Life in Essence

"I didn't know there was something I could do with it right now." Will thought about the omni flame. "I thought that it would just keep growing as I continue to master the other affinities."

"Was that something I told you?" Ragnos looked at the youth. His eyes peered not only into his own, but through them. "I think not, I believe I said nothing of the omni flame, except that your other has it."

Will thought back to the training he had with Ragnos. It was true, for the most part, he had taught Will how to merge affinities, or to use more than one at a time. If he wasn't being trained on those, he was instead being trained on the mastery of celestial steel. Ragnos hadn't once brought up the omni flame.

"You can stop referring to it as omni flame, or master flame. Think of it more as spirit." Ragnos watched Will's eyes for any recognition.