Full-on Crazy

"Just have fun."

"You make my life fun, sunflower."

"How disappointing that I don't feel the same way."


"I don't feel like admitting it now," I say, pursing my lips. "There's no point in telling you something if you already know what it is." I shrug, reaching forward to finish the remnants of ice cream, but she pushes the tub out of my reach.

"Okay." She shrugs her shoulders, imitating me and gets to her feet. "What would you like to eat? Have you had dinner yet?"

"Okay?! That's it?"

Okay, I am not going to lie; I was expecting her to bug me to tell her, or at least say something more than just an... okay.

But... what I get instead is plain indifference.

"Yes? There's no point in telling me something if I already know what it is," she mimics my words from earlier, making me grit my teeth in silence.

Ugh, people these days really suck.