Chapter seventeen

The whole week is unpleasant and I don't know why. Emmet is following Charlotte around like a little puppy or is staying close to me. He even dared to put guards in front of my door.

Emmet won't tell me a thing and will dismiss me when I try to talk about it. Charlotte is being edgy and won't talk to me. It's weird how they are acting and want to know why.

So, the rest of the week I try following them around secretly to see if I can listen to a secret conversation. Every time one of them catches me, they force me back to my rooms.

Laying on the ridiculously soft bed, I try my best at being annoyed. It is hard to when you are in a luxurious bed.

Sighing and turning the pillow over to the cool side, I wonder if my parents are thinking of me. My father has to be scared to death. As for my step-mother, she is probably comforting my father.

I wouldn't say me and her have a bad relationship but we haven't had time to bond. She is a nice and wonderful person and is fun to hang around; We've just never bonded as we should.

Letting myself fall asleep, I wake up getting what I think is only a few minutes of sleep. The sound of quiet footsteps sounds from outside my room; You can barely hear them.

Sitting up, I stare at the door. The Doorknob starts to rattle. I jump out of bed and run towards the window and open it, glancing down. The drop-down is far but I -hopefully- wouldn't get injured. Metal clanking sounds from behind me and I pick myself up onto the window, ready to jump when the noise abruptly stops and the footsteps walk away.

Frowning at what happened, I grab the knife that is on the vanity and head towards the door. Bandishing the knife in front of me, I throw open the door to come face-to-face with nothing. There is nothing in the hallway, not even the guards that are supposed to be outside. One thing is in the hallway and it is a small, torn, piece of fabric.

Glancing around, I retreat to my room and hide the fabric in the vanity that is by the closet.

For that night, My eyes are staring at the door, not blinking with the knife in my hand, the tip pointing at the door. Whoever the intruder was won't be getting to me very easily.

Waking up, I realize I fell asleep that night after I said to myself I wouldn't. Annoyed that I did, I angrily stand up, almost stabbing myself with the knife that is laying next to me.

Cursing, I put it on the desk beside me and continue getting up, walking to the door; Stumbling to it.

Peeking through the small gap I opened the door. I see the guards outside, yawning. That's nice to know they are not very reliable.

Steeping out, the guards come to attention and nod at me as I walk by.

Carefully making sure no one is following, I hastily make my way towards Emmet's room. Opening the door, not bothering to knock, I spin around and don't see him. Starting to get annoyed, I head to the council room.

Slamming the doors open, no one is inside. Confused, I head to the dining room and once again, no one is there. Not thinking about the one place I didn't search, I head towards my room, frowning, Artanis comes to mind. Eyes widening, I make my way to where Artanis' rooms are, Where I should've checked first.

Charlotte is against the wall, my forearm pressed into her throat and Artanis is staring at us, horrified.

"What did you do to him Charlotte." Charlotte sneers at me and tries to push me away. Digging my forearm deeper into her neck, she smiles.

"I did nothing. He is my best friend. I would never hurt him." Glaring at her, I let her go when a knock sounds on the door, and Hazel comes running in. She points down to Charlotte, then to me, and does a thumbs up, a confused expression on her face. Nodding, I help Charlotte up from the ground where she collapsed due to the lack of oxygen.

"Emmet. Someone was outside-"

"Charlotte?" Artanis' voice sounds from behind us, cutting Hazel off. All of us spin around to him. This morning he didn't have any memory. He had no idea who he was.

Charlotte runs to him and kneels beside his bed. "Artanis? Do you remember me?" He nods his head carefully, almost in a way that said he wasn't completely sure.

Deciding to check on him later, I turn back to Hazel. "What were you going to say?" She waves her hand at me, dismissing me, the crown prince. "It is nothing." Looking at her curiously, I don't pay attention to it and make my way to Artanis, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"You okay?" Artanis looks over to me, once again in a daze, and nods. "Who is she?" He raises a shaky finger and points to Hazel who is standing there awkwardly.

"You don't remember her?" Artanis shakes his head and scoots away from Charlotte when she touches him, a scared look on his face.

"Artanis? Hey, it's me. Charlotte, Your best friend."

Artanis starts to say something but his eyes gloss over and he goes into the daze he was in before.

Glancing over to Charlotte, I call the doctor, who ushers us out once he checks on Artanis.

Pulling Charlotte off to the side as Hazel heads to the dining room with a very angry expression on her face.

Slamming my hand next to her head, I make sure she can't leave easily.

"Alright Charlotte. What in God's name was that? Hazel is impossibly angry and Artanis is scared of you."

She shrugs and tries to walk away. Grabbing her elbow, I pull her back.

Charlotte sighs and yanks her arm away from me.

"Hazel is probably having side effects from the spell. As for Artanis, I don't know. Now can I go? Please?" Moving my arm away from her head, She walks away towards the dining room.

Following her, I say under my breath, "I won't let you hurt Hazel."

Emmet is starting to get annoying. He is always watching me or keeping me from getting to Hazel. There's no way I can get to her but at night. Guards are easy to bribe but, I am running out of money. Soon, I will have to steal from the treasury, and if I am caught that is it for me.

Sitting down as the second bell rings for breakfast, Hazel is slamming everything down and won't talk to anyone. I probably should've checked the side effects of that potion.

Breakfast was full of Hazel slamming things down and grumbling. Everyone was getting annoyed and I couldn't think to save my life. I have to figure out how to take down Hazel soon before Emmet finds a way to take me down.

Finally not being able to think, I excuse my self from breakfast and make my way to the apple tree in the garden. I would always go here every time I was annoyed with the rules of this realm.

Females aren't allowed to seek out love, the males get to pick their wife even if the female elf doesn' want to. Male elves are the only ones allowed to have weapons and very few female elves get to be in the army. Overall this place is what humans would call sexist. Except it is with an imaginary species that shouldn't even exist.

Grumbling to myself, "Hazel gets to do whatever she wants. I am confined to the rules of his place, even when I am not here. The royal guards that were sent with us when me and Emmet went to the human world were always by us. We found ways to get rid of them but, in the end, they always found us.

We had to leave our realm because some evil old king sent assassins to kill us...

An old king... That's where I need to go! He has to know how to take Hazel's magic! He is an old king after all.