5: Little Adventures

Stella's POV

I hear a knock on my door and I run to look through the peep hole to see who it is. I hesitate for a moment, but shortly answer it.

I swing open the door to see Ty standing in the doorway with a small smile on his face.

"Hey there." He says.

"Hey, what're you doing here."

"Is Kathy here?" I don't know why, but I felt a little disappointed he was asking for her and not here for me... but that's typical when you have a friend like Kathy, everyone always wants to be with her.

"No she's not. Again, what're you doing here?"

"We are going to go have some fun. Get your shoes on, let's go."

I just stood there confused. I'm not sure I should be feeling a little giddy at that statement considering I just broke up as of yesterday, but I mean there's a gorgeous guy standing here at my door wanting to hangout with me.

"Why?" I ask skeptically.

He shrugs his shoulders. He's wearing black shorts that go just a few inches above his knees showing off his well toned muscled legs. He has on an olive green long sleeve V-neck shirt that really accentuates his tanned skin from being in the sun all the time.

"I just thought maybe you'd wanna do something spontaneous after everything that's happened just recently." He says looking at the ground everyone once in a while shifting from one foot to the other.

Huh, well there goes the confidence. Kind of cute if I might add though.

I smile warmly at him. "Alright, what did you have in mind?" I turn around to grab my shoes to slip them on.

"You'll find out. Not telling you now, otherwise it's not very spontaneous."

I glanced up at him with a playful exasperated look. Grabbing my phone off the counter I go to follow him outside and lock the door.

• • •

I sigh in contentment. "How did you know I liked gelato?" I say putting another mini spoonful into my mouth.

Amused, Ty swallows his bit of gelato. "Let's just say I asked around."

Huh, my guess is Kathy told him. That's sweet of him, I think smiling to myself. I usually eat this stuff when I'm sad or frustrated. Always makes me feel better.

Today is so nice. The sun is bright with just a few clouds dispersed. It's very warm outside which nicely contrasts the cold ice cream in my mouth. There is a cool breeze which is also amazing so I don't sweat so much.

I close my eyes and set my cup down on the table, I tilt my head up towards the sun soaking in the vitamin-D. There are rare moments like this in my life. It's always felt so gloomy and well, I'm not sure. It's always been a blur, nothing really worth remembering. It almost makes me feel guilty thinking that because I was with Dave and well I must've thought something of him considering I was with him for so long. You're not really supposed to feel this way just after a break up. Then again he was pretty terrible at times. I'm just so conflicted about the situation.

I realize that I've been caught up in my feelings and thoughts that I forgot that Ty was sitting here next to me. I open my eyes and turn to see what he was doing.

He was staring right at me. He almost looked intrigued by what I was doing. I immediately felt uncomfortable and looked down at my hands.

"What're you looking at." I say looking back at him.

"You." He says without hesitating or looking away.

I clear my throat, "why?" I say blushing.

"Because you look very pretty in this lighting and well I'm intrigued by you. I want to get to know you."

I feel like I keep saying this, but I can't help it. "Why?"

He chuckles a little. "Because if you can see something good in someone like Dick, then I want to get to know you. People like that are hard to come by now days."

"It's Dave." I say amused.

"See, you still need to look out for him, which really bothers me actually, but at the same time tells me so much about you and I can't wait to know more."

I sit there smiling at him and playing with the rings on my fingers.

"Come on, follow me." He says reaching out his hand for mine.

"Where are we going now?"

"Aren't you a curious one. You'll find out. Let's go." Smirking at me; I finally grab his hand and stand to follow him.

His hand is overwhelmingly bigger than mine. Seriously, my hands are so small. I feel so small next to him. I mean he's not a big guy, but he's very masculin. He's tall like 6'2" probably and well toned like he regularly works out. I mean he is a baseball player which if I'm being honest to myself, is pretty attractive.

We finally make our way over to the beach and walk along the shoreline. He's holding my shoes for me since I didn't want them wet. I tried to assure him I would carry them myself but he insisted he do it. It has been quite enjoyable just being with him talking about meaningless stuff. He's great company.

"Oh come on! Baseball is so much better than basketball." He says amusedly offended putting his hand to his heart like it's going to shatter.

I giggle at him. "I guess you'll have to prove it sometime then." I say teasingly.

He goes to say something when we hear someone yelling his name interrupting us.

"Ty!" We both look to the source and my guess is it's one of his friends. The guy comes running up to us.

"Hey Andrew. You starting another game?" Ty asks him. I look past the guys to see what game they were implying and it looks like volleyball. I could handle that. I enjoy that game.

"Yeah dude, come join. Bring your girlfriend."

Ty looks over at me. Smirking, really. I get a little uncomfortable again, "um I'm not his girlfri..."

"Ok well whatever, let's gooo!" Andrew says and starts to sashay away while beckoning us to follow him.

"Wanna play for a bit?" I look at my phones clock for a second debating.

"Yeah sure I just have work at 3:30 I'm taking over a coworkers shift for this evening. We've got an hour or so, let's do it." I say reassuringly.

He smiles bigger and takes my hand again and leads me over to the group.

"Hey everyone this is Stella, we're playing in for a bit!" I wave at everyone smiling.

We end up playing a few games which were pretty fun. I say out for a couple just because the boys were gonna play each other while the girls sat out.

Ty was super good. He'd dive to hit the ball and land in a push-up position and spring right back up not taking his eye off the ball. It was mesmerizing.

While I was watching a couple of the girls came over and sat next to me.

"Hey." I said friendly.

"You know, he's probably not interested in you in the way you think he is."

I sigh and look down while shaking my head. I already know where this conversation is heading.

The brunette next to me scowls due to my lack of response. "You know he's always bringing girls around here to play games too."

I look at her again. "So? Volleyball is fun. Why can't he bring girls over to play?" It's not like I'm expecting anything from him. I barely know him and I just got out of a relationship.

"I'm just saying you're just like any other girl, you're not special to him."

"Oh and you are?" I say confidently, but totally shaking on the inside. People like her intimidate me. I can't help but think that I'm just another random person to him though.

"You're a bitch!" She stands up saying louder so more heads turn to me.

"You gotta get your facts checked." I say annoyed but more for myself then to anyone else.

I go to stand up so I can get away from her, she's bugging the hell out of me. She suddenly dumps her drink all down my front making the ice cubes go down my shirt making me gasp because of the cold.

"Woah,woah,woah! Let's relax." Ty says jogging over to us.

"Ty, she was saying horrible things to me! You need to be careful who you drag to these games!" She says with disgust looking at me. I just stood there astonished. What the hell?

"First off, if she said horrible things to you, you were probably asking for it. Not to mention deserve it knowing you. Second, If you're going to keep dumping drinks on people then I suggest you get the hell out." He says sternly.

She looks at him with utter hurt in her eyes. Shocked she grabs her bag and stomps away, her posse closely following her.

I huff in frustration looking down at my soaked shirt that's turning see through due to the fact that it was white.

Ty turns to look me up and down making sure I'm alright, noticing my shirt in the process and swallows hard. "Um, I'm sorry about her... let's get you home so you can change before you go to work."