
Black Morning Sky: 02

Farms and more farms one after the other made the way to Louise's house pretty calming. She didn't say or asked me anything else after we got in the truck. From the outside it looked like a toy. Straight lines, minimalist design made the medium sized vehicle seem too fragile for the country work but I didn't put too much thought into it.

A few minutes on the comfy seats and the quiet environment knocked me down.

I woke up on the outside of the white painted house with Louise holding the door for me. My head was pounding so hard I felt dizzy, almost falling down if there wasn't somebody there to catch me.

- I'm sorry. - the dirt floor was moving around like waves on the sea, giving me no confidence to walk on my own. I leaned against the car with my eyes closed, feeling weaker than I had ever felt in my life.

- Take your time.