a step foward

weeks have passed since she came to Joe's crew, and met the odd guy, she couldnt get him out of her head he had recently started dating another girl from another crew the girl that he was giggling and drinking with that night she pretty and well framed woman she wasnt mean but calixte still despises her, "well, hello gorgeous!" calixte looks up briefly. its blue eyes new girlfriend tiffany "hi" calixte grunted the words through her teeth, "so! Joe said I could get a teddy bear for my daughter!!" calixtes eyes cut down the midway Joe standing in the same spot he has been for most of the afternoon he made eye contact and realized what was going on he marched over rubbing his large bald head nervously laughing "yeah! Tiffany which teddy bear would you like?!" calixte looks back down at her phone ignoring the rest of the conversation and fills the hole that Joe had made in order to flirt with the cotton candy girl, her break came and calixte marches up the hill to the machine gun where Jackson was working as she walks up to townies were giggling flirting with him as calixte stood there food in hand waiting for him to notice that she had brought him food he looked at her in frustration stopped flirting and slipped the townies number in his pocket grabs calixte by the arm and drags her to the back of the game, "you're a fuckjng problem!, always fucking spying on me, I've told your fat ass I dont like you i dont owe you shit" when he had finally finished calixte walked to the front of the game and stopped in front of her friend Lonnie "would you like some Chinese?" he stared at her for a moment and said "hell yeah" jumping from the counter grabbed the food and started eating.

calixte began to feel eyes on her she hadn't noticed blue eyes, sitting on a crate the entire time he heard what Jackson said and saw her reaction, when she looked at him she met his eyes holding a ball he shook his head sadly and stared at the ground never making eye contact with her again, Lonnie looked over "Skye what's your problem man?!" Skye calixte thought for a moment blue eyes mysterious his name was Skye, his voice picked up "nothing, man just bored bruh."

his voice made calixtes heart melt how can such a perfect man be living, she caught herself staring and yanked back into consciousness with Lonnie smiling ear to ear fork almost to his lips calixte felt her face burning as she grabbed her tea off the counter and rushed back to her game,

a few days had passed and calixte was getting numb towards Jackson slowly she started to despise him, and more she thought only about Skye his brilliant smile and warm voice she would catch herself looking for him but today she was shoving clothes into a duffle bag to go and wash her stuff as tiffany pulled up "oh do u have a ride to the laundromat?!"

calixte looks at tiffany and throws her bag over her shoulder and started to walk down the road a moment later a car pulls up beside her its tiffany almost demanding for her fo get in the car, calixte gives in it was 100°f out and definitely didnt really want to walk but wanted clean clothes so one or the other a sacrifice had to be made.

tiffany had on leg under her bottom and the other on the gas her ringer goes off and calixte could hear Skye's voice on the other end but he seemed upset " I thought we were going to dinner together!" calixte stared straight ahead pretending not to hear the call or paying attention but she was, Tiffany raises her voice and snaps "WHY DO U ALWAYS HAVE TO BE UP MY ASS YOU'RE SO DAMN NEEDY!!" tiffany hangs up her phone and slings it across the dash turning up her favorite song singing it loudly her phone vibrated in the corner of the windshield.

calixte sat there staring at the phone, wishing she could answer and accept the dinner offer, here she was day in day out with a guy who would slap her and call her names and tiffany had the greatest guy ever and her heart broke for him she wanted to hold him and promise to never get tired of him tiffany turned down the music and started to complain,

had she heard calixtes thoughts she looked at her and said "I wish some bitch would take this mf! hes so needy!!" her complaints didnt end until she had finally finished laundry and was headed back tiffany apologized for her talking calixte shrugged and told her it was fine as she dragged her bag from tiffany's car and started day dreaming she wanted to March over to Skye's room and tell him exactly how she felt, but knew it wouldn't end well for her her eyes gained moisture and began wishing she was a beautiful as tiffany so Skye would give her a chance but she just didnt see that happening.