Huge Piece of Gossip!

Alyssa looked at Davis, "It's you!" It could clearly be seen that she was very shocked when she saw him. 

Maya was already feeling that something was wrong between Manager Davis and Alyssa before, and now she was sure of it. She tried to probe more and asked Alyssa, "Something wrong?"

While Maya was not looking at him, Davis widened his eyes and shook his head a bit while looking at Alyssa. He was ordering her to keep quiet and not let  Maya know of anything.

"Uhm… Nothing is wrong. I was just a bit shocked to see Manager Davis today. The person with whom I had talked to on the phone yesterday, I think her name was Lily...? Yeah, so she had told me that I will not be able to meet Mr. Davis today, and would have to directly meet her."

Alyssa was really good at convincing Maya, all these lies flawlessly came out of her mouth without batting an eyelid. One could say that she really was good at acting. 

Maya looked at her and appreciated both Ashely and Alyssa in her mind. She had to give it to Ashely for recognizing such a well  hidden talent, whereas Alyssa also did a good job in covering up.

Maya had dealt with tons of different people in society. Apart from being fooled by Lucas and his family, if she couldn't recognize such things, how could she have survived until so far?

Seeing that Alyssa wasn't willing to tell her anything in Davis's presence, Maya also didn't pressure her much into telling her. She brushed it off with a simple "Okay…" And then they started discussing Alyssa's work related stuff.  

Afterwards they had decided on all the resources that the company will be using on Alyssa, and her schedule. She was quite shocked that Supreme Starlight was willing to do so much for a new artiste like her. 

Davis was also thinking that this was a bit too much, but for Maya, it was not. She was simply doing it for the sake of her best friend, Ashley. Maya truly trusted her judgment and went on with whatever Ashely had decided. 


It was already late evening by the time Maya left the office. After dealing with Alyssa's timetable, she had read the documents regarding the past six months. Thankfully there was nothing wrong with them and everything was well organized. Although she knew that Manager Davis was new here, and had nothing much to do with all these, Maya still told Davis to keep up with this good work. 

As she walked out, Maya called Ashely, who picked up her phone on the first ring.

"How is she? Amazing right?" She excitedly asked even before Maya said a word. 

"Hmm…" Maya didn't say anything much and agreed with Ashely. "Where did you even find her?... I looked her up online, even though she is famous, I still had to search for about five to six minutes before I found her profile." 

"Yeah…" Ashely sighed. "She has a fan following of about five hundred thousand people. Although it is not that much, half a million is still a lot!" Ashely tittered a bit and continued, "But you see, if we give her those resources and if she utilizes them well, she will the next best actor!" 

Maya smiled when she finally heard Ashley's chattering after so long. It was as if they had returned to their old times, when Maya still had Ashley as her agent and they would gossip about all the newcomers and different people of the industry. 

All of a sudden the giggling stopped and Ashely got serious, "Umm… Maya, I have to tell you something, it's related to what you had asked me to look into. You had told me to check out the relationship between Mr. Collins and Lucas right? Unfortunately, I found nothing regarding them, but there's something that you might be a bit shocked to know."

Maya had already walked out of her office, all of a sudden, she stopped walking and stood there in daze. 

Not receiving any response from Maya, the person on the other side of the phone thought that she was upset with her.

Ashely quickly apologized, "I am really sorry Maya, I know that you had a hunch that there was something with Jonathan Collins and Lucas, but I could not find anything… But I'm sure you would be equally interested to know about this as well!" 

"Huh?" Maya who was in daze was absolutely not angry with Ashely but was actually surprised by seeing the person standing in front of her.

When she realized what Ashely was telling her, she said, "Oh it's okay! No need to worry." Maya started walking towards him as she asked Ashely, "So what else did you want to talk about?"

As Maya walked towards Aiden, he opened the car door for her like a gentleman. Maya laughed at this, it was a Ford Mustang this time. She sat in and Aiden closed the door, the scene looked well-practiced. It had kind of become a habit of her to sit with him for car rides.

 The driver who had been assigned for Maya also had an understanding of this. Even last time, Miss Maya had left the hospital with this man. His work was to always bring her somewhere and then the rest of it was taken care of by this man. Now he just had to wait for a message by Maya and he would be free for the day. 

"Be ready for this okay?..." Ashley was still talking with Maya, "...Mr. Collins and Martha, who was Lucas's agent back then were married!!!" She said with excitement. It was a huge piece of gossip for her. 

"Oh…" Maya had already thought of several possibilities, and this was obviously one of them. Therefore she was not that surprised.

"An 'Oh' Maya…? I'm telling you that both of them were married! But according to my resources, they had got divorced many years back." 

Maya raised her eyebrow, "Ohkay! Thanks for informing me, let's talk later?" They were divorced already, then why was their name popping up together now?

"Yeah sure." Ashely could tell that Maya was preoccupied with something and ended the call. 

Maya looked at Aiden who had now been seated at the driver's seat and asked him, "You always come wherever I am at. Don't you have any work?!" 

"Can't you see? I am already working! I'm working on our relationship!" Aiden said cheekily.