to why he is here.

"The doctors say he will be fine soon enough. He just needs support." Emmet nods and sits down on the chair Artanis has at his desk. He holds up his notebook and waves me over, opening it.

Brining the chair that was by Artanis' bed over to Emmet, I sit down next to him, a little nervous.

"What is this?" He holds up his notebook and inside it is a picture of the battle scene. There are many elements so I have no idea what he is talking about. "What do you mean? There are a lot of things to look at." Emmet points at a spot in the drawing and looking closer, I see myself breaking formation with a potion in hand.

"What happened here? You caused the lives of fifteen people."

"I would rather have it fifteen than two hundred and fifty. The potion killed the brute. I didn't know if it was going to work but I had to do something." Emmet squint's his eyes and sighs, putting the more book down and standing up.

"You better not be lying." He walks to the door, turns around, and stares at me one last tune before leaving and slamming the door behind him.

I collapse on the chair and take a deep breath and slowly let it out. That was close.