Episode 16

The next morning when Xiaobai woke up and Cha Cha helped her dress for her visit to her mother's Palace, when the doors to her mother's room opened, Xiaobai was met with her dead mother on the floor, dried blood stained her cheek, her hair cascading everywhere.

A scream bursted through Xiaobai's mouth as she clutched her stomach as pain slammed through her body, her eyes closed as she collapsed to the ground, fainting into unconsciousness.

Shen Ye rushed to his mother in-law's Palace and found the dead Empress, he then saw a unconscious Imperial Princess lying on the ground.

He fell to his knees beside her and scooped her into his arms, yelling at Cha Cha to call a Physician to their Palace to check on the Princess and her unborn baby.

Knowing he was guilty for the murder of the Empress, he knew had to blame someone before revealing it was him, but he didn't do it himself, he made the Empress kill herself.

The Physician said that the Princess was weak and that she had gotten into a coma, he also said that since the Empress is dead, when the Princess woke up, she would be crowned the Empress while spending fifty days grieving for her mother.

Dressed in mourning clothes every day, Dijun stayed by Xiaobai's side as she recuperated. When she finally woke up, her dead mother dawned on her and she pushed everyone away.

Rumours spread that it was her maid Cha Cha who killed the Empress and even though Xiaobai loved her maid, she had to go by the traditions of her Kingdom.

Days after, she was crowned Empress of the Wei Kingdom, with noble families and royal families, her in-laws his parents were concerned for their daughter-in-law and her well being.

Prince Shen Ye also became Emperor of the Wei Kingdom and did his best to be with his wife during her tough times.

After the last day of her grieving, Xiaobai ordered the army to keep tight security on the Palace and have the Palace members on high alert in case the murderer was going after her next.

Guilt racked Dijun to the point where Cha Cha was then ordered for execution because of proof she was seen near the Empress's chambers.

Xiaobai stood by the steps leading to the hanging silk that would be wrapped around her beloved maids neck before turning a pulley to plunge her to her death.

A tear rolled down her cheek as Cha Cha's crimes were read as well as her sentencing by the Empress. Dijun stepped up and called off the execution, Cha Cha's face sank into relief as she was pulled down the stairs.

Looking up at Dijun, Xiaobai glared at him.

"How dare you call off an execution" she said before he took her by the arm and pulled her back into the Palace and into a empty room.

"Don't kill her, you love her to much" he said and she snorted.

"Why not? There is evidence that she killed my mother!" Xiaobai yelled.

"It wasn't Cha Cha!" he said his voice rising.

"Then who was it? You?" Xiaobai threatened and when he didn't answer, her eyes went wide and tears fell from her eyes.

"You wouldn't, my mother loved you as her own, why would you do this to her?" Xiaobai asked before calling for her guards.

They took the Prince away as she started grabbing her slightly bigger belly as pain struck and she collapsed, blanking out.

When she awoke, the maids were bowed by her bedside crying and calling out her official title.

"Your Imperial Majesty, you have lost the baby and it has done great damage to your body" the Physician said and Xiaobai started crying her eyes out before she leaned over the side of her bed, spitting blood from her mouth.

Xiaobai fell from her bed, pain wracked her body as she crawled to her beloved maid Cha Cha who held her in her arms and wiped the blood from her mouth.

"I'm sorry Cha Cha, for wrongly accusing you of murdering my mother" Xiaobai stammered, blood pouring from her mouth.

"Your Highness, your mothers death clouded your vision, I forgive you" she said, stroking her mistress's hair from her eyes and cried.

As a final breath escaped her lips, Imperial Empress Xiaobai died in the arms of her maid.

In the Imperial dungeons where Dijun was kept, he sat by the wall in a cell, talking to a invisible Si Ming about what he had done to the woman he loved, as well as explaining that he had killed their unborn baby with his confession.

"What will you do now?" Si Ming asked, as Dijun looked to him and sighed.

"I don't know, I will visit her when this trial is done so I can comfort her and explain that I had to do what I did" he said as Si Ming nodded.

The next few days the royal court decided on a death sentence for Dijun and he lived his days in his cell. When the day came, he was killed in front of the Palace walls, returning him back to his Immortal body.

When he opened his eyes, he looked around the bright room and then at Si Ming who came in and bowed to him. Sitting up, Dijun then walked past Si Ming, not ready to talk until he had seen Feng Jiu.

(Sorry this chapter really short)