
Black Morning Sky: 01

The rest of the way I walked on autopilot. Empty of thoughts or feelings I only came to my senses when the Port stop was announced and I got off the train. A welcome committee was strategically searching people at the platform exit. My first instinct was to turn back and board the train. Seeing those soulless killing machines in black uniforms from head to toe triggered something in me.

Following the line to pass the metal detector, my palms began to sweat. I tried to dry them on my pants while discreetly breathing in and out to relax myself before my turn. Close enough to hear them more clearly I understood that they were asking everyone for their IDs in advance.

- Hand it over.

That armour made them look so much bigger than what they actually were. Most of it was due to the voice altering software used on the helmet's settings. Machines. They were nothing more than means to an end. Never questing, just blindly following orders from someone they never met.

I reached out for my ID with my left hand and passed it to him. Without a warning, the officer grabbed my wrist lifting it above my head.

- Hey, we've got a Sato over here! - the other two agents that were inside the building tilted their heads to look our way.

- Cool! - one said.

- What do you work with, Sato? - The way he spoke my name was if he was directing the word to a soda can.

- Systems programming. - something that always caught my attention was how polished their boots were. Regardless of who or where, they all had shining perfect leather boots.

- Okay, Sato, you can go. - he returned my ID along with a pat on the back.

On the exterior I kept my eyes low and my steps in a steady pace when what I really wanted to do was run to the port as fast as I physically could. The place where his hand touched me was burning even though I was wearing a thick jacket. Those murderers walked around touching people with those dirty hands. Weighing on my shoulder the sensation took me to the rooftop. All those lives… I brushed away the feelings by massaging my face while I walked out of the station.

Walking the few meters to the triage was a torment. For a port the place was awfully quiet and deserted. Besides me there was only another guy going the same direction. Everyone else headed towards the offices or the loading dock. I tried to find a diversion, anything to distract me but nothing worked. The web was flooded with stuff from the Tower. I tried to read it but everytime my palms began to sweat and my throat started to ache so I gave up.

The only thing I wanted was to get to that farm. With all my strength I wished I could teleport there and I would be fine. I didn't know why but I just knew I would.

- Oe! Wake up, I'm talking to you!

Snapping fingers broke me out of my mental prison. An irritated officer wearing the casual Force uniform, which had no armour, just a badge in sparkling silver, was standing in front of me.

- Sorry. Here. - a couple of clicks then I slid the permission to his screen.

He delayed his eyes on me. Using a threatening look from a few inches below me. Short cops never made it to the "real" Force, the one that beat kids for hanging around uptown and also acted as the Leadership's official hitmen.

- Why do you want to cross to the country?

- My aunt is sick. - he maintained the same expression. - I have to look after her. She refuses to go to the city. - keeping the official air, he checked my permission. I had it changed to one for relatives which gave me more permanent access so I wouldn't have to forge a new one every time I had to cross over.

- She must be one hell of an auntie for you to be here at this hour. - no shoe polish. He spoke like he was guarding the Leader himself with those cheap ass boots that never were polished. Still he acted like the entire City depended on him.

- I was forced to come, sir.

During the time he stayed silent measuring me from head to toe. Desperate for even the smallest excuse to hang on my ass while all I had on my mind was how much I wanted to simply pass. My eyes were beginning to feel heavy and were constantly burning ever since I called Louise. Why couldn't that night just end?

- Wait over there. - with a step to the side he let me through into the waiting area.

The wind was merciless that morning. It was as if it knew. I leaned against a pillar to feel the whips strike them. It was comforting to focus on my hair flying, my body shaking from the cold. But the best was the anticipation. That break between strikes when you have no idea how long it'll take just that it will happen, eventually.

A loud horn struck me letting me know it was time to board. Beneath my black jacket I was cold to the bone. Staying on the wind gave me something else to worry about on the journey and for that I was thankful. While waiting on line to be searched I texted Louise letting her know I was leaving the island.

Throughout the ride I trembled every second of it with my arms wrapped around my body.

I was the first to jump out once we arrived. At large steps I rushed to the bus stop right outside the main office. There I had a vision of Louise standing outside a truck walking from one side to the other. Involuntarily my heart jumped smashing itself against my chest. However in the same instant it froze out, sending chills through my spine.

She saw me and started to head my way. Our eyes met and my vision became blurry. By that time Louise had me caught in an embrace so tight my legs felt weak. She rubbed the back of my neck and deeper I sank my face in her shoulder.

- Something bad happened. - her words were a whisper more to herself than to me directly.