Dream Of Steel

"If it's going to take so long to master, I guess I've got nothing but time to get it right." Will sighed. "It's not like I have a war with myself to fight."

"That's a good prince." Ragnos patted Will on the shoulder. "I suppose we should get started, if you want to learn how to make your own. We will take over Cainus's training realm, so we don't have to worry about time." Ragnos snapped his fingers, making the throne room disappear, but the crimson sky remained above.

Will looked around at nothing but sand. Ragnos had decided that the desert was an ideal place to train. He would have to agree with the god. The ground would be rich with the minerals they would need. He spread his earth sense over the ground. He concentrated on the iron underneath him and what was below matched the night sky. Many bright specks of the mineral shone from hundreds of feet below.