Mandalorian Civil War Aftermath

--Hidden Somewhere in the Galaxy--

"My friends from the Separatist Council, what problems , concerns do you bring today?" In order to keep his image with the Separatist Count Dooku continued to play his part as the leader.

The very first to speak was a Male Skakoan, he was wearing a pressure suit in order to simulate the atmosphere of his home world. "The Techno Union has been suffering from many raids from the Mandalorians. Evidence states these are the rebels from the recent Mandalorians wars. These raids are costing us time and money.

The room grew very quiet and almost everyone was curious how Count Dooku was going to answer. Everyone here saw the Holovid, they all knew someone from the Council supported the Mandalorian Rebels. They felt that the Mandalorians believed it was the Separatists' fault they lost the war. Because the Separatist demanded they be the ones who assault Diesel's ship.

This is far from the truth; the surviving Mandalorians heard Vegu's message before escaping the battlefield. "We've been betrayed and set up, escape live! Revenge on the Separatist! For Mandalore!" Although short, with the transmission being constantly cut out it was the best way to get the message across.

"Increase the defenses and increase the amount of patrols in our sectors. We must keep our important locations safe. I'll get in contact with Diesel and attempt to lessen the attacks on us. It may not lead to anything." Count Dooku attempted to keep his cool but occasional dark side sparks appeared. The Spartans kept ruining their plans at every turn. For now the Separatists currently didn't have the power to stop both the Republic and the Spartans. The Civil Wars were supposed to cripple the Mandalorians, preventing them from entering the Republic's side of the battle and bringing the Rebels to the side of the Separatists. With the recent failure Rebels are constantly attacking our factories because they believe they were set up, playing right into the Spartan's hands.

P.O.V. Swap Jedi Masters

"The Mandalorians are indirectly helping us weaken the Separatist capacity to build an army. Reports show they've destroy or disabled roughly ten factories and these are the only ones we know about." A black man with a lightsaber recounted the recent reports.

"Use this opportunity we must, No telling when they will stop. Mmmm. A strong blow we can." The Jedi masters all turned towards Yoda and nodded their heads.

"I think freeing Ryloth from Separatist occupation is a high possibility now that the Separatist have less supplies. We should send people over there immediately."

P.O.V. Swap Ri'lah

"So far everything is going as planned, Keeping the raiding Mandalorians supplied and making sure they receive the proper intel."

"Commander Ri'lah are you sure Diesel is going to be fine with this? We shouldn't be entering this war." Staring over to the unnamed Mandalorian Ri'lah sighed.

"This isn't just about us. This is about the Mandalorian as a race. We need a true Mandalore and Diesel is that man. Without war we cannot unite the clans and roaming Mandalorians. We currently have roughly 60% of Mandalorians under our control and we shall use this war to unite the last of them."

"Yes sir!" The dash begins to light indicating a message was being sent through. "Commander the Ghost are patching through."

"Bring them up!" A Holoimage appeared with a member of the Ghost showing.

"Commander Ri'lah we've intercepted a message from the Jedi. They seems to be planning an invasion of Ryloth and freeing its people from the Separatist." A smile appeared on Ril'ah face and he immediately began issuing orders across the board to the Ghost.

"Begin sending supplies towards the twi'leks before the republic can get their hands over there. Second, begin sending men over and getting us proper intel of what's happening on the planet. I'll deliver the message to Diesel. Oh, and tell the boys to prepare for war. He is already extremely unhappy with the Seppies."