
Diesel had his forces retreat to the edge of the enemy mandalorian space and waited for his forces to return from their missions. No longer would they allow the enemy to rest in peace these ten days would be torture awaiting the enviable. Sitting in his Captain's chair he stared into enemy space before turning towards Ril'ah. "Bring the Jedi here."

P.O.V. Swap Vegu Rau

"What do you think their plan is announcing when they will attack?" Vegu scanned the table of his advisors in hope of getting some solid advice.

"We currently have no means of telling what they are thinking. According to the battle history of the Spartan they have a high tendency to lead from the front. It should be pretty easy to bait them into a trap. Second, We should avoid a direct confrontation when facing them on the ground. No offense to anyone here. But it'll be almost impossible to face them directly."

"You honestly think we have no chance in a direct fight? Who do you think we are! We are the strongest among our Clans!" A random angry Mandalorian stood up firmly slamming the desk.

"Strongest or not. You stand zero chance." Another calmly stared at the angry Mandalorian. "You don't seem to understand what's happening here at all. And that goes for the rest of you two. Clan Spartan is using this as a rite of passage to unite all the clans under one banner. This declaration is key to that. By announcing that they will end this in ten days is them showing everyone they are clearly the strongest clan. I wouldn't be surprised at this point if they orchestrated this entire rebellion."

Everyone at the table was completely dumbfounded at this new realization. Some began to wonder how all the information they've been receiving was coming about. How the CIS was completely in favor of helping them and everything. The room grew eerie as doubt started to flow throughout the room.

Vegu quickly grasps the situation in the room. "Traitor. Your sowing discontent among our ranks. It's literally impossible for them to plan such a large war. Besides, we have our own secret weapon. A Spartan. And to top it off we also have the Goliaths that the CIS are giving us." The room quickly got louder and murmurs filled the room.

P.O.V. Swap Rayath

Rayath sat on the floor in her room, legs crossed in a meditating position when her floor opened and twenty pitch black with white accent Mandalorian stood outside the door. Four of them opened the door and tightly grabbed onto her arms cuffing her hands and ankles.

"Diesel wishes to see you. You will comply." The Mandalorian who seemed to be leading this squad finally spoke in a very authoritative way. "We are only following proper procedures, we hope you understand." Although he sounded pretty aggressive when he spoke, one could tell he meant well.

Rayath nodded. " No worries, I completely understand and have been wishing to meet your leader as soon as possible. If this is what it takes to meet him. I'll be glad to comply." Listening to Rayath speak, the other Mandalorian loosen their grip and lighten up their attitude towards her. Although they were being kinder they still were following all proper procedures when escorting the prisoner.


The doors open to the cabin of the meeting room, Rayath was put on a chair at the end of the table. Finally coming to a stop she felt her surroundings and could feel a void nearby. The more she sensed the deeper she felt her connection fail. Ever since her master was left to die she finally smiled. "You're the void I've been searching for. I'm Rayath. May I know the honor of whom I'll be speaking to?"

"Diesel. Your actions do not fit the Jedi Code, yet you are a Jedi. Explain your actions and I'll decide what I'll do with you." Diesel's voice had zero emotions and left a very dreaded feeling in the room. The surrounding Mandalorian even felt a chill in the room when their leader spoke. They all stayed firmed in a holding position stationed around the room awaiting the answer of this so called Jedi.

"First off, I'm not a Jedi...I was a padawan within the order and was under a Master until he was left for dead by the order. I was later captured by the black suns on my quest to find the void which happens to be you....Etc..." Rayath went on explaining everything from beginning to end from her love of her training with her master to the betrayal she felt by the Jedi Order. Her emotions were clearly visible and unstable as she spoke. Although, No one in the room knew of the force they could see the darkness in her heart when she spoke of her betrayal.

Diesel sat still and listened to every word and clearly took in everything he experienced from his conversation. "So your Master's dying wish was to find me? Then instead of returning to the Order and exacting revenge you should follow your masters wishes and serve under me. I cannot teach you how to use the force. But in return I'll teach you how to control your emotion and increase your battle prowess in combat. I'll make you the strongest magic user in the universe."

"Magic user? It's called the force. I'll indeed follow my master wishes and serve under you."

"Then when speaking to an officer of a higher rank you address them as Sir. Also, you'll be my first Force-Valkyrie then."


*I'm gonna try and get the 10 days done over the course of the next two week, although I can't promise it hence the word try."