

Walking on the streets of the Top Tier was the same as travelling to a different planet. The architecture was different, the advertisements, the people. No homeless kids, no cheap mob-res, Force cars passing by frequently. That's how the most secure place in Tier-1 looked like, an entirely different city.

Everytime I had to go up there I felt out of place. In that moment those feelings had never been more real. I wasn't dirty or poorly dressed, it's just that I knew what the people that passed by me were thinking but I refused to change. I was who I was and they would have to bear with my face.

The place I was heading was unfortunately close by. Even if the Top Tier looked all clean and high leveled that was the part of the city that hid the most secrets. So much was covered by pretty billboards and expensive clothes. Churches, pharmacies and big fancy carousels were all concentrated where the rich lived and where so they could protect their sources of entertainment.

Particularly, on that night I desperately needed to pray.

Within a few minutes walk I was already near a Church. I had never been in one before although I had been hired by them many times. The reason for my visit was driving my anxiety nuts. Every step raised my heartbeat teleporting my mind back on that rooftop. I shaked my head to drive the thoughts away. Those people I was about to see weren't the understanding type.

In a corner I saw the Meditation/ Tea house. The front was all in glass showing the interior decorated with shades of wood and green plants, a very minimalistic design. At the entrance a very smiley lady awaited me.

- Good evening, how can I help you? - she spoke very clearly the common language, extremely different from the restaurants on the middle and lower tier that if you didn't speak their dialect you would not be able to order.

- Hello, I would like to see a Priest.

- Your name, please.

- ST. I'm friends with Father Dan. - immediately she took her eyes off the screen.

- Father Dan? - when I said Dan's name I had no idea what level of influence he had or even if he was known at all. It was just a guess since he looked important in that meeting. - Wait a moment, please.

I waited by the plants while she entered a small, almost invisible door behind her. As I touched a leaf and noticed it was fake, a tiny bit of melancholia hit me. Louise was so far away from her home. Once again with a strong shake of head I pushed those feelings down and fixed my posture. That was no trip to the market.

- Please, the Sister will see you now.

Calmly the girl guided me to the area beyond the front desk. A large room once again decorated with plants, a wooden floor and illuminated with warm lights, was the place she left me in. It was so bright one could think it was daytime. Tatami mats were placed in the middle of the room. Unsure of what I was supposed to do, I sat down and crossed my legs to wait.

Minutes went by and my thoughts calmed down until the point I could hear ambient sounds. If I was correct it was birds noises and shuffling leaves. It did help with meditation, because at that moment I was way more relaxed than when I got there.

However calm I was feeling, it all vanished once someone slid what I thought was a wall and walked through it. A woman, tall and elegant wearing a long black silk robe entered and with her an intense perfume invaded my nose. I stood up roughly while my heart pounded on my chest.

- Please, - she raised one hand to stop me. - Would you like some tea?

Two other girls were right behind her, dressed in similar clothes, both holding trays with cups and a steamy teapot. I nodded and sat back down on my spot. Tenderly the girls arranged the trays in front of me and left the room through the same door.

- How can I address you? - she asked while serving the hot liquid into two porcelain cups.

- ST is fine.

Honestly I had no idea why I was so nervous. The woman hadn't done anything to me besides being polite but something about her was intimidating. Her smooth gestures and kind voice gave me the chills.

- I understand you know my husband, Dan. - she handed me the tea.

- Yes, we've met in a meeting with Jeff, the Manager. - I picked it up from her hands gladly. My eyes awfully needed something to focus on. - They hired me.

- Oh, so "you're" the hacker. - her eyes opened in surprise. - The intel you provided was very helpful.

- Was it? - holding the warm piece of porcelain was comforting.

- You didn't know? - while she observed me I stared at my tea. A deep breath and I looked up, what I had to say had to be said with confidence.

- That's precisely the reason for my visit. - for a short moment before talking I reminded myself of who I was. - I was out of the city on the day of the invasion. Now I need to know what's the situation down there. - I swallowed my heart. - Was there anything left?

- Of course. - while I was relieved with the answer, the woman remained with her eyes locked on my face. - But you didn't come here just for that.

- No. - I put my tea down. - I want to know what the future plans are.

Following my gesture she also put the cup down, straightening her posture and crossing her fingers together on her lap.

- And why would I tell you that?

- Because I can be useful, - some people were easy to read, but that woman was unreadable. She knew she had all the power and that I was just desperate. - Like I once was.

- You know what we want. Bring it to us and we'll see.

Over my knees I could feel the sweat of my palms. I had to keep it cool, my visit to the market wasn't over yet.

- I assume it's not safe to go back just yet. - she narrowed her eyes softly and sharp rocks went down my throat. - It would be much faster if I had the right equipment.

I didn't allow myself to move, nor even blink. I had to be firm, that was my chance to get us out of the unfavorable mess we were. Louise needed a new identity and so did the Officer. If we wanted to find out who was after us we had to get to them first.

- Dan told me about you. - she poured herself more tea. - He didn't exaggerate. - with the cup near her nose, she breathed in the vapor with delight. - Give the front desk girl a list and address and we'll deliver it to you in a few hours.

As she granted me her blessing I bowed my head in gratitude. That woman had just saved us all.

- Thank you, Sister. - I said with my head down.

- Don't waste anymore time, ST. - her words automatically pulled my eyes up. - War is upon us.