Mandalor the Behemoth

Deep within the Mandalorian sector a battle wedged against Diesel's Mandalorians and the "True Mandalorians." Battleships from the Diesels Faction were Superior to the true Mandalorian faction battleships however unexpectedly the true Mandalorians heavily outnumbered them. Every few hours the True Mandalorians would receive reinforcements from other parts of the sector.

Ri'lah came up behind Diesel and stood behind him. "It seems the Mandalorian people are not happy with your ruling to be the new Mandalore. What is our plan here?"

"It is to be expected. Although the battle has started earlier than planned. We should have no issues. Have the rest of our force regroup."

"Yes, Mandalore." Leaving the command area Ri'lah walks towards the Science lab where Sophia is located. "He's recalling our forces. Should we let them know?"

"Yes, Inform the true Mandalorians right away. Have them retreat back to their home territory."

*Bzzzzzz* (Sound of a announcement/microphone turning on)

"Forces of Clan Spartan! This is your leader Diesel speaking. And forces of the make believe True Mandalorians." The echoes of the broadcast reached across the battlefield and nearby sectors. Causing the battle to come to a standstill neither side was exchanging fire anymore. Everyone froze and listened. "It saddens me to see such a battle to happen between our own people, Instead of fighting amongst ourselves we should be striving to destroy our exterior enemies. Not enlisting the help of them. I will become the one who will show our people what it means to be a true Mandalorian. I will lead our people to victory. In ten days Clan Spartan will end this war. I'm Mandalor the Behemoth your destruction will be my beginning."

The battle came to a complete halt as Clan Spartan ships left the battle. While the enemy ships froze. Diesel rose to Mandalore after the battle with the Death Watch. He has avoided the mantle of Mandalore. This is his first time openly announcing his rise. All sorts of speculations began to appear.

"Why wait till now?"

"Is this a cleansing of the Mandalorian population?"

"Is his desire for battle much stronger than anyone thought?"

They became endless. Even his own Clan began to wonder why he waited. The chance of this war happening would have been slim if he took the mantle much earlier in his campaign. How much is going on behind the scenes.

P.O.V. Swap Galactic News Broadcast

"Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, It's your boy Jeffers here with a HUGE update! Our Mandalorian friend Diesel has retreated from the battlefield. Normally, you would say this would be a lost no? IMPOSSIBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Our Diesel never loses am I right? Then why? Sources say he made a declaration in ten days this war will be over! Could it happen? Of course! When has he gone back on his word! Never! Will he? Can he?

P.O.V. Swap Jedi Temple

"It seems he grows stronger. We have waited long enough. How do we know that he isn't a Sith we are searching for." Windu started to grow impatience as well as the other masters in the room.

"No force do I sense mmmm. Hard to read he is. Patience we must have I think.

"Master Yoda history shows that the Sith use the Mandalorians as tools for their conquest. We must not let this happen again. They could be using this war to gather strength and distract us from their force growing. At the very least we must send someone to investigate." Even though he was a Jedi master you could see the visible concerned Mace was expressing. Although he was to jump up and immediately end this threat he knew without proof he could do nothing.

"Meditate on this we will, Clearer picture we will get."

P.O.V. Rayath

"The Jedi are coming." Locked deep within the fleet of the Mandalorians her anger from her betrayal shifted. She could only smile that her opportunity would be coming so soon.