Its 2 am and I'm laying on my bed wondering what love is. It could be many things: commitment, passion, affection. Love can be anything we want it to be. For me love right now is texting you good morning, asking about your day and having long meaningful conversations all day long but love is hundreds of miles away. Love has golden hair and shines when the sun hits it, when it's braided it looks like branches made out of fine gold. Love has blue eyes that seem like eternal crystalline waters and I melt into them. Love has pink lips that look softer than anything I've ever seen before. Love seems delicate to touch. Love lives hundreds of miles away. Love knows french and greek and writes me the corniest texts in those languages. Love is strong but weak. Love says they wish we where together, love I wish it too. Being able of touching your beautiful hair and kissing your lips, hearing your smile and feeling safe no matter what I've been through. Love seems perfect but love doesn't know all of flaws, love doesn't know about the scars that make me who I am, would love care if I show them who I am?