Chapter 2: The Banks

After Robert Collins has done eating breakfast, he went to the bank to see if he can have a loan again since he almost finishes paying his previous loan.

While waiting in a chair Robert seated quietly when his father-in-law suddenly walks out of the manager's office he saw Robert Collins wearing ordinary clothes with a stressful look on his face.

"Huh are you here to get a loan again you hardly earn money for that little business that you can't even handle properly because of your incompetence my daughter suffer so much hardship in life, tsk tsk very despicable person"

His father-in-law mouthed loudly that even other people in the bank heard every single belittle words he said to Robert Collins.

People sneered and looked with embarrassment to him when they heard those words.

Ginalyn Collins is from a wealthy family that owned various businesses in their City and has a large connection in the business community and governments in this City and several connections in Stanford City.

Clinton's family is the owner of the land where the Foster Commercial Place established and some 5 stars hotels, high-end resort, and hot spring villas.

Her father Arnold Clinton always looked at her husband lowly and incompetence one without any respect as well.

He never recognizes Robert Collins as a son-in-law ever since he was married to his daughter.

"How are you father-in-law?"

Robert Collins stand up and vow a little while greeting respectfully to his father-in-law,

He is always polite and has big respect for Clinton's family even though he didn't experience proper treatment from them.

Arnold Clinton shook his head didn't even bother to answer nor look at him.

With despicable reaction, he walks straight to the door while securities respectfully making way to him.

Then Robert Collins heard his name being called by the manager of the bank.

"I've been yelling his name twice this stupid boy react slowly" the manager whispered,

Jor-dains Investment Bank is the second-largest bank in their city where small business owners were being treated harshly like Robert Collins always experienced whenever doing transactions.

Inside the manager's office, Robert Collins sat quietly while the manager staring at his records and notice that most of the time Robert Collins has always delayed payments and it is very noticeable from the record.

"You know what Robert currently our bank is enhancing in a very strict policy in terms of loans."

Hearing that Robert has begun to sweat.

"Even if you're not a big client but with this record with a small amount of loan and you still failing to maintain your dues, I'm afraid we can't lend you the money your asking for this time since we don't even have an assurance that you can pay back our money properly."

The bank manager said while shaking his head deride-fully looking at Robert Collins.

"But manager it was the promise made by the previous bank manager that was recently promoted as general manager."

Robert Collins immediately replied with weariness in his eyes.

"Are you questioning my capability to judge your current billing statement?"

"If your business is doing well then why do you keep failing to pay your depth in time?

"So don't even bother asking for more money if you are irresponsible to return it in time and get out in my office."

Manager Mike Wilson angrily shouted.

Everyone heard the bank manager shouted inside his office while seeing Robert Collins going out they looked at him with embarrassment

Some are whispering to each other with a despising look on their faces toward Robert Collins.

Robert Collins walks out of the bank and proceeds to other banks that he has loan but the result is the same.

He went to a bank that he doesn't have a loan but they are asking for a requirement that he cant produce within a week's time.

Other banks are asking for collaterals but he doesn't have any property at all.

Then a man approached him.

"Hey, man you looking for something?"

"Robert - Oh I thought that build is a bank but its not."

"Oh it is a bank, do you want me to show you around?" Man said.

So they went inside, there are rooms that no employees working computer that's not functioning.

Then they went into the room a big black man seating and smoking heavily makes the smell of the room awful.

"Welcome my friend, are you going to invest or you need money?" Said by the black guy.

While seating down Robert softly said. He "I need a loan". sense something odd from the way the black man speak.

"Yes! I can lend you but looked at my chart for interest over there. If you can pay that interest then we have a deal but if you can't, you'll have a big problem."

Robert slowly walks and looks at the chart but his eyes widen when he saw that it was 5x higher than the bank.

So he rashly went out of the room and run out of the building.

He walk tirelessly to almost all the bank but nothing happened, he still doesn't have money to solved his problem by the end of the week.

Now he felt so tired with a very painful feeling that he was so small in front of all those people he talk to. helpless and hopeless little garbage.