Emmet is still not back. It's been just over an hour and not one person I know has arrived to visit me. The doctor came a few minutes after Emmet left and told me I could leave later tonight and gave me a weird tasting drink.
Looking around, I stand up, making sure no one is there and quickly put on a change of clothes before I walk out if the door, shutting it behind me as quite as possible.
Walking backward, I turn around and run down the wall, my bare feet making no noise on the shiny floors.
Opening the door to my room, I look for my clothes. I open every drawer, closet, and cupboard, even looking under the bed for my clothes. Not seeing them, I get increasingly angry. Those were my clothes they don't have the right to take them!
Stomping to the door, it suddenly opens and someone who I guess is a maid, walks in with a pile of clothes. The maid is startled at my presence and almost drops the clothes, I my catching them by leaning forward, getting her balance back.
"I am sorry! I didn't know you were here. I thought you were at the medical bay." Glaring at her, I walk over, grab the clothes, and push her out of the room, slamming the door behind her. For some reason, I feel very angry at everything. My stomach hurts and my head is throbbing with a massive headache; maybe I should've stayed in the medical bay.
Putting on the clothes, I head out if the room and towards Emmet's room.
Opening the giant wood doors, they but the wall and Emmet fall off of his bed.
"What are you doing? You're supposed to be in the medical bay!"
"Well, here I am! Not in the medical bay. Now, you're going to explain to me everything that happened! You understand?"
Emmet opens his mouth, closing it a few times before he gets a sentence formed.
"No one really knows Hazel!" Glaring, I walk to him and shove my finger into his face. "You have an idea. I know you, Emmet." He sighs and leans back against the bed frame. "I do have an idea. I just don't know if it's right." Sitting down next to him, I wave my hands around. "Well? Tell me!" Emmet shakes his head and gets up, going to the door. " It's not happening Hazel." He walks out, leaving me alone, again.
A bell rings, signaling dinner. For the past few hours I have ben roaming the castles, and going scrolling through the gardens.
I have to get going to the dinning room. A few days before I passed out, I learned - the hard way- that if you aren't at the dining room three minutes after the bell rings you don't get fed.
So, running to the dining room, I get there just as the doors are apart to close. Running to my seat, I sit down as the servers come out with plates of food.
All of them have pointy or slightly rounded ears. I never really noticed before, but, they can shape-shift. Thats how Emmet and Charlotte survived in the human world for so long, They used their human body. Most of the time, they are in their human body why everyone else is in an elven body.
The elven body is very slim and muscular. The king can be very fair or a dark tan; Theres no in-between with these elves.
Dinner was very quiet and soon I found myself laying down in my room, slipping into a deep sleep, tired and weak from the day.
Starring at the notebook, I know that Charlotte was lying. Theres no way she would've broken formation to kill the big guy; She would've just thrown the potion at him, not break formation and cause soldiers deaths.
She was heading towards Hazel and she has been off today. Both of them. Hazel is a ball of fury and Charlotte hasn't even come out of her room since I confronted her. I don't know what to think of this. The best chance I have is figuring out what the potion was. And, theres only one place she goes to get potions, The caves.
Waking up the next morning, I head straight out, making sure Charlotte doesn't see me, just in case she tries something on me.
Getting a deer, I swing up onto and speed off to the caves in the distance.
Rapping on the door, it opens slightly to the undelightful face of an orc, two of them.
I hear the door unlock and it opens all the way, showing the giant creatures body.
"What do you want, Royal?" The orc says 'Royal' Like it's a dirty word that shouldn't be said.
Ignoring his rudeness, I push past them and step inside of the cave, thats also very undelightful.
"I need to know what potion you gave Charlotte and exactly what it does." Picking up a skull from the table, I smell the stink of it and hold it away from me, setting it back down and looking back towards the orcs who look like they are scheming something up.
"We will. But, it comes with a price." They both smile smugly and shut the door, heading towards their potions shelf.
"Whats the price?" Once again, they look at each other and smile.
The biggest one comes to me and looks at me in the eyes.
"We want money. Lots of it."
Knowing this is what they would want, I take out a coin bag and hand it to the orc as the other one rummages through the shelf.
"More. That'll won't get us supplies for the next few months."
Taking out another coin pouch, I put the two together. "That's all you're getting. Take it to Leave it."
The orc looking through the potions nods and the orc in front of me takes the bags.
"Nice doing business with you." The other orc comes tromping over and slams a book down, pointing at a potion.
"This is it. Potion of un posto. This is what she wanted. It's to keep someone in one realm at all times. We don't know what she wanted it for." Grabbing my notebook, I stare at the drawing.
"Hazel.' Running out of the cave, I jump onto my deer and hit its side three times, the beer going into a gallop. I know what Charlotte wants.
Walking outside, Emmet is riding straight towards me, forcing me to jump out of the way so I don't get hit by his deer.
Emmet jumps off and grabs my elbow, pulling me to the garden. He pushes me against a tree and puts his forearm to my throat.
"That potion was for Hazel. I know what you want and you aren't getting it, ever."
Smiling, I push him off me. "So you figured it out. Good job! I will get her power Emmet. You cant stop me."
"You don't even know how to get it." Scoffing at his naivety, I start to walk back towards the castle.
"I will find out, And soon so you can't stop me. Even if you try, your mother is getting a little old now isn't she? It wouldn't be weird if she jus happened to die of a heart attack, now would it?" Holding up a potion thats read with black flacks I smile.
"I'll see you at dinner."
Walking away, I head straight to my room, breathing hard.
I just threatened the queens life and Emmet knows what I am trying to do. He won't try to stop me, he loves his mother to much. But, just the thought that I can never make him mine willingly is to much.
I lean against the door and breath in deep.
"This is going to be a long week."