Returned From Grace

Taking a look over the information that he received from Ri'lah. Diesel took a few moments to devise a few different plans. It seemed to him that Ri'lah handled a lot of the lighter details of this operation preplanning by sending the ghost and weapons to help support the Twi'lek resistance.

"It's time to go hunting." The Spartans (The Clan) around the room immediately began preparing for battle."

P.O.V. Swap

"The space battle between the Separatist and the Republic has started. How do you wish for us to proceed?" A small group of Mandalorians watched hidden in the distance preventing either side from detecting them.

"Keep watching. We don't want to intervene until our forces are properly in place. The ground forces were able to land without being spotted and Mandalore will be arriving in the sector shortly with reinforcements." Dith grinned because after becoming an Operation Commander with Weniz the both of them were having the best times of their lives. Many of the assaults on the droid factories were planned and operated by them in some sort of manner. Not to mention this battle. He was finally able to fight alongside Diesel again after so long.

"Commander Dith the republic forces have been defeated with one heavily damaged cruiser. While losing another It seems that one of there squadron attempted a suicide run and failed. I think the attack on Ryloth will be postponed."

"Who is the space commander of the Republic Forces?" Dith knew by finding out who the commander of the space forces on how the Republic Forces would react.

"According to the data the commander of the space battle should be Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ashoka Tano." On the other side of the Communicator the Mandalorian could hear the Commander laughing. Confused at first he understood shortly after why and returned with a smile. "Nevermind, Commander, I see my mistake."

"Good always keep in mind who the Commanders of the forces are. They might be your enemies someday." Making sure he quickly disciplines the Mandalorian. Dith quickly gazes over the soon to be battlefield of Lessu. "Get the Men in position and prepare for battle the Republic forces should be breaking through soon. We may have to start the battle without Mandalore.

"Squad One in position at Nabat."

"Squad Two in position around the Twi'lek Resistance forces."

"Squad Three In position hidden inside the Lessu. Prepared to surprise the enemies whenever."


Listening to all the squads call out and that they've remained hidden Dith was excited because he knew that he would be taking a bath in droid oil tonight. (F-Me this line was so lame.) "Relay the information to Mandalore."

P.O.V. Swap Diesel

Diesel sat upon his chair examining the intel that the force on the planet had received. For the most part he understood that this battle would be an easy battle. The Separatist had no way to receive reinforcements as well as the Republic. Even without his interference. The Separatist weren't going to be able to hold on. However, the goal of this operation wasn't to take back Ryloth but to send a message to both sides.

We can appear wherever we please and when we do if you're our enemy we will completely annihilate you.

Diesel waited just outside the sector for the battle of Lessu to begin. When they entered the battle he planned to end it within a few minutes.

"Diesel, Intel from the front lines it seems like Master Windu and Master Obi-Wan are making pushes upon the enemies at Nabat and Lessu. Everything seems to be proceeding as predicted. They should enter the affective battle range in an hour." The Mandalorian quickly relayed the intel knowing full well what the plan was; he wasn't going to be the reason they arrived later to show their strength.

"Operation Blitzkrieg is a go." Alarms began blaring across the ships as ODJTs prepared themselves into pods. As well as Diesel's newly acquired Valkyries. Diesel could clearly see the seriousness and smiles upon the faces of his Knights. Everyone was excited for this battle of strength.

P.O.V. Republic Forces Anakin Skywalker.

"Commander! We are detecting ships in Hyperspace roughly 10 signatures!" The clone trooper sitting at the radar quickly panicked. If the enemy had another 10 ships ready to appear on the battlefield they were in trouble.

Anakin quickly ran over and checked the Radar and passed the information to the ground forces. Before turning towards everyone on the bridge. "Prepare for battle! We will begin firing as soon as they leave Hyperspace!"