The One-Sided Conversation 0.2

A moment of silence surrounded the both of us as we stare at each other's eyes. Clearly, not wanting to lose this somewhat of a silent staring contest.

Miss Pilgrim stood at the foot of my bed, her face was stoic, but her glare was intense. To be honest, I do not think I can keep up with her intensity. But I was fighting the urge to look away. My nerves were past asleep as I fight this battle alone.

The ghost of slumber was right at my tail, it waited for me to ease into relaxation and pull me into the grasps of sleep. I was beginning to feel tired again yet I had no time for that.

I wanted to devise a plan of escape and I don't think I'll be having the taste of freedom as long as I'm here. From the bits of memories that I have recalled, a man called Mr. Black took me to an academy.

'Was this it? Am I already inside the academy? Where's Mr. Black?'

I tried to recall more of what happened but somewhere still a bit hazy to me. My mind was still a bit jumbled now. Every time I try to remember, even just a bit, a pinch of pain penetrates my head and I am suddenly drawn into a blank.

The staring contest between Miss Pilgrim and I dragged on for a few more seconds before she closes her eyes finally breaking the unofficial battle of glare between the two of us. I watch as a smirk crept up to her face, what seemed to have been a somewhat win of mine felt like I was just saved from being obliterated. Her face seemed to darken the moment she opens her eyes and looks at me.

I couldn't help but feel a sinister aura resonating around her. It made me gulp in lumps of air as her eyes lands on me again.

"So, miss Levi..." she begins as she slowly thrives around my bed and walkover to my left.

"Tell me... are you in any case... in contact with your 'biological' parents?" she asked. She gave a sarcastic emphasis on the word 'biological', which greatly confused me.

'What? No, what makes her think that I have contact with them? Wasn't me being an orphan, not clear enough for her?' I wanted to say. But sadly, I couldn't.

If I attempted to speak, I was so sure that it would only sound like unintentional moan that would draw on.

I still could not speak so I just shook my head in response.

"Oh, I nearly forgot. You are mute and immobile for the time being. You need all the rest that you can get. I especially requested that they inject you anesthetics till you recover," she says in an uplifting tone, highlighting her mockery of me.

"Seeing that little stunt you just pulled that afternoon, we simply couldn't take any chances," she says in an act of sadness that made me want to puke.

'Stunt? That afternoon?' I was confused for a moment, before a flash of memory played in my mind.

'Ah, yes, I did that.' My mind hissed at the hazy memory of my escape plan.

'That must be why I'm here,' I wondered.

"Remember it yet?" Miss Pilgrim asked her tone seeming to drop a few octaves deep. Her expression was back to being stoic and unyielding of any emotions.

As if I was in a trance, I slowly nodded.

Miss Pilgrim tsked at me before she walks towards the shade of the shadows. I tried to follow the outline of her white polo as she walks into the dark and seemed to be going somewhere.

"I must say, Miss D'emillo. You surprised me with that kind of foolish tactic to run off," she trails as she walks around the dimness of the space. I heard a faint scrape of metal and heard Miss Pilgrim's heels clank on the solid floor.

She emerges through the shadows a flimsy looking metal chair held by both her hands.

"What impressed me more is the fact that you're still alive after such a critical crash," she says a low chuckle escaping her lips as she walks over to my side and places the chair down just a few inches away from me.

She walks over, sitting down; her posture was perfect and straight.

I braced myself the moment a grin appeared on her lips.

'Something tells me that this expression is meant for something... that isn't good,' i thought to myself in worry.

"Here's the deal Miss Levi..." she starts, leaning forward and propping her chin on the back of her hand.

"I don't believe you," she says in riddles.

My brows furrowed in genuine confusion as I stare at her helplessly.

Suddenly, she laughs hysterically as soon as she saw my facial response. She laughed so hard that she looked like a freakin' psychopath that was let loose. Which by the way made me nervous.

In a snap, her laughter dies down and her face returned to looking stoic.

"Drop the act, D'emillo. I'm positively sure that you're her daughter. Is this some kind of infiltration plan? Or perhaps an undercover plan?" she says in a tone of mockery.

I was now completely in the dark of what she means.

'Infiltration? Undercover?' I wondered in sheer confusion.

I nearly jolted when Miss Pilgrim abruptly stood up and slammed both her palms on the railings of my bed.

"Don't you dare play innocent with me young lady!" she exclaims in a flash of rage.

I paled at the sudden raise of her voice and was still unable to fend for myself in case she decides to inflict pain on me. I was panicking inside as I anticipated any form of harassment from her.

However, before she could do anything, a knock resonated from the door. Saving me from any kind of terror that might have happened to me.

Miss Pilgrim glowered down at me before straightening back up and fixing herself as she pats off the dust, and wrinkles that crippled her skirt. She took in a deep breath before heading to the door.

She opens it and steps outside, the door clicking shut behind her.

For a moment I just stared off into space, utterly shook by the sudden turn of events.

'Clearly... I didn't expect that kind of outburst' I thought as my raging nerves buzzed back into calmness.

'Okay, it's clear. I need to get out of here,' I thought. I attempted to move my arm again and was partially glad that I was able to lift it slightly, but there was still a numbing sensation that followed soon after.

My eyes were beginning to feel droopy as soon as my nerve ends eased from its previous shock. So I started to panic. I was going to be unconscious again.

I could still barely over and I had so little options. None of which could give me odds that would favor me.

Before I could even think more of my predicament, the door to my room opened and in came Miss Pilgrim. She looked at me for a moment, assessing me, I assume. Then she shuts the door behind her and heads to the dim corner of the room again.

"Sadly, miss Levi. The principal requests my presence. Thus our conversation will be cut short," she says as i heard fumbling noises resonate from her direction.

The news relived me, but the sounds of cluttering objects gave another unsettling throb in the pits of my stomach. After a few, more seconds of fumbling. I heard a drawer being pushed to a close and the familiar pattern of clicking heels walk towards my bed.

Emerging from the shadows like a lurking beast, my eyes darted at the syringe that was clasped in one of her hands.

'Uhh... What's that for?' I wanted to ask. However, sadly, I still could not.

Miss Pilgrim approaches my bed and walks towards my IV monitor.

"I will be off for now Miss Levi—" she trails as she holds the tube that connects me from the IV drip and inserts the needle, "But remember—"

I watch helplessly as she injects the contents of the syringe into the liquid, mixing gradually and enters steadily in my system.

In a sharp second, the tiredness that I felt became unbearably irresistible and was now eating its way into my consciousness.

My eyes were beginning to shut close, but I fought it with all my might. I could barely see Miss Pilgrim leaning towards my ear. I wanted to push her away or turn my head on the other side and avoid her. But I was too busy fighting the urge to fall asleep.

"—Escape, is futile."

Her words became a sickening lullaby. Thus lulling me to sleep.

I fell into the deepest depths of darkness, bringing nothing but unanswered questions with me. Frustration swallowed me before finally drifting into the blankets of sleep.

Quote of the chapter!!!

"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality"

-Ayn Rand-