
Location: Coruscant Chancellor Paplatine Office

None of his mental attacks worked on the Valkyrie and she showed no reaction to them. Or at least not a reaction that he could see or feel. It could be because she was much stronger in the force than the average Jedi. The more he thought about it the more confused he got. He was able to twist Anakin's thoughts slowly. Why couldn't he twist the Valkyrie? Was she emotionally stable while Anakin is a loose cannon when it came to his emotion? He had to get rid of her.

"Senator. I have a task I require of you and your people." He knew that the Senator's men wouldn't be able to take out the Spartan's Valkyries but he wanted to be able to weaken them slightly, Even killing one of them would be considered an accomplishment.

"Of course, Who do you need removed?" The unknown Senator smiled while interlocking his fingers. "But my men come at a heavy price. But you already know that don't you?

"The Clan Spartan Representatives. They will be a thorn in our sides if we don't take care of them immediately." The normally calm and collected Paplatine looked confident as always but you could hear the concern in his voice.

"This isn't like you. Very well it'll be handled." The Senator hung the call up and went to plan his new task.

"Aurra Sing once they begin their mission you'll need you to get rid of the source."

Location: Coruscant Jedi Temple High Council

Rayath knew she had to be careful with her words from here on out as she didn't want to provoke the Jedi too much. Although, she wouldn't mind fighting them for their betrayal. But the one thing Diesel taught her was the Mission always comes first and that must be completed. Feelings and emotions should in no way ever affect the outcome. Every training session she was given a mission by him and she would go on for hours until she finally completed it. She later used those teachings on her own Valkyries, transforming them into warriors.

Without training, You are nothing

Without loyalty, You are lost

Without pain, You cannot grow

Without family, You cannot live

Without sacrifice, you become paralyzed

With a mission, everyone will have a future

She built the code from what she learned from Diesel and the other Mandalorians and changed things the way she wished her Order would learn. She wanted her Order to be disciplined yet powerful, free willed but loyal. She was slowly getting lost in her thoughts when they arrived at the Council Room causing the doors to the Council room to open.

"I present Overseer Rayath and her companions from the Mandalorian Sector." Obi-Wan announced it to all the Jedi Masters in the room making sure everyone was completely aware of who they were talking to. The other two Jedi who entered with the group did not take a sit but stood behind all the Valkyries who now stood at attention behind Rayath.

"Welcome you are. Many things we must discuss." Grandmaster Yoda decided to take the early initiative to prevent others from speaking their minds too soon. He wished people like Mace wouldn't openly attack them. (With words) If he acted first,

"Thank you for accepting my wish for a meeting. I wish to discuss possible sensitive topics that may lead to a possible alliance or the alternative." Rayath allowed for her words to take a moment and be taken in by the Council. Some of them had faces that began to turn ugly from the threat.

"Rayath, is that you?" Plo-Koon quickly spoke up in an attempt to ease the obvious tension. "What kind of topic are you wishing to discuss?"

"Correct Master Plo. The first and foremost is a possible spy that is within the order or at least around close enough to leak plans to the Separatist. Our plans to steal a Separatist vessel were leaked when our men met with an obvious ambush. The only person outside our close circle to have received that information is you Master Plo."