War Room 3

For any early supporters:

https://www.patreon.com/ObsidianRain ---20 Chapters ahead

paypal.me/Quickrain ---Direct Support can be applied here

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Twitch.tv/carminie ---For streaming purposes (been doing a lot of extreme-savage ff14 content

Location: Mandalorian Space Commander Center

Again Rayath moved forward again and placed a holodisc on the table in front of everyone. Before clicking on the play button. "We had to format this from the hard drive. This came from the ship that Sophia and Dom arrived on." She felt she needed to explain the source before hitting play.

A large Hologram filled the middle of the room as soldiers in uniforms never seen before in the Republic. Most worn dark green camouflage clothing with padding on the knees and elbows. While a few others wore pitch black and were heavily armored. Their helmets that cover their faces were similar to the Mandalorians but with a much larger visor.

"Pause it." Diesel spoke with a slightly demanding tone that caused Rayath to quickly pause the video. "These soldiers are from a force called the UNSC the green ones are your typical infantry, while the black ones are your ODST." His words slowly were absorbed by the people at the table till Weinz finally spoke up.

"ODST is that the same as our ODJT? Wait, where did our name come from?" Suddenly, everyone at the table came to a realization. The Spartan came from there the names of their units were the same as those in the video. "What does this exactly mean? Are we a part of something much bigger than we know?"

Diesel shifted in his arm, placing his elbows on the table. "Correct but also incorrect. We came from a place much further from here. Can anyone here believe that during the war we were losing a battle against an enemy much stronger than our own forces called the Covenant. During the battle while retreating a blast hit my ship and set me off course to Naboo, Where Senator Padme found me." Again the room looked shocked by a battle that the Spartan couldn't overcome with there strength alone anyone in this Galaxy stood little chance against them.

"This is technically classified information in the UNSC, But that's in the past as we are now a part of the UNC with the rest of you." Suddenly, Dom kicked Diesel in the back of the leg indicating he wasn't happy with Diesel's choice of words and this was noticed by everyone. Dom quickly took back to his squad channel.

*Squad Channel*

"We are still a part of the UNSC! Don't forget that." Diesel sighed understanding where Dom's loyalties stood while Sophia stood there quietly observing the two.

"Dom, we are more than that. Here we can build a fleet that can help defend our home from the Covenant. We don't have to be directly a part of the UNSC to defend our home and our people. Our loyalty should be towards the Human Race and its survival not just a singular UNSC. That also doesn't mean we will turn our back on them. But support them in other ways." He pointed towards everyone in the room. If we are able to return, look at what we could accomplish. Dom didn't move or speak any further on the manner but only absorbed what Diesel had said.

*Not Squad Channel*

"Hit play." Not allowing anyone to comment on the manner Diesel quickly ordered for the recording to play again.

Images from the battle of Reach played of Multiple different species of never before seen Aliens overwhelming the UNSC forces. Images of planets burning and being glass played. The audience kept quiet as they witnessed the horror the covenant did civilians and military alike. Satine couldn't take it anymore and finally broke the silence as the video played.

"Is this what we are preparing for? The Covenant? How do you expect us to fight them? There must be a peaceful solution." Before Satine could even finish a being appear on recording.

"Your Death is the Will of the Gods." Shuttering Satine turned back towards the recording and looked at the being.

"That is a Prophet from the Covenant and they believe that all Humans deserve death because it is God's Will. There will be no peace."

"We are Mandalorians though! We are not humans!" Satine voiced raised. She wanted nothing to do with this war.

"Maybe in your eyes. But there is not much difference between you and a human as well as anyone in this room. When they find you they will attack and your world will be completely glassed. This isn't up for debate either way. We will prepare for war."