
Prayer: 02

Obeying her order, I got up and left as quickly as I could.

With the Church's help we would turn the tables on the Leadership. The Trinity wouldn't let them destroy our home and get away with it. Being away from my apartment left me powerless and dependable but I wasn't over yet.

However, the Sister's request would have to wait, first I had to find a way to get Louise safely out of the city. I had no means to protect in Tier-1 while she was being hunted, we didn't know how many of them there were. She was just a farmer, what she could possibly have that was worth killing her for.

In the meantime, I had another arrow to run, in the top tier that was only one place I liked to eat, it was only an option when I was feeling extremely fancy. A short bus drive and I was already at the door. A step inside and my stomach roared, I hadn't eaten all day and neither did Louise or the Officer. As I thought about her, a memory of her eating spaghetti came to mind, if she really liked that she would adore this dish. Even if she lived around the top tier I could bet that she had never tasted it.

On the way back to the apartment I took double of the time. Just to be sure no one would follow me, I kept walking in circles and taking different buses to misdirect an eventual stalker.

At the last stop of the night my stomach roaded again right when the Officer was receiving me at the door.

- Was that… - she asked worried.

- Let's go, I can't fight no more. - it was not an exaggeration to say that I ran to the kitchen.

- It smells delicious! What is it?

Holding my hunger, I patiently waited for her to take her sit on the stool next to me. As much as I wanted to eat I wanted to see her reaction while she took the first bite.

- I present to you, Pork Ribs with Barbecue Sauce. - she breathed in loudly the smoke that escaped the package. - Take one.

- What? With my hands? - the way she spoke it sounded like I had just told her to pick up something straight out of the bathroom toilet. Spontaneously I rolled my eyes and pushed the ribs towards her.

- It won't bite you, Officer, and even if it could, the pork wouldn't stand a chance.

To encourage her, I picked up a juicy piece holding it by the exposed bone. For a few moments she stared at me as if she could see my soul. I didn't move, her eyes had the power to paralyze me, as a prey stays immobile when facing its predator. She picked one, imitating my technique then held it close to her lips.

- Itadakimasu! - I shouted as form of pour despair.

Only I knew how hungry I was, still I waited, watching the Officer while she prepared herself to take the first bite. Seeing my obvious excitement, she giggled before digging in, shaking her head until it happened. Interrupting her disdain, her face transformed. She looked at me astonished and I nodded with a smirk and only then I took my so waited bite.

No more words were said, the Officer was engaged on her rib like a young child eating a piece of chocolate. Occasionally she gazed at me and smiled unable to talk with her mouth full while struggling to maintain herself clean.

- Do not fight the sauce, woman. - I said while I felt my mouth all dirty. - Embrace it. - to wrap up my scene I sucked on my thumb, making her shake her head while holding a chuckle.

- This is… - she looked at the all dirty napkin for a second then tossed it away. - Superbe! - finally she gave in to her primitive instincts and started to suck all her fingers one by one.

- I have unleashed the dragon!

- You have to tell me where to get these. - once the cleaning process was over, she grabbed a napkin and cleaned her hands delicately.

- My dear Officer, one has to be proven worthy of such secrets.

Very proud I began to wrap up Louise's part. I chose not to disturb her, the woman needed time to process and a good night of sleep would help her deal with everything. Besides, I didn't have anything to comfort her with, so it was better to leave her be.

- That's new…

Back at the person by my side, she had been gazing at me the whole time, making it very hard to ignore. I spined on my chair, so we could be facing each other instead of twisting our necks all the time which only made things worse.

- What is?

- You don't say "Officer" as if you wanted me to die anymore.

The woman before me was unarmed. Although she was a weapon herself, she was no longer on guard. For a while I had been noticing how sincere her actions had become, sharing her past with me was proof of her commitment to which was right.

- I guess I never wanted you to.

Admitting my weakness towards her didn't make me as uncomfortable as I thought it would. In the end she had proven to be different from the rest of them even when she didn't have to. Realizing those things opened up spaces that made me able to feel more than I thought was possible.

- Do you think you'll ever be able to call me something else?

Sitting on that loft in the top tier, away from the place I grew up in was the most sinister feeling I had experienced so far. Yet her presence worked as the most unexpected safe point, all I needed was to get a little bit closer to feel completely at peace.

- I can't promise you anything. - she twisted on her chair, stopping when her torso was facing mine.

Somehow looking into her deep green eyes inflamed me with confidence. They held a power over me that I was learning not to fear but to desire. I was drawn to them. No, to her, entirely her. Posture, arms, face, eyes, lips… everything attacking, forcing me to get closer. And I did, but not alone. The gravity between us was getting stronger by the second, pulling us to one another. I could feel my heartbeat on my lips, my whole body was in flames but I wasn't consumed by them, instead I was embraced.

Naked arms found their way to my shoulders, wrapping themselves up to form a tight knot around my neck. Just as easily my hands followed the trail of her waist and rested on her built-up back. Up to that point I was deeply taken by the magic of her eyes. Carefully, she leaned her face until her lips brushed mine almost as if she was whispering something. However, I was so inebriated by her touch that nothing else made sense after our lips met.

She finally broke all my defenses, the only option left was for me to completely surrender.