
Laying in bed wide awake, Kai stared up at the dimly lit ceiling, he had barely slept last night and well into the morning. Rolling over to look at the time, Kai sighed, before turning his alarm clock off before it sounded. Jumping out of bed, Kai stretched, rolling his shoulders back, grabbing a towel and making his way toward the bathroom to shower.

After Kai had showered and was dressed for work, he made his way downstairs where Saya was in the kitchen cutting up fruit for her smoothie.

"Heya beautiful." said Kai stopping in the kitchen and leaning onto the counter.

"Hey you, want a smoothie before you go?", said Saya with a smile.

"Nah, my stomachs been acting weird lately, think I'll skip breakfast today."

"Okie dokie. Now what we talked about, have you gave it some thought?", said Saya.

Staring down at his hands as he leaned on the island, Kai stretched one corner of his mouth to the side. "Eh I have.", he said grudgingly.

"Well?", said Saya raising a brow.

"Honestly I feel like if I leave, I'll just be running away again, apparently I have a bad habit of doing that.", said Kai.

"But this is different, it's not like it'll be hard for you to get hired somewhere else Kai.", Saya explained, tossing the strawberries she had just cut up into the blender.

"That's true.", said Kai although he had one foot on both sides of the fence. Working with his ex-boyfriend was something he didn't want to have to keep dealing with and running was something he did when he didn't want to handle things, truthfully in both cases, he felt he just needed to grow up.

"Well, think some more babe, I'm here.", said Saya.

"Yes, I know, I'll see you later.", said Kai walking around the island and kissing Saya on the cheek before he exited the house.

When Kai got to work, he stood outside for a moment, leaning over the railing staring out into the parking lot. As he stared, he noticed Jinn's white car sitting in the lot and he let out a sigh, perhaps Saya was right, having to avoid Jinn and walk on eggshells around him was becoming quite old. For a moment more, Kai stood outside before going in, and clocking in.

"Hey Kai!", said Brandon coming up behind Kai and sitting on his desk.

"Hey what's up?", said Kai with a smirk.

"Man, I was pretty hammered on Saturday, I'm sorry if I acted strange.", Brandon chuckled nervously.

"Nah it's fine, we were all pretty screwed up.", said Kai as he began working.

"That's true but listen. I was wondering if you wanted to…", Brandon said before he was interrupted.

"Kai.", said a familiar voice behind the two. Turning around at the same time, the two saw Jinn standing there, and Brandon quickly hoped off of Kai's desk walking away.

"What's up?", said Kai, directing his attention toward the ground.

"Can I see you in my office? I texted you, but you didn't respond.", said Jinn.

"Oh my bad, I didn't notice.", said Kai getting up and following Jinn to his office.

When the two arrived, Jinn opened the door, allowing Kai to go in first. Nodding Kai went in and sat down with Jinn walking in behind him and closing the door.

"Are you almost done the sketches I asked you to redo?", said Jinn walking around the table and sitting down.

Staring down at his fingers ,Kai fiddled with his hands, "Mn.", Kai nodded.

"When do you think they'll be done?", Jinn asked as his eyes traced every inch of Kai's face and down to his lips, he could see that Kai was nervous, but he couldn't help, but to stare.

"I've been working on them every night at home so maybe in like two more weeks.", said Kai as he continued playing with his fingers.

"I see.", said Jinn.

"Well was that it?", Kai asked as he stood, finally looking at Jinn, but a shiver ran up his spine as he saw the way Jinn was looking at him, he knew that look.

"Mn.", Jinn nodded and Kai quickly turned around to leave the office, but before he could grab the handle, Jinn was at his side placing his hand over top of Kai's. Quickly Kai pulled his hand away, turning around to Jinn who was standing quite close.

"Jinn..", Kai said softly as his heart began to race.

Letting out a sigh, Jinn took a step back, "come with me to a site today."

"Come with you? Is that fine, Jane…", Kai began to say, but Jinn cut him off.

"I have already asked her; she likes your eye so it's fine." said Jinn with that same reassuring smile, dimples present.

"Oh…", said Kai immediately turning his attention away from Jinn the moment he smiled.

"I'll be out in a minute.", said Jinn and Kai nodded, exiting Jinn's office.

As Kai stood waiting at his desk, Brandon walked back over, "Hey I'm going on a coffee run, want anything?", he said with a smile.

"He won't be able to wait for it.", said Jinn walking past the two and nodding his head so that Kai would follow. Raising a brow, Brandon turned his head back toward Kai.

"I'm just going with him to help on a site in progress.", Kai chuckled. "Well, I'll see ya later.", Kai nodded before walking off, leaving Brandon watching him leave with his brows slightly furrowed.

When Kai walked out of the building, Jinn was already in his car, so he made his way over, getting in.

After the two had been riding for a few minutes, Kai kept glancing over at Jinn, shouldn't they address what happened yesterday?

"What is it?", Jinn suddenly said as he could see Kai looking at him from his peripheral.

Lowering his head, Kai played with his fingers again, "Uh...about yesterday.."

"What about it?", said Jinn as he focused on the road. Quickly looking back at Jinn, Kai was somewhat dumbfounded, was he really asking that question?

"Jinn you…you kissed me.", said Kai, his voice almost scared to say it.

"Yes, I know that Kai.", said Jinn, letting out a sigh, as he furrowed his brows. "Look…", he began to say, but Kai cut him off.

"That was goodbye right? I understand, I just wanted to clear the air.", said Kai and Jinn quickly glanced at Kai with his brows still furrowed before turning back toward the road.

"It's whatever you wanted it to be.", Jinn responded, his full attention directed back toward the road and Kai noticed his change in attitude.

"That's what it has to be, I passed Richard in the hall that day, that's who you should be paying attention to.", said Kai staring out of the window.

Letting out a sigh, Jinn grew quiet deciding not to respond so Kai decided he should be quiet as well, the two of them riding in silence the rest of the way.

When the two got to the building site, they were provided with hard hats and greeted by the construction manager.

"Heya Jinn, how's it going?", the big burly construction manager gripped Jinn's hand, shaking it roughly.

"Hey Joe, going fine. This is my coworker Kai, he's here to help me out today.", said Jinn slightly turning his body and holding out and arm toward Kai.

"Nice to meet you.", said Kai with a smile, reaching out his hand to shake Joe's hand.

"Likewise, good to have you kid.", said Joe, shaking Kai's hand with a smile.

"So what do you have for us today?" said Jinn and Joe handed him a stack of papers.

"We've fixed this side of the building that had a problem balancing, that's been a problem for the last few weeks." Said Joe as he pointed, showing Jinn the structural design on the page and Kai leaned over, raising himself on his tippy toes to get a better look.

"We'll walk around with the check list and bring it back to you.", said Jinn and Joe nodded, walking away. "Ready?", said Jinn turning his attention to Kai.

"Mn.", said Kai following Jinn.

As the two walked through the incomplete building, Jinn watched as Kai grinned, he loved designing buildings, but his favorite part was being able to see the building in the works.

Suddenly stopping, Jinn looked up at one of the frames. "Hmm", Jinn hummed, turning his head this way and that way and Kai walked over doing the same, but he only stared for a minute before speaking.

"It's uneven, from the other points of the building, the measurements are wrong.", said Kai narrowing his eyes.

Quickly glancing at Kai, Jinn raised a brow, "You can tell just by looking at it?" Taking the packet of papers out of Jinn's hand, Kai examined it for a minute before looking back up at the frame.

"It is wrong, perhaps the contractor couldn't see that this is a one instead of a seven.", said Kai pulling a pen out of his pocket and making it so that the numbers could be easier to read.

"Ahh, I see.", said Jinn with a smirk, "this is the reason I brought you along.", he continued walking with their checklist and packet. With a smirk Kai followed, it was simple to him, but Jinn could never help, but to flatter him.

After a few hours, Jinn and Kai had made their rounds, making their way back to Joe.

"Well, how's it looking?", said Joe, hopeful that there wasn't too many problems.

"Well Kai found your problem with the fourth corner of the building, it's noted there so that's one least thing.", said Jinn with a smirk, handing the packet and checklist back to Joe.

"Ahh, okay then. Well thanks, I'll see ya next week.", said Joe walking away.

Taking off their hard hats, Kai and Jinn left the site, making their way back to the car. Groaning softly to himself, Kai's brow twitched as he rubbed his stomach.

"It's lunch time, shall we eat?", said Jinn, as he noticed Kai rubbing his stomach.

"I'm not really hungry, my stomach's been weird.", Kai responded, directing his attention back toward the ground as he walked.

"Think you have a bug or something?", Jinn asked

"I don't think so, I can just get a ginger ale back at the office.", Kai responded.

"I see. Well then be my company, I'm starving.", said Jinn as he continued walking, leaving Kai behind who had stopped. Shaking his head, Kai rolled his eyes, man was it about time for him to buy a car.

As Jinn drove, Kai noticed that they were in a familiar area. As Jinn pulled over to park, Kai sighed, this was the same old fashion themed restaurant they had been to before Thanksgiving.

"Ready?", said Jinn with a smirk as he got out of the car and grudgingly, Kai followed. As the two walked in, they were immediately seated and brought menus.

"This place really has the best burgers, you remember, don't you?", said Jinn, looking at the menu as he spoke.

"…", not saying anything, Kai looked up at Jinn narrowing his eyes.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat? How about onion rings, it'll be light on your stomach.", Jinn continued.

"Jinn.", Kai suddenly said, his voice low, but firm to immediately grab Jinn's attention.

"…", Staring at Kai, Jinn gave his undivided attention, that same unreadable expression.

"What are you doing?", Kai asked

"I'm ordering lunch Kai.", Jinn responded with a smirk.

"Stop playing with me.", Kai said, his voice firm again.

"Playing? We're grown Kai, what reason do I have to play with you? If you're so bothered, why did you agree to come with me today? You could have refused.", said Jinn.

"…" Sighing, and looking away, Kai stared down at the menu. One thing he didn't miss about Jinn was the fact that the man could out talk him any day.